General Discussion

General DiscussionWould you mind helping me improve?

Would you mind helping me improve? in General Discussion

    Well here it goes. Im originally a VERY low 3k player when i first calibrated but since i have been playing throughout the years ive slowly but surely dropped to a very low 2k mmr. im not to concerned with increasing my mmr first but more of my game play because its my belief that improving my game play will lead to an increase in mmr.

    you can check my dota buff profile for all of the details but i typically play mid in all of my games with a secondary position of offlane. i really dont like supp or safelane not sure why but its not as fun to me ya know. i like to spam dusa, SF, Storm, TA and OD although some of those heroes im better at then others IMO. im not the best at last hits but when i practice i typically get 50-65 last hits in the demo mode in game im not usually as effective with around 40-60 depending on who im laning against and how much they harass me.

    im not a shitter who flames or lets my bad games tilt me most of the time if im being honest. ive been practicing as much as i can to become better at dota because honestly i want to work on getting to 3k then 4k and so on so forth if its possible. so if yall would be so kind to give me some pointers i would very much appreciate it. i know the trolls will come as well so ill just ignore them but hey thanks in advance for any and all help guys and girls!


      I mean, all my improvement has come from just playing, watching pro games(even the ones casted by xyclopz at 2am with 2 unknown SEA teams) and watching YouTube videos, one thing I never actually do in game but should probably do to is take into consideration when their powerspikes are, wether I should be pushing the midlane at min 10 when their legion jungle hasn't won a duel yet and isn't showing along with 3 others. All those things I guess, but I'm at your mmr, so not sure if I'm much of a help

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        You should really learn other roles especially support
        And the first thing to pick up is map awareness
        Learn EQWWWRW MaxSTR Morph xD
        I get to stay alive longer and absorb a thing or two
        You have to roam
        It will also kill your concept of farm and win later

        Stop picking farming carries


          I notice your problem immediately, you join teamfight very often as a farming carry. When you are half the map away and you saw a fight in near t2 tower it will leave u 2 choice: help team or not help team. You need to see the situation 1st if you think u gonna lose that fight go split push, if u think u gonna win that fight consider to join that fight. The rule is you dont need to always join fight. If you are losing split push cut creep wave etc. Knowing when to fight with your team while farming.


            Think in mid lane you need to master the lane mechanics like knowing when you have the high ground or creep advantage and abuse creep agro and be good at last hitting


              Sometimes it is nice to get lvl 2 first and posture more aggressively. Abuse those who don't have as much regen as you (always check item)

              Identify power spikes (storm level 6)

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!