General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve ROFL

How to improve ROFL in General Discussion
Mad Doge

    I know i'll get 1k and i want to improve as a player and learn a lot

    Mad Doge

      Any tips?guys... Sorry for my fuckin noob question


        git gud

        Mad Doge

          @Cookie TY bro ROFL Appreciated


            no problem, be more specific next time

            Mad Doge

              @Cookie Weird question right? i didn't even know why did i posted that... LOL but i got question for yah,If i grind my acc and git gud can i git the hs or vhs?


                yis yu can, u can git tu HS=3.2-3.7 or VHS= 3.7++

                Lowkey, Mysterious, Person

                  what anime is your picture?


                    what picture is your anime?

                    LIL KASALANAN


                      Mad Doge

                        Saijaku muhai no bahamut AHAHHAHA Definitely recommended ROFL

                        M U R D E R

                          it will take you months-years to get to 3-4k if you calibrate below 2k, so try while you can.

                          Alice Margatroid

                            keep practice, FYI i played dota since 2005, but cant reach 5k MMR, still struggling at 4,5k - 4,9k

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                            Mad Doge

                              @薄氷 what do you mean sir? did u mean that try to calibrate and play or improve and calibrate high?
                              @NAO - Soutaisei VISION yah i'll definitely do my best and practice and goodluck i hope u can reach 5k cuz my cousin is also struggling at that mmr too


                                Don't try and calibrate high, cause you won't. Even playing out your normal games might not get you any higher. Focus instead on the things that separate you from a player of higher skill, and you.

                                Suggestions are:

                       Don't go SnY on Riki, the item is pointless now. You want stats get dragon lance. Try items like orchid, and blink dagger.

                       NO FUCKING BFS ON VOID. Items otherwise ok. Travels too soon. Get Vlads if you can. Test out blink, or even shadowblade. Farm is dogshit, despite having a BF?

                       Try not to rush sceptre, or even greaves. Try glimmer, force, Euls, ghost sceptre, halberd.

                                M U R D E R

                                  don't calibrate until you win some high skill unranked games and master the basics of farming. That would be my suggestion.


                                    understand the basic mechanic then practice


                                      im 2.5k mmr but everytime i make a new account i end up in high skill , so if you think u improved from the first time u started dota then try to make new acc ( but i prefer to rise this one to 3.2k+ mmr rather than switching account )

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