General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do russians avoid communicating in english?

Why do russians avoid communicating in english? in General Discussion

    @Flyin' High me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!!?


      Also it is not about nationality it is about the person himself

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        @Lousdigirf the OP.

        For me it's more about social class and upbringing.
        I may not be the smartest person on Earth (not even close, in fact), but vast majority of people are dumb. They can't draw personal conclusions, don't have any reasoning skills and follow blind emotions/primal instincts. It applies to any country, hence how societies and countries exist. Masses obeying the smart leaders in exchange for assumed security.

        Were I to elaborate on that any further, I'd be derailing the thread, which I don't think I should do, so I stop here.

        OP fits that sheep role model very well, for he's incapable of constructing a logically coherent chain of thoughts.
        Only cries and assumed injustice, whereas the problem lies in his own mental capabilities.

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        Story Time

          I could spam Serbian every time in every chat all over the internet but guess what people don't understand this fucking language and there's no reason to learn it.

          But serbians know that they are small country and small number of people talk their language, but russians think that there a huge area of the world which speaks russian, also because the country is big and isolated, you hardly meet foreigners in real life or travel abroad yourself. Therefore a small metal horizon with respect to languages. I bet the same thing is with other big and isolated countries who have empire complex from the past

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            @Story Time

            Sounds incredibly ironic, when you consider that it's the English-speaking person, who expects others to always understand him most of the time. Talking about empire complex, duh. Like, I wouldn't mind English-speaking players on Russian server, I wouldn't care about them.
            The reverse case is however frequently met with angry autistic screeching.

            Russia is big for sure, as a side-effect we have lots of languages here. Various North Caucasus dialects, Finno-Ugric dialects, Ukrainian, Belarusian, various small nation languages.

            If you really think that Russia is somehow isolated/we don't know what foreigners are/we all speak just one language within the country, when you're like a Russian, who thinks that every American has a rifle, speaks with a redneck accent and has emperial ambitions.

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            Story Time

              ^dude, i am russian myself, у народа в голове полная изоляция, и каждый идиот думает, что на английском только американцы пиздят. Есть исключения, но мы же про большинство говорим.
              "Вarious small nation languages" - русским пофиг на другие языки, даже в татарстане откуда я родом. Лишний язык местный русским (большинству) в школе учить было невыносимо. 50% населения не была за границей ни разу, но я не об этом, я о том, что в россии всем только кажется что страна большая - на самом деле это 1.5% мирового населения, так что, конечно, глупость ожидать, что у кого-то зародится идея, что есть иностранцы, которым русский недоступен. Да и более того, ты где кроме москвы/питера иностранцев видел?


                english is an international language at this point
                its not rlly an empire complex is all
                cuz it actually does hold that status
                russian doesnt
                that is all

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  Есть исключения, но мы же про большинство говорим.
                  "Вarious small nation languages" - русским пофиг на другие языки, даже в татарстане откуда я родом. Лишний язык местный русским (большинству) в школе учить было невыносимо. 50% населения не была за границей ни разу, но я не об этом, я о том, что в россии всем только кажется что страна большая - на самом деле это 1.5% мирового населения, так что, конечно, глупость ожидать, что у кого-то зародится идея, что есть иностранцы, которым русский недоступен. Да и более того, ты где кроме москвы/питера иностранцев видел?

                  мега рофл с людей, которые в это^ верят

                  зачем я начал поиск

                    Не буду тебя уж откровенно пытаться переубедить - нету толка, да и выйдет срач уровня /b/.

                    Я рассуждаю с позиции человека пожившего и в России, и в Европе. Так вот, мы даже близко не так заизолированы, как ты изобразил в сопоставлений даже с теми же европейскими странами.

                    В той же Великобритании, где я очень много был, обычные люди мало куда летают/ездят, в основном приезжают к ним и отнюдь не первосортные законопослушные граждане/будущие продуктивные члены общества, а воры и идиоты, которые пользуются вежливостью и излишним левачеством тамошних властей. Это не те иностранцы, которых ты бы хотел видеть.

                    Большинство малых городов там такие же, как и у нас - там в основном обычные люди, которые там давно живут, мало понаехавших и прочее. Это обычный атрибут провинции, а не какая-то прерогатива России.
                    Да даже сравнить крупный Ньюкасл на тайне и Лондон - в первом уже будет ощущаться та же "изоляция", просто потому, что люди всегда стремятся к столицам.

                    В ЛЮБОЙ стране знает много языков/путешествует в подавляющем большинстве зажиточный/интеллигентный класс.
                    Точно так же у них есть кретины, которые думают, что все обязаны знать английский апрори (ОП в треде - почти наглядный пример).

                    Russian is not a language for one country either. It technically is the international language of the CIS region.
                    Just like Spanish is the international way for spaniards to communicate.

                    Many those you perceive as Russians in Dota may actually be from Ukraine/Kazakhstan/Latvia/Belarus/etc., it's just that they use the Russian language.

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      gle ti njih kako seru na ruskom ahahhahahaahahaha naopako

                      зачем я начал поиск

                        I do understand you though.

                        Story Time

                          го срач ) докажем основополагающие предположения треда
                          ЗЫ я теперь не в россии живу - и как то тут все нормально языки знают и путешествуют, даже в провинции. Необразованное меньшинство есть - но оно не такое громкое.
                          ЗЗЫ Ты из какой части кстати? А то складывается предположение, что москва


                            Personnally I'm french and when I see other people speaking french in my games I just ask them to speak english because it's rude to the other players that don't speak french (if the 4 other in my team are french I just tell them I don't understand their stupid language). I don't see why the russian shouldn't do the same.

                            If you play in EU server you have to speak english (broken english is OK as long as you try your best) and if you play the russian one you speak russian. Also I only Q in EU West.

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              Я не хочу превращать в чатик тред, который был не для этого сделан.
                              Я жил в Твери, в Москве, в Лондоне (сложно сказать, где дольше) и в Бирмингеме (там буквально 7 месяцев).
                              Мне этого более чем достаточно, чтобы иметь личное мнение.
                              Это всё, что я тебе скажу.

                              @giren Just speak French. Were I you, I would feel free to speak French, if my team was majority-French, for that would be the most comfortable thing for most of the players in your team. Makes sense to me.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                you actually turned it into a chaotic tread

                                Story Time

                                  ^as anything that russian-dota community touches it becomes chaos :D

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    I was typing replies and then 2-3 comments would pop up before I even hit the button to post, and he thinks I lack reading comprehension due to that.

                                    Most people on this forum speak English, so even spamming russian/serbian/whatever is kind of stupid in a way, even if it is permitted by the site's rules.

                                    Just because you can do that without getting punished, doesn't mean you should.

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      and to "prove" that u had to throw a fit here and in another unrelated thread
                                      u ok?

                                      Story Time

                                        ^didnt you understand that it was to prove a point? or rather give an example?

                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                          It's up for me to decide when I should.

                                          When it feels easier to transmit a thought to a person using language X, I use language X.
                                          That's it.

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                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            @magique: Yes, actually. That's an example of what not to do. I could likewise slap someone to show that violence doesn't solve anything. It is kind of a stupid approach, but effective.

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                            Story Time

                                              we need more trash comments here! :D

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                where's hanter when you need him

                                                Story Time

                                                  yes, what the hell! bring us diox hUnter and this another guy that changes his name everyday. Also benao has some crap to invest

                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                    That's an incorrect example, for I would only use Russian, when I know there's at least one to understand what I've written/spoken.
                                                    Everything yields a purpose, not done for the sake of doing so. That's what you've missed.

                                                    When you use Russian to communicate with 3 other Russians in your team, you use it, because it is easier and well-understood by the vast majority of the team (4 * 100 / 5 = 80%), not because "DUH, I AM GONNA SPEAK RUSSIAN FOR NO REASON".

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    Story Time

                                                      ^pls dont take my trolling seriously :D i thought u understand it but seems like you are taking it at face value.


                                                        Good god FH, your ego seems to be a mountain to climb. I don't think that anything in the world could make you change your mind because you are not open minded at all and I would just fall down to your level and bring some random ad hominems about a person I know nothing about if I replied to what you wrote about me.
                                                        TBH I am not even sure if your point is "fuck the system" or "you are either russian or american" because I can read out both out of your comments.

                                                        What you don't seem to grasp is that those "english speaking" guys are mostly not english speaking people but want to keep the communication uphold and not lower your performance because of communication issues. I had 3 native speaking guys once and I asked them to either find a discord channel or speak english/use the chat wheel.
                                                        I don't even care, I will mute them myself if I have to.

                                                        The thing is even in your example 80% of the people could speak russian but the one not speaking it will 100% likely not understand a single word and thus the team will lower the performance.
                                                        There is a pretty good chance all of those russian speaking guys do understand and speak english tho which will still keep the communication active.

                                                        exactly my point.

                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          @magique: Yes, actually. That's an example of what not to do. I could likewise slap someone to show that violence doesn't solve anything. It is kind of a stupid approach, but effective.

                                                          alas ur wisdom was lost on me

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            There is a problem.
                                                            I slap the person.
                                                            There is still a problem.
                                                            Violence does not solve problems.

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              i had a position on a subject
                                                              u threw a fit
                                                              i retain the same position on a subject))

                                                              Story Time

                                                                funny example to the discussion. Here is a review on the new patch notes by one of russian-streamers and he uses google-translate to read and comment on the changes. Of course this is a stupid mess, he does not understand the inncorrectly translated text and yet, why cant he just translate the original notes from english and be a provider to his russian audience? Because he is typical russian doter player, even dispite of having about 100k subscribers he is bad with english and ignorant about non-russian speakers in his games, and the russian dota community is just like this, crappy and ignorant

                                                                I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                  cuz most of them are uneducated animals

                                                                  зачем я начал поиск


                                                                    The thing is even in your example 80% of the people could speak russian but the one not speaking it will 100% likely not understand a single word and thus the team will lower the performance.

                                                                    Not to a degree to which it would lower, if you were to force yourself to communicate in an uncomfortable language. Better to have a good communication among 4 people, than to have a poor communication among 5 people.
                                                                    I wouldn't forgo efficiency for the sake of being "nice".
                                                                    Majority dictates the priority.

                                                                    These 3 other Russians may be very bad English-speakers. Do they have to force themselves to speak to that one English-speaking guy in his language because he has some sort of special privilege or what? If I get matched with 4 Euros I do speak only English, but why would the same not work in reverse? I am not being hypocritical here. If I am the minority in a group, I do respect the majority in the group. I expect the same from other people.

                                                                    I don't even care, I will mute them myself if I have to.

                                                                    Then do just that. What's your problem, if you're O.K. with it? You act like an overly-emotional girl.
                                                                    These are just random people, of course you mute them, if you feel you don't like them.

                                                                    I don't even care

                                                                    Why bother creating this thread at all then?

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                                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                                      Also, this.
                                                                      Reposting 3rd time or so, because, apparently, this is very hard to read and understand.

                                                                      I am afraid, Valve would need to introduce penalties to make me have any incentive to do that, assuming I am an average person.
                                                                      Electricity takes the path of least resistance.
                                                                      Humans choose the easiest ways to achieve their goals.
                                                                      Goal = to find a game.
                                                                      Ways = queuing up on different servers
                                                                      The easiest way = queueing up on 3 different servers @ once, selecting the most common language.
                                                                      I get no penalty for doing so, so I can have the less profitable way of 1 server/real language forgone.
                                                                      Valve made a flawed system of rules, yet you whine about a particular social group.
                                                                      Not about Valve being retarded and lazy.

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