General Discussion

General DiscussionMy mistakes

My mistakes in General Discussion

    Pls help up to vhs bracket ... What I do wrong etc....



        you have a 36% winrate at vhs, you what that means? you dont belong in vhs bracket simple


          @kelly why do you bother explaining to this retards I dont even know just leave some youtube links like I do


            @you're right actually, I dont why I even bother haha,

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              its the same shitpost over and over again xD
              I miss phantom Riki at least he was innovative


                I have 36% because every vhs game I have feeder leaver or afk dude you can check


                  no, your just not good enough, improve first boi


                    Ok what should I do? More hero damage or more kda? Mb smth else


                      by gitting gud

                      dota2 tutorial

                        quit smurf go back main account .. play and play and play and suddenly you'll know how dota 2 works

                        Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                          You should get better, plain and simple, but for some reason most people who smurf don't get it. I'm not sure why you, and a lot of people who post here who are alike, are unable to comprehend this. I just notice a trend that most of you are thoroughly convinced that: you belong in a higher bracket; your teammates are holding you back; a high kda/gpm is the only parameter valve uses for it's unranked MMR. Add to this you only spam cores and have the self reflection of 12 year old I only see a recipe for disaster. So take this piece of advice, and I'm serious, just try to be the exact complete opposite of the person I described above, the average SEA smurf, and you will get into VHS, I really fucking promise you.


                            ^preach brother, to op Your first mistake was that you thought you were playing very well. Watch this video op

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                            #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                              You Belong In Hs only


                                The way I improved at dota was by watching pro players play. do not watch highlights, you wont learn anything from highlights watch gameplays, starting from 0:00 until the ancient is destroyed. Doesn't matter if he wins or loses just watch how they play and try to copy what they do.


                                  i make this smuft same mmr as my main 3.8k mmr dafaq valve knows ur i.p