General Discussion

General DiscussionGames other than DOTA2 that you enjoy

Games other than DOTA2 that you enjoy in General Discussion

    For me it's CSGO, osu, and StepMania (well for the past recent months I only play DOTA2, but I hope to return playing these games once my PC is fixed)


      i play most of those games 'cept replace stepmania with PSO2

      i dont actually like playing other rhythm games aside from osu since i cant get the feel for them, well at least im decent enough at osu (900pp and now i can FC almost every 3 stars and some AR8 4 stars)

      also i play a lot of PSO2, games so addicting and different from the typical MMO where most of the content can only be accessed during the endgame, also theres shittons of content, im almost maxed out now and ive barely experienced everything lul


        darksouls, fallen london/sunless sea, csgo, and other old rpg's like dragonage


          I won't be suprised if you surpassed me in osu within a few month

          Add me fam


            Probably every other single player game; Witcher, Dark Souls, TES etc


              aYy i started playing this july and rised up 700pp rofl

              last year i played for frigging half a year and only got 200 since i only bothered with passing songs

              it was only until i went for FCs that i got better

              but sadly i cant rly play a lot anymore since i have carpal tunnel syndrome, my right hand grip is starting to weaken alr and during extended play hours my wrists/palms hurts like hell during the evening/following morning




                  csgo & overwatch

                  im way too slow for osu, i have the reaction time of an old potato

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    lmao thought this thread was locked for some reason

                    but yeak cookie on point minecraft is a really fun game, creativity and care for micro elements of the game to make something beautiful, something normally unattainable be mere human capabilities

                    but the funniest vids ive seen are people making a giant dikc in under 5 mins, not sure about the beautiful part but yeah you get my point

                    Dire Wolf

                      used to play a shitton of dragon age origins and civ4. I wasn't a fan of 5. I play a lot of old school games too like master of orion 1+2, and lords of the realm 2. FTL is amazing.

                      Holy Roman Empire

                        C&C games. RIP command and conquer...


                          dunno if this is anyone's fetish but i also played shittons of visual novels

                          some actually had great stories (one thousand lies and narcissu from steam being two of them 'cept they dont have branching storylines) but there are also ones that looks lazy and feels lazy

                          . . . ?

                            Watchdogs, Dead Island and some good old pokemon.
                   <----osu players try this, its good shit!

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                              EA ruined most of my favorite franchises( redalert,dragonage,masseffect)


                                I don't enjoy any tbh not even dota, I only like playing leagues/tournaments.


                                  Overwatch and CS:GO.

                                  Just finished GTA V single player, don't think I'll dive into online though. Might finish up Gears 4 campaign or something, but I preordered BF1 and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 lol.


                                    I'd love to try out Overwatch, but they don't have a demo mode of any kind to see if my toaster runs it. Can the game be torrented and played offline or something


                                      I used to be in top 20k for osu! :(

                                      Transistor and Talos Principle


                                        @weeb u poor indian fuck rofl


                                          poe dks


                                            @fire hive
                                            BANNED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                              Vainglory anyone?


                                                Guild wars 2 and Duelyst


                                                  I was playing DiRT 3 and dreaming of DiRT Rally but then I found this gem

                                                  Donate gaming wheel and pedal pls

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                                                    Johnny Salami

                                                      Dwarf fortress

                                                      Johnny Salami

                                                        Assuming you like losing

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          TEAM FORTRESS 2!


                                                            Darksouls 1-3 and
                                                            age of empires 1-3


                                                              I also played a bunch of VN awhile ago. Personally i won't call it a fetish, it's more like a hobby for me.

                                                              Apart from that, i also play this Sci-Fi space game called Starsector. Kinda like free roam FTL with a huge mod support. Sadly doesn't available yet in Steam.


                                                                Playing VG after playing DOTA2 is like taking a junior high school student's test as a master degree


                                                                  I farmed 1000pp in a month get on my level xd


                                                                    Hearthstone. But dota is my only true love :)


                                                                      So Pokemon Sun/Moon coming up is my next anticipation. I preordered Sun because the legendary looks cooler imo.

                                                                      Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 4 DLC, the Witcher 3, Pillars of Eternity and Dragon Age are the RPGs which I have on my 'would get around to playing if I had any time and will spend most of my christmas holidays playing when I am not going to the gym, cooking, walking, etc'.

                                                                      Have gone back and gotten quite a few campaign victories for Rome 2 - currently Rome, Carthage, Sparta, Seleucia, Arevaci, and Cimmeria campaigns won. Pick at Attila a little bit every now and again. Also did some Total War Warhammer and finished an Empire campaign and most of a Warriors of Chaos campaign (I gave up after the final empire stack I needed to kill ran off somewhere and my army is being chased around by 6 different dwarf and border prince armies making it impossible to 'technically' win). For now I'm just going to wait until all the downloadable and freeloadable content has been released and available with a steam summer sale.

                                                                      Would play Civilization 6 but honestly you need an extra dimension where time passes at 1/10 the normal rate or something to really play these games enough for it to be worthwhile anymore. I must have spent almost as much time in my high school years playing Civilization 2 as I did for playing Dota (like 2,500 hours).

                                                                      let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                                        I used to play Dragon Nest .-.


                                                                          I used to play sh!t ton of WoW, now I sometimes play some old WC II or III and some good ol' RPG games such as Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and the brightest gem among those - Planescape: Torment

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                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!