General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurpherino

Smurpherino in General Discussion



      he have 4k++ games, still normal skill cuz have wr near 50%.
      then making other smurfs


        Seriously tho thats a lot of matches to spend in ns

        M u r d e r

          I wish you could choose bracket yourself as long as you don't perform bad there... -_- would be so much more fun. NS is seriously unplayable bullshit.

          At last you can laugh at retards... inb4 tranquils-daedalus riki.

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            It is possible to choose your bracket as long as you don't perform bad there. You play ranked and climb, and if you perform well in your bracket you stay. If you perform badly then you fall. If you perform very well you climb.

            M u r d e r

              its unrealistic to expect someone to climb for 2000 mmr points just because he is 100% sure hecan perform well in the high skill bracket. because he sucks at 1v9, maybe he is a support player and can't win if his team is garbage.

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                M u r d e r

                  This guy in OP has 53% winrate in VHS out of 1k games, he clearly isn't meant to be a NS player despite being stuck in that bracket.

                  LIL KASALANAN


                      If he wasn't meant to be stuck in that bracket he would climb.

                      M u r d e r

                        Lol, climbing mmr is impossible for most players. Like look at me. I can play with 4.5k friends in party Q and win games, perform well in HS bracket... But I can't win my solo NS games because I can't 1v9 games when my cores build retarded items or straight-up feed.


                          Party MMR is meaningless when you're talking about individual skill. Performing well on those games is most likely down to your higher skilled friends enabling you to. As well as that, queuing as a party means the enemy team likely has a player with a similar MMR to you so it's still an even game.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!