General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get teammate with proper brain on 3k

How to get teammate with proper brain on 3k in General Discussion

    I was mainly playing Offlane (because it's fun to become frontline)
    However, my last 2 game makes me tilted.
    I'm about to take Offlane, then ursa want to take offlane, (what? Ursa offlane), so i pick omni to support, then he gon' feed 5 kill to weaver. Of course i was blamed as support.

    Then again i want to offlane, jakiro want to take offlane since he cant take midlane. So this time i went carry with terrorblade. And we lose, and once again i was blamed.

    So, i think offlane take so much role at team fight.
    I want to ask you guys how to get role-knowing-teammate so i have chance to win?


      Get 10k


        The answer is you cant. There are smart 3k players in the ... 99th percentile... and then we got the cockroach IQ players everywhere else.


          Offlane ursa is legit if he has support


            Whenever i support in 3k bracket, i cant believe that they were much worse than idiot 4k, people there are slow, mechanical skills suck much worse than 4k.

            But still, you can sometimes get matched with a good 3k player there


              It's hard to have ppl who will listen to you in 3k. Even if you are 99 times smarter than them and can see all their mistakes, they will just bring you down and flame you for their own mistakes. The 5k players get there by luck or first pick spam broken heroes


                ^ this.


                  if you dont get solo offlane, change to roaming

                  roaming is what gets you out of 3k

                  Story Time

                    i was expecting people blaming SEA servers as usual...


                      Roaming in 3k :thinking:


                        ^lol what


                          Stance u should go get 5k to prove everyone here the system is flawed

                          Mlada i Luda

                            its simple... you cant , you have to carry theyr retarded ass and except nothing from them if you wanna move up fast , first of all you need to deal with tilt, the best way to do it is to prepare yourself that you will have 4 monkeys in your team sabotaging you not willingly , but they monkeys after all. it's much ez to say that to be done i know that very good.

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              Tbh, you sound like you can't make your own mind.

                              You see Ursa contesting the offlane and you pick Omni to support, although you should've just went with him in dual offlane, regardless of what he says.

                              Ursa won't lane against Weaver. There is no way. If you have a brain, you should understand it and go save his ass non-stop, only then you'd have a chance at winning the game.

                              Should've picked Lich/Abaddon and went dual offlane w/him, could've won.

                              Instead, you draft a useless position and lose. It is not about Ursa being retarded (which he probably is), but about you acting on that retardation, instead of trying to correct that in a good manner.

                              The second game, again, you act on retard-tactics and draft a useless carry hero just for the sake of it. Why'd you pick TB, if you have no games on TB? Obviously, you ain't gonna do jack shit, hence you yourself said, that you primarily play in the offlane.

                              Instead, you could've picked a Lich/Silencer/Undying/Spirit Breaker+Jakiro dual offlane and probably won the fucking game.

                              Not telling you your teammates ain't shit, but that doesn't excuse your terrible decision-making. Focus on yourself, rather than your enemies or teammates.


                                Does weaver win against ursa?

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  Weaver (with just a bit of a brain) can zone out almost any melee.

                                  At best Ursa would have to run back to base every X minutes or carry salves in lane.

                                  Is it really that unforeseeable?

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    @diox I wish I could, but I'm most likely quitting the game all together. I got a 2nd baby on the way in a few weeks, time commitment is becoming too much, I only game at night but then not get 8hrs that sucks.
                                    Might give account to my brother, he's not good at all but maybe oneday he could be.


                                      On a side not weaver doesnt work cuz all games ive seen he usually has a dual lane with a disabler SS.

                                      Dark Hunter

                                        I first pick offlane (Centaur). I get 2 support picks. Then our last guy picks riki... Don't need to tell you how that ended...



                                          This is a game I just play 2 days ago with an offlane ursa. For that situation the rules are simple I see ursa I pick shaman with that much lockdown I was able to feed ursa 4-5 kills early on.

                                          About convincing your team about roles. This is a problem in all brackets...

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            dude you can't do anything about it, they're fucking morons.

                                            Last 5 games, I had the same guy pick techies twice. First game he afks IN MY LANE sapping xp for like 15 minutes. No joke. Must have been by his pc cus he'd move ever couple mins to make sure he didn't abandon. I know he was afk cus when he got back he said ok I'm back.

                                            Honestly judging from the next game he played better afk. Mined literally the worst spots, never used his blastoff right. We miraculously won cus the opposing team went full retard and 1 retard < 5.

                                            Next game guy randoms zeus, then repicks it into oracle. GG wp. 40% win rate hero no one knows how to play. To make things worse, opposing team picks bloodseeker, spirit breaker and pudge, we get a jungle np and our mid picks windranger, then they don't understand why we lost and blame the carry. You picked fucking windranger into blood and spirit breaker!!!

                                            Next match guy randoms gyro goes offlaner, builds 6.88 shit like s&y and morbid mask. We have a support kunkka vs storm, slark and qop.

                                            Next match we actually won but the mid tried to flame me entire game for first picking troll. Guy randomed mirana. Thank god he was good with her.

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