General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the fuck i spend 900 game on Spectre

How the fuck i spend 900 game on Spectre in General Discussion
Charteuse Gale

    Seriously back in the day of dota 1, i love to spam ember, storm, void, AM, morphling,slark, jugg, sladar, axe , sand king, huskar and any other carry hero

    morphling, slark , storm, ember, axe was my best hero back in these day

    my friends told me why now i don't pick those hero(except Axe), and told me Spectre is boring to play, not that rewardable and kinda fall of the meta with her recent nerf now. They use Spectre and say laning her was so hard even with support beside her, my friend told me if he use slark/jugg he can do better even without supports.

    It seems this hero got so much hated, her concept is simple, but playing her was not that attractive based on my friends opinion.

    now i really tilted playing her, with the morphling, drow , jugg and timber picked so much, my Spectre pick feels so shit, especially timber who rect my lane even when i had supports, and then i saw my friend rect timber easily with his jugg with his support, For me Timber is kinda nightmare, spectre hit so damn slow with puny base damage even with desolate, timber reactive armor is all he need to make me tired of hitting him. basically if i don't had burst damage support i am screwed.

    for morphling, well i hate how he just repilcate my radience spectre when i haunt or such, he one shoot all my supports or me, i never make radience when facing morph, just go casual diffu , but well he was tanky as fuck with that morph str ability and slippery with wave form or replicate "escape", it's hard i think, morph will always outfarm me, and even if his gpm was below me, he still do a great job with cheap items.

    for jugg/drow will just simply outfarm with their crazy stats and pushing capability before i can farm my items 1-2 high tier items , they already 3-4 slotted with high tier items.

    maybe i will stop picking him and spam void, axe , blood now because i play good at those 3 but well i think i got cursed maybe lol playing 900 game as Spectre.

    Is there someone had more game than me as Spectre ? no bragging around, just want to know how he feels playing over 900 spectre games.

    fuck this shit i feel so tilted

    Charteuse Gale

      oh well my grammar was messy sorry about that haha


        Unfortunately your uniqueness with spectre spam fade in the shadows of 6.85 and 6.86 when she was main patch carry to spam in pubs. Especially thanks to badman and his build which doesn't include radiance.

        Charteuse Gale

          ^ yes i know she already fall out of the meta

          this is weird why i still spamming her

          i never see people pick her in ranked, same old shit like invoker, alchemist, slark, jugg, timber, drow, morph, pit lord. zeus, storm, tinker , axe , wr , mirana, am, and such.

          i always thought maybe in unranked people will play her for fun, but no , people even pick sniper over than spectre

          after her recent nerf, i never see people pick her, only me picking her.

          Livin' Real Good

            It wasn't really her nerf that stopped people from playing her, it was a pretty small one. I think it was just other heroes getting buffed, that's all, the meta changed, simple as that.


              Games ends up very often at 20'ish minute mark when spectre is gathering money for relic.


                she's still a good hero for try-hards wanting to get ez mmr. I mean, all u hav to do is survive and pick up kills whenever an enemy hero falls low, then just go back to farming and trying to survive. I guess these days early deso pa's and mid-lane jugg's who hav good early games do threaten her tho, along with slark

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