General Discussion

General DiscussionTips On Supporting The Unsupportable (Solo Q MMR)

Tips On Supporting The Unsupportable (Solo Q MMR) in General Discussion
Ruh Roh

    Title says it all, need tips on supporting these guys who really shouldn't be in 3k mm. People who have total uncontested free farm for 30 mins and only have phase boots and parts for Vanguard. Like I don't even know what dota is about anymore, some of these matches make me lose faith in the community of dota a little.

    When I have to carry my team can't support, when I support my team can't carry. Plz halp a wounded soul.

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Start playing Overwatch


        Pick Sven 1v5


          ^Ask one or 2 or 3 of your teammates to abandon, then win the game with sven.


            sometimes even Sven isn't enough...



              ^^ What lost you the game is the fact that you guys let it go for 54min against a team with alch/spec/LC lol
              Sven is a lot more powerful than given credit, but in some situations, he can be overwhelmed
              Just my 2 cents

              Ruh Roh

                Mirana feeds the enemy four kills with in 4 minutes and blames the team for her running at the enemy solo and dying. Wtf is wrong with these players lately? Why are they so damn bad?


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                  Well looks like mirana wasn't your only problem rofl
                  That team was a shitshow


                    Actually blitz I had a back to back rampage/godlike at like minute 45... I caught them doing roshan and team wiped them with some help from Riki... Right after they got the aegis.

                    Went down took bottom racks and went for the kill but necro bought back and hit me with the aghs ult. Then someone fed the courier with my boots of travel 2 on it so I couldn't get back when spectre split push.

                    But ultimately it wasn't like my team was dead. They just couldn't manage to follow me around and get any participation in kills.... Or buildings. After minute 25 three of them never left the base.


                      It is what it is man. You just have to play your role. Do not get tilted by anybody. Just relax and do what you have to do. Do not try to blame somebody for being bad. That happens all the time. All you have to do is relax and play your role in that game. If you want to play support you just got to do your part in that game. It is up to them to play their role as well. Just try to be positive and discuss with your teammates about how you're going to play. I do not really know how bad 3k can be. They should at least have some basic fundamental knowledges. Just trust your teammates and play your part. I'm pretty sure you will have good teammates on your next games. Good luck and enjoy.


                        What you're saying reminds me of this game:
                        A lot and that's why it went on for 83min... But we ended up winning despite their nonstop split pushing, we were defending in base for at least 20-25 min ... But it all came down to team coordination, which we were better at, and that ultimately won us the game. Sometimes your team doesn't make the best of decisions and sometimes they aren't very cooperative, but this is Dota I guess, not much one can do lol
                        All in all, sven is a great hero and can do a lot, but just like any other hero, you need a team that has your back.

                        Execute Order 322

                          play support properly

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                              Watch Fluffnstuff's videos. He'll help you with whatever you need.

                              Chances are you're not doing everything you can to make your team win. The first 10 minutes of the game are extremely important for a support.


                                I think the key is just to stay calm and instead of wishing your teammates did/were something else just focus on doing the best you can with what you have. All you can do is play the hand you were dealt. Perhaps the most important thing of all is to fully, deeply, actually realize that the pool of players your teammates come from is the exact same as your opponents. All the shit you hate is happening across the river too, so don't get discouraged and find ways to recognize and then capitalize on enemy stupidity so as to best offset that on your own team.

                                Never forget that your team is made of 4 random teammates and the enemy team is made of 5 random players. That means that, so long as you never, ever, ever participate yourself, whatever you hate most about Dota, be it stupidity, toxicity, quitters, intentional throwing. not speaking the selected language, whatever- it happens 25% more to the enemy team than to your team over the long term. Yeah, there will be individual games where it doesn't work out in your favor, but if you don't let it get to you for every 4 games you lose like that you'll win 5 from that same crap on the other team.

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!