General Discussion

General Discussion5 core players on one team

5 core players on one team in General Discussion

    4 players pings mid and safelane, what do you do? I usually first pick heroes like cm, kotl, jakiro, or warlock. I jungle a lot with cm and kotl(stack, pull, clear), then I end up having 3rd or 2nd highest net on my team.


      I feels like this is entirely wrong, I have 65-70% win rate on all of my most played heroes. But only 56% over all.

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        what do you smoke bruh? i want some


          I lose almost every game, when all of my teammates pings mid and safelane, and it happens a lot.
          I also lose a lot due to my shitty internet, constant 100-200ping, ocatiinally it spikes up to 1000, I get a lot of disconnects as well.

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            I'm moving to Quebec in a month, wanna solve this paradox before I get a decent internet.


              I smoke a lot in game while supporting, when I play carry, I'm usually the guy calling smoke ganks.
              I do not smoke irl.


                There's only one smoke in dota, and its called smoke of deceit


                  There is much more smokin' in dota, riki is puffin all times in woods bra.


                    play pugna and win the game

                    Story Time

                      5 cores are better then 5 supports :D kappa?

                      Dark Hunter

                        know your feels. Had a game where i played cm and my team only wanted to push when they had aeges. Game lasted 1h32m. Wr disconnected about 70 mins in. In the end we STILL LOST even after getting mega creeps. Feelsbadman.


                          at low mmr games 5 cores strat works SeemsGood, cuz u probably playing against 4k noobs who doesnt even know how to counter 5 cores. i just had 4.5k game at my smurf and my team picked spectre techies and invoker against 5 core enemy. 4ks are dumb enough to cant see how to counter 5 cores.

                          Story Time

                            ^nice smurf there :D


                              Maybe try playing supports who can have more lane impact? with 4 other cores I'm assuming your lanes will probably be weakish and both CM and KOTL are lousy lane supports.

                              зачем я начал поиск

                                What I would do:

                                1. If the enemy pick is dogshit against Brood, I pick her, regardless of what my team has and just try to go yolo 1 v 9 gaming.

                                If I succeed, I win, if not, then... Idc, really.

                                E.g. - a game with 2 junglers and 0-3 mid Storm. Won that game literally 1v9.

                                Lost way more games like that though.

                                2. Pick a roaming semisupport/offlane like SB/Slardar or Abaddon and just hope that at least 1-2 players in my team can use their skills, pray for the best.

                                3. If it's unranked, then don't give a fuck and either random or pick some garbage and do nothing. Farm a dagon and steal kills.

                                I have no incentive to play w/4 cores, unless it is RMM. Otherwise, I will just pick trash and play like I don't care about anyone.

                                I have AM+PA+Spectre+mid TA? No problem, if it's unranked, I'd go jungle Furion dagon build or jungle whateverthefuck hero just for shits and giggles.

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                                  I have AM+PA+Spectre+mid TA?

                                  ^ oh my God, can you say gold starved? If I saw that, I'd probably go cm and try to handle the four players saying "We need wards" when there are literally none in stock

                                  Story Time

                                    @One Step Ahead, according to opendota you are top 500 broodmothers, but it is not fair for you to explain how you play this hero, coz most of players here will not even understand. They would need some replays. Otherwise you make it sound like an easy strategy for evreyone.

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      Rankings don't mean shit, until I am at least 5k solo.

                                      I am still bad at Brood, compared to hardcore spammers. Should just wreck 9 out of 10 games in 4k, were I good.

                                      Better than average player @ my rating = yes.

                                      Good = no.

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                                      Story Time

                                        ^9 games out of 10, i say impossible unless you are 6,5-7k by nature.


                                          your mistake is picking supports when you obviously have no clue how to play it


                                            if picking supports is so important for you in ranked, then u shd just spam it and learn it

                                            зачем я начал поиск


                                              I have around 68% winrate on Brood in ranked matchmaking lobbies right now.

                                              I watch my replays and statistically around 1.5-2 games out of 10 on Brood are lost not because there was nothing I could do, but rather because I make retarded moves/get tilted/make gamebreaking mistakes.


                                              Lost that game, because they fb'd me, 'cause I was mid vs AW and thought it was literally impossible to lose a lane.
                                              I almost got fb on warden @ 3 mins, but he tp'd out with 14 hp, because I lacked the Blight Stone, because my jungle BS reused the fucking courier. I get angry and lose my game sense, go for a kill on Warden under their tier-3 tower and make 2 mistakes: 1) I forgot about Chen, 2) I didn't click AW and he had a farie fire.

                                              As a result, Chen gets fb, AW lives at 21 hp, and I a m boiling in rage.

                                              After that I made a few more mistakes, which led me to a score of 0-2 and at that point the game is lost, because my 3 players are brain damaged and I should've snowballed and carried them.

                                              Made a few severe laning mistakes, because of rage = can't snowball = lose the game, because I am the one, who should carry it.
                                              My score and items don't matter, it was lost after minute 15 and after I saw my BS's itembuild. GEGE WEPE


                                              I placed retarded webs and played too passively. Should've occupied their jungle and leeched the resources, instead, I farmed my offlane spots like a retard. After that I joined a few unfortunate engagements, which I could've avoided altogether. A terrible play.

                                              Worked on that mistake later and now I almost never farm my jungle, but occupy the enemy's in 90% of cases. It cost me too many games.

                                              Etc. etc. I can go on and on.

                                              9 out of 10 may be far-fetched, but winning 8 out of 10 in ranked could've been a reality for me pretty easily, were I to play more thoughtfully and be more cold-headed.

                                              That -1.2 won games per 10, which keep me from 80% on Brood in ranked are mostly avoidable missplays.
                                              Sure, there are games, which you just can't win, but in reality, they are rare.

                                              I also watch my Brood replays, where I win and analyse, what could they have done to comeback against me.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                i pick a space creator offlane, let em fight for mid or whatever.
                                                something like a decent axe or centaur and just run them over in 20 min, letting my bros do whatever the fuck they want.

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!