General Discussion

General Discussiongyro and razor would better melee hero

gyro and razor would better melee hero in General Discussion
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    Imo both heroes benefit from pms sny, and abyssal. And some small buffs

    Dire Wolf

      Razor is way too squishy to be a melee hero and his 3rd skill makes almost no sense then since the purge is for kiting.


        this is dumb

        doc joferlyn simp

          idk how this idea was conceived and am confused by its relevance

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            If you are suggesting them both being given melee range it's a huge nerf, if you mean that they are just given the attribute of being melee it's retarded and unnecessary.

            Potato Marshal

              Neither heroes would be very good abyssal carriers, even if they were melee.


                Never have i seen them getting basher,basher on ranged is pretty bad already


                  the only buff that razor need is eye of the storm hit the same target razor attacks so for example it doesn't go shit on creeps while you cry while fighting their mid.

                  gyro i guess need his third skill to be like toggle that drain mana when activate with each attach so he can actually farm and fight without needing to max it out

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                    But its better gyro be melee imo. Mk has 300 range melee and gyro is 350 range ranged kappa.


                      gyro or razor don't benefit or need to be melee.
                      then they wouldn't benefit from lance.

                      Savvy Cat

                        Q - Need this to pull any enemy Linked towards Razor. Or slow effected targets by like 50% while its touching them.

                        W - Shouldn't be broken unless the enemy Linked breaks vision entirely on Razor (fog/invis/tp). Which would still be incredibly easy for most heroes to do.

                        E - Needs to be able to cause Break for at least as long as the slow is as well. Pike and Solar Crest are way too good against this Passive as things currently stand and it is easy enough to Break and murder him with or without it.

                        R - More range or enable Razor to force target with it. One of these two needs to happen.

                        Drop the level 10 agility talent. Make it 20% CD reduction or 120 gpm or 20% magic resistance.

                        I would rather see him reworked by a much larger margin, but even if you added all of these to him currently, Razor may still be kind of underwhelming. Or would he be op in anyone's opinion?


                          The ideas are good but the W isn't for me,you can use that to stop ppl from juking you know

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            I actually like this idea
                            Give them melee stats growth too
                            Their skill set relies a lot on chasing and closing up
                            And melees have Echo SnY Basher to lockdown
                            But then the model is set you can't make a gunner and whip holder melee

                            Savvy Cat

                              It would add complexity to a supremely easily countered skill. You could force a core to try to evade through fog or force Razor to Dust them before he Links. Just an idea.


                                I really want to see a return of aghs refresher Razor. Running down people with double ulti was the funnest thing in Dota.

                                His ultimate needs to be buffed significantly. Increase the damage, increase the range, make it focus heroes first before creeps, undo the no lingering through aegis nerf (TI4 was 3 years ago now and he has never ever returned to the meta since). Also static link needs a buff to duration, it's the only thing he has to win his lane, without it he's just a short range hero with a weird attack animation.

                                But all Icefrog does is keep buffing his level 20 talents roflmao.


                                  @ cheap laugh guy

                                  actually razor modle is perfect for being melee if they gave him mk attack range since whip is originally a melee weapon in most games

                                  i think if they gave gyro 500-600 attack range he would be viable carry

                                  Savvy Cat

                                    A fair point; a whip, despite being mid ranged as a weapon, is still a melee weapon by default. Much like a spear or halberd.

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