General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinions on personal performance.

Opinions on personal performance. in General Discussion
    Are these stats good enough for 2.9k hours of gameplay? (first time in the forums, so i don't really know if i can post something like this.)


      normal skill (and NEVER been vhs lel)

      ok idk what is the problem here until i watch your replays to analyze your play, just in case you are so in doubt in the mm system just as other people do


        ok think i have had enough

        missing multiple creeps without pressure (no presence of enemy hero and any tower), blinking by clicking on minimap which caused you to blink the wrong way, cancer picks (kudos if you were the last pick in your 2nd most recent am game), minimal contribution to fights

        the list is endless. though you should be happy with the fact you are 3 digits away from HS mmr


          Thanks for the feedback :D. I hope i can improve a bit by bit in the future. I've recently started enabling quickcast, so it messes my gameplay a bit (having to alt to selfcast, and blinking all over the place)


            Practice last hits since you play carry a lot, practice it till you only miss at most 1 creep in 2 waves without pressure. When there is enemy in lane, read the enemy's position to know what will he be doing. Is he trying to last hit? Is he trying to deny? Is he pushing? Is the creep equilibrium good for me as it is now? How will it be when the next wave comes? Is he waiting so when I get close he can harass me? Is he waiting for a gank on me? Maybe skip the last 2 factors out when you are trying to farm.

            When these are known, you can react: pull the creeps towards you with creep aggro when the enemy has been harassing you, start autoattacking the creeps when enemy pushes so you have lower risk being dived under tower, etc etc.

            Skills and quickcast, there is not much of disadvantage using quickcast, except the fact that now you have to position your mouse BEFORE you first press on your skill. You will do fine without quickcast most of the time unless you are something like Storm Spirit who needs to ult asap. Use whichever suits you the most.

            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!