General Discussion

General Discussionhow ranked mm is working?

how ranked mm is working? in General Discussion

    tell me pls how mm system is workong ? why everyone has ranked + - 50% winrate? why I can not win when I have 6500 matches on ranked mm? and why I must play with players which have 200-300 hrs in game? they even dont know how works skills on heroes and thay have 4k mmr ? reason to play this game if u cant win?

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      Only option is to dumpster them lol


        Well we can also argue, why a guy with 6500 matches can't win with/against players with 200-300 hrs in game


          6500 matches and 6500 MMR is not the same. Lol


            Get good fam. I dropped to 3.9k from 4.9k before, a few times I dropped to low 4k from mid 4k, I guess I tilted too hard. But it's always easy to climb back up if I really want to.

            NO EXCUSES



              That's a lot of game my friend. Also I doubt that anyone can get 4k w only 200 hrs. Seriously doubt it. Probably a smurf so ur argument is invalid


                @Jack, that's not what i meant, but it does mean he should know not to whine and complain about his teammates,
                @Op, you should know this by now, Just focus on yourself, no need to blame the mm system or your team


                  Renshin tell me how u have 4300 mmr if u had 400 matches? so u learn how to play dota per 3 mounts?


                    I started playing when beta was still out, Lost my main acc, due to me being a retard, made another acc around 2015 calibrated at 3.5 raised it to 4.4 then droped to 4k flat(made a new acc because why not), and now i have this acc.
                    Basically dude, not all people with 200-300 hrs played are bad, and yeah I get it, we get some retard smurfs who just got lucky with calibration sometimes and it's frustrating, but we just need to focus on our own mistakes and decisions,
                    flaming retards wont gain mmr, improving yourself will

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                      I understand that ur acc is smurf/ so show me ur main acc on dotabuf I will see. hmm ur mmr games are 50% winrate so interesting.

                      NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                        This is my main and recently i started with vhs games what is 3700+ mmr.. and now look at my smurf ...and i start vhs after 5 games...and i have 10 hours on it

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                        casual gamer

                          not 50% :D


                            when I start play dota I calibrated my acc for 2400 now Im 4k. I got 4k mmr 4 or 5 times, becase I was debusted ti 3200, 3500, 3300 and always when I played I had man which dont understand anthing. U can see here I got jakiro which played 2-20 and it was 4k mmr game so u can see his dotabuff he ruins every game and he has lose strik, so tell me how he can has 51% winrate when he is zero?


                              here, my main.
                              Had a good losing streak in that acc, which made me make this new acc

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                              casual gamer

                                yes you get game ruiners and you have to carry them sometimes

                                u can see . i try to boost this player but some games @ 4k are so hard to win playing normal dota. like this game . i have to pry +25 from the clutches of my downs syndrome teammates

                                if u are better than ur bracket and keep pma u will rise. u may or may not rise quickly but u will gain mmr over time

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                                NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                  We all have bad games sometimes..he play support against ther got deso 15 min..2 hit him..its rly hard to play in that sitation..And u won that game so i dont know why u bother to much

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                                    now u can see that everyone has 50+- 5-7% winrate on mmr games so it is not interesting for u why u can not win more mmr games than half ur matches ?

                                    casual gamer

                                      dota is a team game and you are only 20% of a whole trying to win or lose

                                      im sure that its easier for a SC pro to have 100% winrate in lower tiers than a dota pro. its like a chessmaster having to deal with 4 shmucks moving pieces randomly


                                        u think that was ones time when game was ruined. I play dota 3 years every day I see shit players every day and I dont belive that ranked mm system is good and I want that ones tell me how it worked ? I can not win I had some games like 22-3, 10-0, 15-4 and more like this and lose I dont belive how it possible to lose those games . I see that my teamates dont care about minimap they farming on line and die and this happends every time when he alives it seem like bot or smth.


                                          JDF8 I understand how dota teamplay works , but I got players which can stun a creep or some shit but it can be ok u think. OK so what can u tell me about 4k game where antimage with satanik, or spirit braker with basher, or buttle fury for range heroes? so dont forgot that is 4k mmr gaming (spritbraker had 4300 mmr ).

                                          casual gamer

                                            yeah 4ks are fucking awful you just have to keep positive attitude and know that if ur actually playing better u will win more than u will lose because ur team = 4 moron + you and their team = 5 moron (on avg)

                                            im saying that even if ur better than ur bracket its not AS obvious in winrate because dota isnt really a solo game


                                              I'm really surprised that ppl in 4k still don't do some basic shit. But then I remember that dota is a high complex game with many variables that decide a game. These awful players probably make up for it in other areas. And 4k players are probably not good enough to punish the stupidity u see, simple as that.


                                                I have 60% winrate in 1000 rankeds
                                                ranked is way easier than pub I reckon


                                                  I think low 4k's like myself, sometimes just dont know when to end the game if we have an advantage or comeback from a game when the opponents are throwing. Mechanically maybe ok, but ingame crucial decisions still lacking
                                                  imho, pls dont flame me :C

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    OP 5TFU and get f**king good

                                                    stop whining and GIT GUD!!!!


                                                      you've stopped improving, aka your mmr stays at 4k

                                                      there's nothing forcing you to stay there except yourself.

                                                      also, only incompetent fools bitch about their incompetent teammates

                                                      a lil time ago i had a game 5.5 avg where my team had 5 carries

                                                      i still solo won that game, because i'm not a cuck

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                        hahahahha 7k games 4k mmr
                                                        i nearly have 2k hours in dota and im like u ztupid shit i started september 2014


                                                          u have 3900 mmr solo and blame others hahah
                                                          hahahhahahahhahaha ur so fucking trash son


                                                            Well i have 1 advice for u OP. Playing ranked games on and on doesnt make u play better.

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!