General Discussion

General DiscussionMask of madness tiny?

Mask of madness tiny? in General Discussion

    I'm sure its legit right, its more cosistent dps than echo, but echo provides mana regen and some stats and a tiny bit more burst. Although there is a 14 mana regen talent on tiny

    3striker (brb eat yogurt ...

      mom will negate all the armor from his passive tho, and he has 0,9 agi gain and 0 base armor :/


        hero with no armor + mask of madness

        what could go wrong


        Potato Marshal

          More attack speed is too good to pass up for mana regen, especially since mana isn't too much of an issue at level 20 onwards, if you're really that much in need of mana, I'd rather get the level 10 int talent than the mana regen one at 20.


            madness is trash on tiny, just go AC butterfly etc

            and please DONT MAKE MANABOOTS THEN GO CARRY

            Story Time

              most damage of tiny early game is magic damage and he needs that mana regen from sabre, and MoM is also early game item, in a late game when he starts to right-click enemies he should already buy a better rightclick item than MoM. So mom is just a mismatch betwen styles and phases of game on this hero


                Lets ask tiny himself, see what he says.

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                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Tried it twice and felt... uncomfortable. It didn't come to use often.
                  Because Tiny has two skills to clear wave or jungle, MoM isn't that desirable.

                  What trouble me is, these should already be figured out by a high 5k.


                    add armlet to that kappa


                      I'm fairly sure 14 Mana Regen is godlike on tiny


                        the regen talent is like part of a free bloodstone. Here, you have infinite mana now. get octarine so you can spam your combo, fuck rightclick

                        the fool

                          You just wasted 1.9k gold. Just buy dagger early game and win the game.

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            Nahhh, 14 mana regen is pretty useless for a lvl20 Tiny with only 240 mana cost of those two skills, unless you're playing some dagon eblade Tiny.
                            With the int talent and echo sabre he won't have mana issues.


                              The issue I find is at late game one blink in stun and toss combo is not going to net you the kill. What do you do for the next 8 seconds with Tiny during cool down?
                              This is where MoM MIGHT be good here.
                              I'm saying might as I have tried this build and it didn't really work out for me so far. But someone else might get it to work.



                                idk it might be decent in some really lategame scenarios where u buy mom to finish megacreeps or baserace

                                too bad that tiny core himself is most probably hot garbage


                                  Well he was unpicked in TI7 wasn't he?



                                    and buffed in an interesing way right after.
                                    attack range with aghs is higher than toss cast range!

                                    hes always been situationally rekking. you wanna be vs quishy teams tho because you can instantly pop one hero and then smack down buildings or creepswaves.
                                    tanks, slows, and raindrops are you worst foes


                                      mom tiny will be rekt by many heroes especially the ranged carries on fight, if its not tiny that initiated or got the upper hand.

                                      tiny pick is good only when there is io, or when opponent has many soft supports like rubick/cm/treant/disruptor that can be killed in one combo + hits.

                                      if your team has omni and decent sustaining line up, why not. tower will be rekt within secs


                                        Its only useful when u have only 20secs left to destroy the enemy ancient.

                                        Player 404335202

                                          @get me out
                                          XD nice


                                            @window of soul
                                            lvl 25 tiny with silver edge, bkb, echo, ac, blink, and treads has less than 1000 mana
                                            with 14 mana regen he literally never has to fill up again
                                            his mana is a huge issue, by lategame his total mana is fine considering he only has 2 spells, but he has so little regen.
                                            with this build ur echo only gives 5.6 mana regen, which isnt even that much
                                            the combo used like 5 times makes u run out of mana
                                            if u want more proof just look at dotabuff talent winrates.

                                            basement :)

                                              The bigger problem is Tiny is just bad in general.


                                                Maybe the fact that IO has always been a popular first phase ban no matter the meta, team or tournament OR the fact that the last team to consistently pick the IO + Tiny combo was Complexity might have something to do with it?


                                                  this hero is lit as a roamer also great hero for shitting on lower mmr players


                                                    Tiny always needs to be in combo to make him work. Like io for Core or Cent for roam.

                                                    basement :)

                                                      MoM on Tiny with IO makes sense because IO will reduce the damage he takes.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I would only get it to afk farm jungle. Would not want to activate in fights. Even then echo might be better cus the regen you can use toss on waves. Should try in a bot match to see which is faster.

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