General Discussion

General Discussionvarious heroes vs spam

various heroes vs spam in General Discussion

    After my no brain spam io to any line up a decided to get back my mmr and there it is, im on nice winning streak with various heroes, make me so happy dont spam just few heroes that stereotypes made me weaker after sometimes now im enjoying so much by counter pick and combo pick, again found whats dota is about, i love you ice frog sorry for bad words before.

    And also if you already have spamed some hero, and then pick him only situonally its so nice made me excited so much, thats how i get 4comends in match yesterday as io, wouldn't happened if i spam him couse im not 100% fucused on that one game but for some gaming period.

    Share youre experience please.


      versatility is stupidity imo.

      you know what they say about versatile players?

      ''jack of all traits, master of none"


        prääks prääks :)


          Can't say I've extensively spammed a hero for longer than 5 games, simply because it gets boring, however I have phases where for a week or so I play a hero more often than other, and when the situation arises(I play random draft a lot too) and there's only some heroes that fit the draft I'm not limited


            Also, I don't agree fully with versatility is stupid. If you only play mid 24/7 you learn less than half as much about Dota as you would if you played the offlane or support position for a week or so, you understand how the lanes work better and what you can do to make the game easier for your team


              spaming same heroe is just plain boring, but in my heroe pool i have like 10-15 heroes that i play regular, all the others are some random/lp/being drunk or other shit :D


                What about those 9k players who aren't spammers cooky


                  That what Cookie said is bullshit, calling stupid players who are versatile is actually stupid.


                    me too my last 20 games are all random heroes and i got like 4 loses

                    cookie when u play 1 hero u become autist
                    and versatility give u more mmr but not all heroes
                    10-20 hero pool is enough


                      im bad with any hero that it doesnt matter


                        Its okay if u want to have fun. But purely climbing wise, it is better to concentrate ur efforts entirely into one role, with a couple comfortable heroes that fit ur playstyle and that u enjoy playing, until u absolutely master it. Of course that doesnt mean pick a mid when u have 4 cores, but it means to spam mid as much as humanly possible.

                        casual gamer

                          spam all day

                          casual gamer

                            9k player who dont spam so much better than me that its not even worth contemplating actu ally


                              what are you talking about, 9ks are spammers as well.

                              their hero pool just evolved from spamming 1-3 heroes to like 10-20 by mastering them


                                Playing mostly heroes from 10-20 pool is not spaming, but these who play 3 heroes are,but they never get rly good at doto

                                casual gamer

                                  its easier for me to learn while having some consistency by playing the same hero

                                  its not like basic lane mechanics change if i pick one mid hero instead of another

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!