General Discussion

General DiscussionWW a valid carry?

WW a valid carry? in General Discussion

    It was obvious that my team didn't had a hard carry and I played mid , ultimately being one of the best carry games i've played. I could hit PA from a far land melting her.


      hell no


        Yea with aghanims and maelstrom ww can deal some damage and slow enemies. But she still is weak early as her base attack dmg is shit and if people know how to play against her you get rekt

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          Ww carry is scary haha
          Back then in dota1 i mostly meet ww as a carry not a support

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Get heal at level 8 lmao

            Wtf happened this game? Did the other team lag or run out of high speed time at their local internet cafe?


              Why would you take heal when there is omni with purification and mekansm lol


                @ayakami i once stomp my friend using hero while he use slark. Lul


                  reason i up offence cause they kept ganking mid , and that pudge was trying all sorts of ways to hook me(sod , invi , tree fog)
                  and mid I lvl-ed up fast so lv 8 was pretty quick.
                  yea I used to play carry with literally any hero in Dota 1 so why not.