General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips on how to deal with a bad carry as a support?

Any tips on how to deal with a bad carry as a support? in General Discussion

    So first off I know I am shit at the game and Im trying to improve. Ok after we got that out of the way I love playing support for me playing support is exciting because I have to be aware of everything and think ahead. One of the most frustrating things that I found in my supporting journey was supporting a carry that is well.... pretty bad. You probably know them the carry that auto attacks, the carry that dives the t1 at min 5, the carry that are not aware that he is being ganked by 3 heroes even when you warned him that the 3 heroes are coming resulting in the deaths of not only him but you too from trying to save him but to no avail *deep breath*. The thing is any tips on how to deal with those kinds of carry ?

    -Ps english is not my first language so I apologize if there's any grammatical errors.


      get better at the game so u will get better carries too, that's the tip.


        honestly there is nothing much you can do.. besides being nice and friendly and in doing you role and try to improve and dont look at the mistakes of you teammates (i know its hard)

        ez Art

          Nothing, if you don't play core basically your winrate is going to suffer a LOT, because there is no point or reward on playing support on low mmr


            There's a lot u can do to improve your game that doesn't rely looking at what your carry is doing. Having more awareness of the enemy supports, getting better wards and dewards, positioning better in fights, getting important spells off. Why focus on your shitty carry? Too many shitty supports are just looking at carry mistakes when they are just doing nothing on the map themselves.


              Problem is if I go ward ,gank or teleport to help or something they usually dont play safe even if I tell them in advance. So usually without me in lane they'll just die. So in this case should I just forget about him and focus on other lanes or just keep babysitting him/her/it? What do u think is the best choice?

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Play a support that can carry,like ESHAKER for example,if you saw them doing horrible, You Become The Core


                  support them any possibilities will help like save them... if their really that bad like their noob 1mmr go carry as a support if you have disables and damage.


                    unless u can 1 v 5 if not you just lose

                    Mr. Jin

                      There is more than 1 carry in ur team usually. Leave him and support the other one, or the core at mid.

                      Ramtin H

                        man listen to me
                        I have exactly the same feeling some times the only thing to do is fine the best carry player in ur team then make ganks in his lanes and also roam asap in low mmr roam means gg ez
                        see my last games lich , silence etc i was roaming and they were just ez games


                          Ive coached 2 support players recently, both of which started winning almost every game after the coaching session.

                          What ive noticed is that supports in low brackets tend to ruin the game/lane for their carries instead of fixing it.

                          So when they leave to gank, their carry is underleveled and underfarmed so he gets easily ganked and killed

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                            ^cookie is right, stop getting xp from your core you should just harass who's laning your core and try ganking after that if he dies at least stack a camp you don't need to stay on the lane for 5 minutes leaching xp you can do a lot by staying away carry smoke always for it's cd and for deeper wards


                              Most common mistake support make is pull the lane when unneeded making your carry to farm under tower which is bad as it pushs out the lane making it easier to gank, rotating without considering how your carry do in the lane against offlaner, letting offlaner farm freely at your safe lane which may end up losing you the game.

                              Maybe if you can help your carry farm much better in lane, rotating when necessary, know how to position yourself at clash could help you win alot more games than you though.

                              Try to change your perspective dude.


                                Go read the cookes 0-4k cm ... Thread

                                also it is true that valve doesnt have a good system for sups. I got to vhs ezly with some ember games and i played sup bc i was trying to see if i pick situationally and be nice about ppl wanting core roles and not ruining the game by going 4 core or smth. The result was it took me all the way back to normal skill. Im sure it's like drinking water to get back to vhs but not so sure about winning my games with sups. Like im 100% sure i won the game as the supp in those games i played (i even recently played pos4 ember bc m8 picked od and we had 2 other cores and again I won the game for them) but if it's not ranked u wont get rewarded so fuck it i guess only gonna supp in rank if it was needed cookie cm style


                                  What cooky said pretty much sums up low skill supports.


                                    Yeah pick support which transitions into carry with enough farm is the best option for low MMR players who simply can't rely on other low MMR players. Mirana is the best for this one I find.

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