General Discussion

General DiscussionBobbing up and down

Bobbing up and down in General Discussion

    I keep going between 1.8k to 2k mmr .. neither lower nor higher.. I have been here since mmr first came out.. I feel I am not improving at all.. what should I do to improve? And what am I doing wrong?


      i hop i see u in games

      well just go axe or OD or spec or pudge roam and win games


        maybe if i never learned tinker i would probably stay 2800 mmr


          but tinker opened my mind

          i can play vs players i never could

          im not afraid of death
          i understand life better than i ever did
          i want to master life and death

          IS THIS CLEAR TO U ?


            if you want to ACTUALLY get good, then analyze your games


              but if you want to win pick OP shit.

              We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                Don't need to pick OP shit, pick what the team needs. I just hit 4k today and look at my recent games. All support because no one want supports ;unless they are in party.

                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                  If you really want to climb spam like 3 heroes you are really good at = ez mmr. Lower brackets comes down to player skills.


                    Could you look at my records and see which heroes I should try? Because I tried spamming morphling,bounty hunter,furion and got countered sort of :\

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      BOBBING UP AND DOWN ROFLMAO


                        ''I have been here since mmr came out''
                        Fascinating, obviously means you're just blindly saying you want to improve but you're so lazy to actually do it lol.

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                          Noo I do want to improve. I just don't know how.


                            Improve your mechanics, I guarantee you, your mmr will go up to 500-1000 points. No Kappa


                              First step to improving, please know you are as shit as them no kappa. Just go to youtube and find a full match of whichever pro playing and learn what they do in the laning phase, what they do/look out for in fights and tons of other minor details you fail to realize i would gladly write a shit ton of things you should improve on but im tired since every week there would be this kind of threads and ive been repeating myself countless times maybe Cookie can enlighten you on the facts, i started out as a 2k shitter when i first started last year got to 5k cause of being a tryhard so yea, its only a matter of if you want to improve or stay a whiny pleb for life.

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                                43% win rate wtf. Mmr assassin


                                  Thanks Absol-ute Zero.. Ill just watch full game videos of the heroes I tend to spam being played by pros.. Thank you ..
                                  And jacked.. true you have more win rate than me.. but I still have higher mmr than you so shush.


                                    20%wr winranger wtf!?


                                      ^ 22% earth spirit win rate. Dafuq bro.

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                                        @miar 1v1 me fool

                                        . . . ?

                                          want to know who's right or wrong? fight meh!


                                            Miar just remeber ur in SE asia server and here ur mmr wont matter coz all these ppl playing in us east and europe atleast coperate for us its always 1 v 9 :)


                                              I dont need to prove myself to you Jacked.


                                                u wouldnt belive what people play there at 1k

                                                i had pudge afk early game as roamer said he was eating all time i was like good lunch

                                                next thing i tell to kotl ,, kotl listen me ,, after 1min hes like ,, who me ??,,
                                                next thing they dont know who mortred is

                                                they dont know for dust senrty maybe once had support with dust from 10 games

                                                next thing they dont know to let carry lasthit they try aswell and when i ping him he writes,,need 300 gold for boots,,
                                                they dont watch map at all i kill guy with 150 hp farming lane and hes like omg wtf u there
                                                i had huskar who 100 times tryed to kill alch with sb
                                                he died all those 100 times


                                                  LOOOL.. wow.. I havnt had to face such people thank god..
                                                  But I did have a pa yesterday in my team who after we were winning by a wide margin started typing XD and going in 1 v 5 against opponents and feeding..


                                                    @miar. Not a very manly response. In 1k u must be manly if u want to subdue your teammates. 1k is usually filled with beta males


                                                      What even .. LOL

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!