General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed tips from PROs out there pls. before taking ranked game

Need tips from PROs out there pls. before taking ranked game in General Discussion

    I am a new player currently level 21, I've been playing lately with 2700 up to 4k players with normal matches. Would be much appreciated if you could help me answer the following question.
    1. How to get to HS or even VHS?
    2. When is the right time to do my rank game "TBD"? I want to have 3K+ mmr as start.
    3. I've observed some players with HS or VHS on there 2nd or 3rd match, how does it happen?


      git gud


        1. git gud
        2. around the time you reach high skill on your normal mm
        3. they got gud on their previous acc, there's probably some ip tracing or something since when i made a new acc, all i needed was to tick "i've played dota 2 already" and got vhs on first game


          Spamming 2-3 heroes during normal MM, is this advisable to get into HS?


            Thanks so much for the info


              gitting gud is advisable to git gud


                forreal go watch youtube guides on how you could get better at the game instead of abusing the system also how to lower your tilt and focusing on playing and stuff. ur mmr will increase afterwards. in other words as they say, "git gud"


                  lol so hard. anyway thanks much appreciated


                    go spam 1-3 heroes XD im a 1.9k gonna push to 3k


                      Youtube drastically improved my gameplay. You could look for this youtube video. It's somewhat outdated but they teach mostly the mechanics of the game and what you necessarily need in-game. You could look for the other series. I do believe it has 4 series.


                      If you want an updated guides. Gameleap, pvgna, are good channels on youtube. Bro seriously. The internet is a powerful tool. Learn to maximize it.


                        Thanks a lot


                          pretty much git gud. Just play and learn, don't worry about mmr and then start climbing naturally

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!