General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane tips please

Offlane tips please in General Discussion

    I just got into 5k mmr, I'm 5007 atm and I want to know how to be good at offlaning? I guess too many players dont know how to play in a suicide lane. I want help on certain offlane heroes like ds, tide, etc. I play more on greaves offlane heroes because it provides supporting too. SEA region btw


      Buy wards


        I know I am normal skill trash (3k MMR), but I think I have a respectable win rate in the offlane. Still shit though, so feel free to ignore or flame.

        As an offlaner, you really have to have good map awareness. You can't always rely on your team to call missing, or buy wards, so do those things yourself. I call missing for all heroes at all points in the early game (when offlaning).

        If the lane is pushed to far for you to harass / last hit safely, go farm the hard camp (only really good for Radiant side).

        Forcing the other team's carry back to his base, forcing TP's, and buying early armor/damage block items are all huge pluses.

        Carry TP so you can juke into side-shop or jungle to escape ganks, or to support your safelane carry if the other team tower dives him.

        Early sentries to block any creep pulling is good too. You lose the lane if their carry is allowed to free farm under his tower, or kill you because you are overextended.

        Picking the right offlaner is probably the most important thing to know, but that is general game mechanics. You being 5k and me 3k, I could probably teach you nothing about this.
        Cheers mate.

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          Just try not to die


            I'm a hard support player and I'm just trying my luck playing offlane. Thanks mate I appreciate it.


              I'm a hard support player and I'm just trying my luck playing offlane. Thanks mate I appreciate it.


                how do you deal when supports just sit on your ass and are switching between jungle and keeping you under tower
                i usually get super triggered because im forced to stay at tower with lvl 1 in 5th minute against certain lanes

                i guess that whenever you go offlane you can just buy talon and tangoes and go jungle Lul but i guess that this isnt the way the game is supposed to be played

                D the Superior
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                  LIL KASALANAN

                    Im on a lose streak now but, you talon jungle when their supports have more than 2 disables; Its really hard to run around that lane and try to take exp. If thats the case just talon jungle and then go to your tower if you see their creeps pushing in.

                    There are times that you will sit on the trees and just take exp while you see their safelane denying every fukken creep :(...

                    If their supports screw up the pull you should be lv 3~4 @min4, if they do it perfectly just try to run around that area and sap exp.

                    Things I like to do with my offlane heroes

                    DankSeer, double shell everywave, keep their supports on the lane. [Oracle and CM fucks this up]
                    Void, getting to lv7 isnt a problem because you can just run around eating exp then Q if you get nuked. [2 second stuns will kill you]

                    -just me being a lil shit and playing what i want in offlane heroes:
                    Zeus, no talon can save you; you're gonna have to spam Q with clarities to hit lv7 and piss their carry off.
                    Wex Invoker, nice exp; pretty good skills to stay in lane without dying.

                    Worst comes to worst just try not to die while trying to get some exp, tp incase you can help with kills. Also, if you can; just buy your own wards.


                      Buy iron talon and farm the jungle

                      unless you can actually stay in lane


                        I think Tide is easiest offlaner because he is very tanky and almost can't be ganked. As ds try to contest big camp creeps. For every offlaner there are spots on both side (radiant and dire) where you can hide and get free xp, wisely choose which camp you are blocking - small camp or big camp, try not to show which skill you maxed at lvl 1, don't start with iron talon because it gives no stats at all, learn how to cut creepwave and take to your tower, don't play aggressive unless enemy supports show themselves on map, contest runes, buy teleport if enemies have hard slows, etc.

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                          one thing about offlaning that most people seem to get the wrong idea about is them giving the enemy hero their "free-farm". while in most cases this is bad, the lane isnt necessarily lost because you still have your xp lead with you (which is all an offlaner needs most of the time anyway). you can actually negate all that free farm if you managed to kill them once you get ur ult (timber in most cases) or when you suddenly become a huge threat in the map with your ult (tide, beastmaster) and take objectives afterwards.

                          so, you dont have to do anything and try to contest farm with their carry if you obviously cant, you'll just end up feeding resulting to giving more gold and you losing your exp lead. just be patient, if ur team aint doing shit, y'all will makes things work later on.

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