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General Discussionwindows services are all stopped and is "frozen" by deep freeze at th...

windows services are all stopped and is "frozen" by deep freeze at the same time in General Discussion

    Ok, this is a really weird way how my computer turned out to the way it is now. Hear me out.

    My computer has deep freeze installed. both disks on my computer have it. Just earlier I set it to "thaw" in just 1 restart so I could run Mbam in safemode. Since the f8 option to get into safe mode doesnt work on this computer, i opted for msconfig. Its been a while since I got into safemode this way so I just basicallybreezed through the options, and what I did was I ticked "diagnostic startup", which only loads basic services instead of going to "boot" and choosing "safe boot".

    Since the first restart I realized I didnt get into safemode, I scanned thrpugh msconfig and corrected my process. But at this point the computer is thawed, and at the same time the deep freeze service is also disabled so I could not open the options to disable deepfreeze.

    So i restarted again in safe mode, but it seems the computer is now stuck in "freeze", and at the same time all the windows services are stuck to "stop". I could not open up deep freeze options, and even if i enable the services in msconfig I still get disabled services in my next reboots because the computer is now frozen in that state..

    So, how do I get myself in this situation out?

    Ce sujet a été édité

      Nvm, got it thawed thanks to a faronics tech support agent. Got the faronics service started manually and thawed it then to make the necessary changes


        None of what you wrote made any sense to me. Looks like some high level shit I'm not familiar with, like freezing and thawing lol.

        Since we're on the topic, was wondering if I can get some help with my laptop. It crashed yesterday in-game, and ever since, keeps crashing when I try to start. Sometimes after a few minutes, sometimes within a few seconds. I'm sure it's not a heating problem since one of the times I started it, I ran an energy manager that has a fan cleaner option that speeds up the CPU fans at intervals and cools down the bottom part which gets hot to lower than normal temperature.

        I also didn't install any new softwares or visit any unsafe websites. I unplugged the power cord to the extension cord which I use because the power supply is far from where I sit. There's nothing else connected to the extension cord so there's no additional load. I even removed the power cord and held down the laptop's power button to remove any excess discharge. Tried again today after waiting overnight and still not working. In fact, if anything, it's switching off sooner than before, even before it logs in and comes to the desktop.

        Any suggestions?


          @ Anomalina? Did you update Windows or your graphics drivers recently? I had a similar issue a while back and the problem was that I updated windows and then didn't update my graphics drivers. They had some sort of compatibility issue as a result which caused me to crash.
          If you've updated windows check that your other drivers are all up to date as well. If you only updated a graphics driver, then try reverting the upgrade.


            Wait is it the game that crashes or the entire laptop?


              Apply water to your processor.


                @TheMaverick427 it's not just the game, it's the whole laptop that's crashing. Like I said, I can't even start it up now and open any application before it just shuts off.

                Also, I haven't installed or updated anything. I'm running Windows 10 in which you only get the option to delay the updates by a few days, but not completely stop. And the updates come in large numbers, take a long time to download and interrupt work that requires a dedicated connection which is 2Mbps. That's why, I've manually disabled then entirely through the registry, which is the same entry you'll find in Windows 7, only it doesn't have it's dedicated option in Settings for regular users.

                I haven't updated the graphics driver either. I have an Nvidia Geforce 840M which was decent at the time of release but not so good anymore. I even recently (read = past year or so) noticed a serious drop in performance and fps despite not making any major changes, installs or updates. I thought it was coz I had Windows 10 instead of Windows 8 which the laptop I was originally shipped with and graphics driver was not compatible, but that's not the case. I tried several versions from 330.x to 380.x but found best results with older versions. In fact, now, no matter if I turn up the settings to best performance or best visuals, I always get between 8-15 fps. I can't even run Dota and browse stuff on Google Chrome without either being massively laggy. And the strange thing is, nothing in the task manager is maxed out, not the RAM, hard disk usage or CPU usage.

                I'm not sure, if this problem now, is related with that. I do think the lifetime of some of the parts of the laptop is coming towards the end, but the hard disk was recently replaced, so I must assume it's the GPU or motherboard as a whole. What do you think?


                  That's a tough one. If its the entire laptop that's crashing its probably not a driver compatibility issue. It could be that the hardware is just getting old as you say. What are you doing when it crashes? Is it only in Dota or while doing other things as well?

                  The slowdown could be a number of things. You might have accidentally switched the laptop to low performance or power saver mode. Or it could just be software that you've installed or that has installed itself over time that's running in the background.

                  Also how old is this laptop?


                    can you access safe mode?


                      Nah, no software installed and it's not in any different power mode. I'm usually pretty vigilant of that and know what is installed and running at all times.

                      I was only running Dota at the time and was in campaign. After that, I haven't even gotten to the point of being able to open Steam.

                      The laptop itself is 3 years old since I remember I got it in the summer of 2014. It's actually not that long and considering there was a time when I had to replace the entire motherboard twice in the span of a couple of weeks, back when it was still in warranty, plus recently replace the hard disk a couple of times and the upper and lower panels, I've had to do a lot of repairs and the laptop itself isn't that old.

                      I think it has to do something with the power supply, power cord or power socket itself. Even the circuit called the Battery Charging Circuit had stopped working which is why I have to keep it plugged in at all times despite a fully working battery to make it work. I'm taking this to the computer guy today and see what he says.

                      Thanks for the help though, dude! :)

                      @Dog The safe mode is accessed by the 'System Recovery' option during boot and actually has to partially boot into Windows for me to select that option, and it doesn't even stay on long enough for that to happen. :(

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                        If its crashing out of the game then its probably not driver related. Sounds like faulty hardware. What make is your laptop? With the problems you've had sounds like they didn't put it together very well.

                        It could also be a corrupted windows system file. If the computer guy can't find a fault you could try reinstalling windows.


                          It's Lenovo Z50-70. Either that or I haven't handled or taken care of my laptop well.

                          And yeah, that's usually what I do when I can't fix the problem or can't find the source, though reinstalling will mean I'll have to download Dota again on my 2Mbps connection.


                            I don't know anyone who has a Lenovo laptop actually. As far as I know it doesn't have a bad name but it doesn't stand out as a brand either.

                            Yeah downloading at that speed is a pain. I have a similar line speed and I generally leave things downloading overnight when I need to get something big.

                            Hope your laptop gets sorted out.


                              is this a tech support thread? i have a problem too

                              my computer likes to freeze all of sudden. not bsod, not black screen. just stops reacting completely, sometimes i get that kind of a looping sound if im hearing something at the moment so the sounds gets "stuck too", num lock caps etc stops reacting and i can only hard restart

                              how do i figure out what is wrong? i tried to check windows log but it doesnt show anything around the time of freezes


                                ^Are you running Windows 2000 or XP?


                                  'plus recently replace the hard disk a couple of times and the upper and lower panels'

                                  Dude that really sucks, hope you get it fixed. Although I'm on a desktop now, my 2012 Asus laptop still works fine minus the time I had to replace the corrupted hard disks (into an SSD, really does wonders) and battery to fix all on board issues. That was about 3 years ago and it still works like a charm today although the specs are a bit too outdated for modern day gaming.


                                    @Arin what are you doing when it freezes? If it happens during games only the first thing I recommend is updating your graphics drivers because that can cause freezes like that.


                                      @Arin what are you doing when it freezes? If it happens during games only the first thing I recommend is updating your graphics drivers because that can cause freezes like that.

                                      i update my graphics drivers regularly
                                      yea it just crashes during games

                                      overheating shouldnt be the reason either, theres no way my pc can overheat just during dota, not even gpu fans are on. just to be sure i opened the pc case but it still didnt do anything

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