General Discussion

General DiscussionSiltbreaker stuff

Siltbreaker stuff in General Discussion

    1. Strong heroes? I think Dragon Knight, Leshrac and Omniknight are pretty good.
    2. Any general tips? Played part 1 a lot of times and seems the general rules like dodging projectiles/nukes, having waveclear with mjollnirs or heroes like Zeus applies for part 2 as well, and help you get through faster.
    3. Anyone know how to access the spot and get to the note marked in the image below?

    4. Also, doesn't part 2 seem way easier than part 1? Even the final boss, I'd say Rhyzik>Siltbreaker.

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      part 2 is easier imo

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        1) I think Drow is still really good, so is Troll. Not quite sure about other heroes yet.
        2) Nothing really.
        3) There are 3 Alpine Growlers. The one on northeast side, northwest and soutwest. After you kill the northeast one, go behind it and cut the trees. You will see a frozen river. Keep walking and you will find the note and 2 chests.
        4) For the most part yeah, but I think Siltbreaker is much much harder than Rhyzik. Also Act 2 is much shorter. Act 1 went like this generally: a zone -> a boss at the end of it while act 2 is like a zone -> there is a boss again but it's a different zone so 10 zones feel like much less this time, even though Act 2 actually has 11 zones including Siltbreaker.


          What aboud builds? Im looking for optimal troll, lesh and dk build.


            Also, Drow and Troll were pretty strong in Act 1 but not all heroes strong in Act 1 are equally good in Act 2. Movement speed is key in both the parts though. They have more slows than stuns, and that makes Weaver good on paper. Seen it in action and looks strong for crowd control and tracking high mobility bosses like the Wyvern.


              What aboud builds? Im looking for optimal troll, lesh and dk build.

              Just one hero with mjollnir is fine. Primary magic damage heroes like Lesh and Zeus will feel maxed out with octarine, aghs and refresher, so the only major item I usually recommend is Shivas. For all the other heroes, sustain is all you gotta worry about. This campaign is all about outsustaining the enemy's damage, not building evasion or shit like that. So satanic + BKB usually means you're good to go against Siltbreaker and artifacts like Carapace of Qaldin obviously make it way easier.


                Treant is awfully strong, after doing several runs with treant I can't imagine doing silt act 2 run without it.

                For starter, his leech seed doesn't require mana, so he's strong from the start without needing constant clarity purchase. (Just wait for cooldown, heck you can even heal by hitting boxes).
                He can "globally" heal allies with his living armor (just cast it on your friend's portrait).
                Great mek-arcane-greaves carrier; super durable, can take a few hits (means you're often in the middle of actions, unlike other int supports that needs to keep their distance). A tank and healer in 1 package.

                And lastly his root is super useful. It pierces spell immunity, so you can interrupt most of channeling spells (like storegga avalanches, the robot's plasma fields, even siltbreaker's laser and minions summoning).
                His ulti is icing on the cake. Sometimes you're the last man standing so you activate your ulti and start channeling ressurection with 7.5k HP.

                All in all a great tank and healer, try it and you'll not disappointed.


                  I played ta and got dumpstered by siltbreaker's minions.


                    I'll give treant a shot. Sounds good from how you describe it. Even in Act 1, I thought Tidehunter was garbage until I played him and realised his ult goes through all magic immunity most bosses have and interrupts channeling. Can be super useful.

                    Also, the secret to getting the 18 second penguin ride achievement in style:

                    Giska [ Ready SWallet, DM...

                      guys if vs with last boss need good artifac or good damage ?

                      i have good team,, but still lose

                      15x lose with siltbreaker make me boring..
                      but.. still needed win this ACT II


                        the boss was reworked a day ago, the gush phase barely ever comes now, and overall the final boss became much easier


                          Too bad my laptop stopped working yesterday. FeelsBadMan.


                            i would nominate gyro as a very good hero. especially against like the ameoba. he's really good at just clearing boss minions so you can just focus on the boss.


                              Gyro indeed is very good. He has good single target burst magic damage in rocket barrage and I don't think there's anything stronger than flak cannon for taking out hordes of enemies, like the zombies in the tomb. As for the ameoba boss, it's probably the easiest in the entire campaign. All you have to do is stand as 4 as close as possible to the ameoba. At melee range, even if you're a ranged hero. It does nothing else and doesn't even spawn the two green smaller ameoba. You kill it in under two minutes and get an easy 3 star.


                                I've read one or two guides so far and found:

                                Zeus: Veil, Octarine, Ahgs, Refresher + artifact (the Bogduggs Lucky Femur / Ice Dragon Maw / Lifestone) equates to ridiculous damage and unlimited mana-pool. So the true glass cannon.

                                Sven: Vlads, HoT, Satanic + optional (Bloodthorn for Silt's healers but can use stun instead). Combine Sven with an Omni and I was able to go easily from before the tomb to slarks including the bosses with only two people (SF and Jaka abandoned).

                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                  I agree with the Zeus build, he's especially useful against the ethereal zombies in the tomb and can 1 shot them with bolt. I might be wrong but I think they're the ones who spawn the tombstone so killing them early makes it pretty easy.

                                  As for Sven, I think the build should be way different. It's always preferable to have vlads on a different hero than your hitting cores. Mask of Madness is better by a mile. Even with a Troll+Sven lineup, I go vlads on the support/sustain hero like Omni or Treant and other items like Solar Crest. Heart of Tarrasque is also severely nerfed in the campaign, plus MKB + Daedalus is core on most hitters due to Siltbreaker's evasion. Couple that with Satanic and a few artifacts, you won't even need to, or have the slots for Heart.


                                    Guys, am I missing something? I got an aghs on zeus because I've read many advocating for it and it didn't seem to do anything. It certainly didn't give me a nimbus like I figured it would since it didn't have any alternative function text added. Does it somehow buff his quad nimbus silt ult damage output?

                                    주 롄양

                                      Without zone 2 siltbreaker act 2 would be done so fast


                                        Too bad they've disabled the aghanim upgrade on zeus a few days ago. This is because a couple of case where people just nimbus-kill a couple bosses from a far with it. So now you "can't" buy agh on zeus anymore because it doesn't do anything except giving raw stats.
                                        Nonetheless the hero itself is still great, just don't buy agh on him.


                                          Did they fix the free camera bug for players who DC and recon after the zombie zone?

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            Thanks! I feared something like this, but I couldn't find it stated anywhere that they had changed it. So what sort of build is best on him? I assume still veil octarine refresher, but after that should I be concerned with tankiness? Mobility? More damage i.e. ambient?


                                              Well I just found a group who knows their shit and the absolute easiest way to win is with WD+Zeus+basically anyone else. Refresher on the important two, femurs if they have em, veil, ambient sorcery, octarines.

                                              Walk up to siltbreaker, dodge the initial tailwhip, group on him, maledict, zeus double ult and spam spells. WD casts second maledict RIGHT before final pulse of first maledict. If you're damaging him right, he should be dead by the 4th pulse of the second maledict.

                                              Oh, and pick all the zeus talents that will help with ult damage (static field buff, spell damage buff)

                                              Aethers and dagons don't hurt either.


                                                Maledict was just as strong, arguably broken, in the first act as well. The highest damage dealing percentage-based spell.

                                                With Abaddon in the first act, if you had Carapace of Qaldin and Blade Mail, the trick was to Maledict when Rhyzik starts to cast his 'epicenter' and stand right on top of him as abba, use ult and Blade Mail, refresh and repeat. Kill Rhyzik with his own insane damage.

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!