General Discussion

General DiscussionJUGGER MANTA OR S&Y

JUGGER MANTA OR S&Y in General Discussion
one-man bukkake

    Is manta always superior tan s&y on jugg? i build s&y in games wne there is a certain combo of disables so i have hp to survive, pull out ult and/or ward. Being a Sub3k scrub, im not really sure if that assumption is correct.



      nowadays it is

      meteor hammer

        traditionally if u go sny theyll orchid u and ull die before you recover, the dispel from manta makes u more survivable than sny

        however sny is in a REALLY good state rn, you could probably get away with sny and then a bkb later in a lot of games, especially because manta doesnt do shit against shaker/necro/veno anyway

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Tbh the "orchid and you die" thing can be said about almost every single hero in this game, Jugg is no different. S&Y is totally fine to get. You can deal with silence in different ways.

          meteor hammer

            jugs a carry who spends a lot of time frontline/siege though, buys diffusal early often which gives 0 hp and has lowish hp pool and only decent armor. he's definitely subject to a lot more burst than something like a sven

            plus while this affects a lot of carries, a lot of them also buy manta for that exact reason. carries with similar issue of getting bursted mid game (luna tb weaver) buy manta or similar defensive items as well

            meteor hammer

              not saying manta is mandatory, theres a ton of ways to deal with silence and its not like theres a ton of strong heroes that are natural orchid carriers, u can prolly easily go a sny diffusal blink (or something, not aj ug player anymore) and smash fights


                Manta is rlly good for farming and splitting
                I don't like going sny, usually manta feels better
                But it's definitely not game losing shit to go sny

                meteor hammer

                  sny is amazing honestly, im glad its finally not garbage

                  feels like the 200g price reduction was a lot more useful than increased maim chance


                    Sny feels good but a lot of the time it's hard to rlly see it's benefits
                    It's not a flashy item where u can rlly tell what the item did if that makes sense


                      Jugg was my fav hero in dota1. They killed the hero with the slash and movespeed nerf. You didn't need items to own with jugg.

                      The game now also has a lot of ways to counter jugg's early kill potential (wind lace, more gold early game for low hp supps, shrines).

                      Back on point, Manta is more defensive and sets you for late game (while being useful midgame), while SNY is a mid-game build (which scales ok into late game also). Going one over the other won't cost you the game in most cases (exception is if you're getting silenced and need to split).

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Weaver doesn't buy manta though, linken's instead, which is fine on Jugg too if you need it. Luna and TB buy Manta because they have direct synergy with illusions.


                          Weaver manta is ok against silencer

                          meteor hammer

                            tb would buy a dispel item even if manta didnt have insane synergy with him

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              3900 gold OoV?


                                3900 gold echo sabre?

                                meteor hammer


                                  this game make me so sad. lose with 11 min sny rip. shouldve bought something else i guess but ck rapes me no matter wat


                                    this topic really got me thinking

                                    one-man bukkake

                                      Thanks for the answers.


                                        SNY is better in a vacuum but you almost always need dispel. Orchid rapes jugg much harder than other heroes because bkb jugg is awful and you are a quite squishy melee carry who plays very aggro and relies on spin/slash to get you out of sticky situations. Also jugg is probably one of the best manta carriers in the game so building manta isn't as bad as it might be on other heroes because you are melee/build stats/have low BAT and crit for illusions.

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          dayum 6k knowledge bombs


                                            I go bkb on jugg sometimes
                                            But only rarely
                                            Sometimes it feels needed against teams with long chain disables.
                                            U don't wanna spin retreat but rather bkb and fight.


                                              since 6.83 ended, people nonstop say that sny is super garbage but i really like the item and im not sure why i gave into the hate and stopped buying the item as well

                                              주 롄양

                                                idk what happened in jdf game lul


                                                  Haven't read this thread for shit but manta also farms faster

                                                  Soggy Bottom Boy

                                                    Jugg is one of my highest winrate heroes, I always go manta as my first "bigger" item and have never regret it so far. You can split push with it and solo t1 and t2 towers.


                                                      manta > sny

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