General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports roam too much

Supports roam too much in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Well it's more like a question. Do you feel supports roam too much now, especially in lower mmr like 3k? I feel like every support wants to feel like they are having high impact, ganking mid, pulling a lot, harassing safe laners, and they forget their primary job at beginning of the game which is to secure free farm for carry and zone out offlane. Past three carry games i've been left solo vs an undying, sand king and a warlock. I think people severely underestimate how strong some offlaners are. Solo warlock vs a strong duo lane is fodder but solo warlock vs solo carry will win almost every matchup. There's a reason people say to run warlock mid cus 1v1 he is a beast. Undying too is impossible to zone solo as the threat of tombstone is too high plus he saps all your strength and can harass you out of lane. Everyone knows what a bitch sand king is to lane vs.

    Anyway I just don't get it, I ask for help and they'll come, but as soon as offlaner backs they leave again. Should we just not expect to be babysat anymore or do all carries have to win 1v1 matchups now?


      well, in this meta, u should pick self-sustain carrys, like lifestealer or juggernaut.. so have lesser problems..
      also, yes, supp roam too much indeed, but is bcuz the heroes played mid right now are broken.. SPECIALLY EMBER, that sick 3 remanent combo is so underwhelming


        no need to gank mid
        just sit mid


          Im zoning the offlaner for exactly 3 minutes max. by then he should still be lvl 1 and you lvl 3. I leave a ward for vision and go gank mid or offlane.

          If you can't sustain yourself in that lane at this point stop playing safe carry.

          If you're support leaves you without doing this, he sucks on the other hand.

          Why should a support sit in your lane and babysit you when there is a 50/50 chance that you're a scrub noob that fucks up late game? try to see it from the view of a support. you want to get all lanes space and an advantage.
          investing all your time lnto 1 player leads to a 51.5% winrate

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Yes, they have to
            Pressuring other lanes > Sitting his ass at a zoned-out lane for nothing
            I think after 2 zone-outs you should be good on your own as you are higher in level and items
            Your damage is good enough to win lane
            And also it is a good choice to leave you solo VS Undying since his would double sap strength
            And offlane warlock should be easy to kill, if they didn't gank him a lot that's their fault
            But it seems you pick real hard carries, which takes a lot of responsibilities, are you worthy enough to take all the babysit and carry the whole team to victory? It's pub games, I wouldn't throw all hope on a single carry

            Also, I judge people's plays in laning phase just to know if he's worthy or not, then I will decide whose lane should I commit. Maybe the support knows you're not that strong, and wants to spread help evenly to the team.

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            Dire Wolf

              No they don't even attempt to zone, they usually pull then leave and I'm a level behind the offlane as a carry.

              If I was a level or two up I wouldn't be complaining

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                Well i see your last 5 games where you feed or abandon all of them. Ofc this is the supports fault not your own. delusional


                  Everytime i zone the offlaner for my carry, 40 secs later the creep wave is shoved near the river and nearly under enemy tower. An unmolested lv3 carry vs a lv 1 offlaner should easily be able to keep the wave between the shop and our tower


                    no need to gank mid
                    just sit mid
                    best support guide 2k17


                      On my 4k acc I feel like sups don't do enough.
                      For some reason support players feel like they need to have farm above wards, smokes, dust, gem or mek/boots.
                      I get so tired of seeing a support with 2 sentries and 3 observers on them and they are farming a wave/ camp.
                      if you have an easy lane tell them to leave and roam, if you are vs a duel off then you'll need help.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I had to abandon games because my 8 month old woke up screaming twice. Has nothing to do with the games. Probably would've won both cus we finally had a good team comp.

                        also jdf8

                          no need to gank mid
                          just sit mid

                          SAD BECAUSE TRUE


                            not unless you're solo support with 4 cores

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