General Discussion

General Discussionwhat did you change about your play to reach your mmr?

what did you change about your play to reach your mmr? in General Discussion

    interested to see what kind of things you guys did, fixing your tilting, farming more, supporting, or whatever it was. (:

    ASSESS Product

      If you're talking about to reach from 1k to 3k, try to win the game yourself.

      doc joferlyn simp

        - regeneration


          I started picking

          But to be honest I just started to play better in every aspect that I can notice myself


            I started playing solo


              From 1.3k to 4.6k:

              I stopped blaming my teammates and started flaming the enemy team.

              I stopped playing solo ranked matchmaking for a week now though. It's probably because I flame and blame both teammates and enemies without consequence.


                this is a quit interesting topic, maybe some successfull climbers can share their way to do it. i am like 2k and i want to learn how i can win games on my own or better said how to increase my own impact that much that its not a safe lose when for example 1 teammate starts to feed in his lane. i saw ppl stomping the game with some feeding and trolling ppl on their team, that is what i want to be able too.

                stupid fuck 2000

                  nothing cause im still a ns scrub


                    I changed my dick to puss but still get raped. raised 200 MMR stuck in the NS trench. Not sure if it helps but at least I have a puss now

                    LIL KASALANAN

                      got a lil bit gudder

                      nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                        I tilting harder as my mmr goes higher


                          muted chat

                          Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                            Converted to Judaism


                              I watch miracle play.

                              Im stuck at 5.5k, cuz i either get 4k retards who r useless or i go up against 6.5k players who r better than me lol

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                I calibrated at 2800 solo MMR and gained my way to 4800 where i am kinda stuck now. i peaked on 5150 MMR.
                                To gain MMR consistently u need to stay ahead of the learning curve. What that means is figuring out the 'NEW META' before it happens. Basically u want to STUDY patchnotes and watch competetive dota. Spend time thinking about the game outside of playing it and figure out, which heros in which playstyles are goign to be strong. Right now everybody jumping on the Terrorblade train for example. So figure out his counters (Lion, ET, maybe Ember) and try to work those into your games.
                                What i did was i figured out how to perform OK on any hero that can be considered a support in any way. Then every patch I identify which of the heros is strong and i pick it. Also the pick is more then just a hero, i often times have a concrete itembuild in mind when i start the game.
                                The heros i am using more currently are:
                                Elder Titan

                                I also try to make heros like KotL and venomancer work.

                                Basically i try to find a way to continously stay one step ahead of the opponent. To pick accuratly i need some intel so i usually demand 3-4 pick at the start of the game and call my role (support)
                                When i play Random Draft i call out all heros in the pool i am comfortable playing (about 15-20 per pool) and just say right at the start of the picking phase that i will be utilizing one of those heros. so my allys get a chance to find some nice synergies with one of these heros and pick accordingly.

                                I always try to stay positive in my matches and will encourage good played with a typed 'wp'. I also turn out to be the wardbitch in 9/10 games. My goal was to get to 4,000 k with this playstyle and i hoped to find better teammates there so i could play more focussed on my own itemprogression and fun. that hasnt worked out. on the bright sight i made it further up the MMR scale while still being exploited as a wardbitch by 4 position jungle Natures Profits.

                                This is probably the hardest and most frustrating way to gain MMR but in the end u will be a good and stable player and very independend of metagame and hero buffs like Lesh / OD / Invoker.
                                If u want to gain quickly i suggest u get a good internet conncetion, a gamer mouse, a good keyboard and spam your strongest heros with the most impact on the game. pick mid and safelane every game and just carry the shit you ar ebeing teamed up with. if you try this and fail you are not as good as u think you are.


                                  stopped trying to teach my allies how to play, waste of time/energy/focus


                                    Started playing carry after spending most of my early games playing support heroes. Realised that I was usually getting as much CS as the 'carries' at that skill level even playing support and so proceeded to take the carry or mid role and found wins coming much more easily until I reached my current skill level and thanks to meta changes where you can no longer just outfarm people.


                                      On a serious note, I started playing offlane. I would say it's the most complicated lane because you need to know how to control creep equilibrium, stay alive and farm as well as disrupt opposing laners farm and on top of that you need to be able to see ganks coming.

                                      A well played offlane ensures that their safelane isn't doing well which makes the game easier for your teams...I suggest playing an offlaner that doesn't fall off late game just incase your safe and/or mid isn't doing well so you can put them on your back and carry the game

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        tbh, i just learnt how to farm while putting pressure on towers. low skill tiers have no idea when to def and when to attack, and i always end up having a ton of farm while taking every undefended tower.


                                          I practiced ganking on my supports and improving the consistency of my pulls. I have a win rate of over 57% in ranked because I learn how to improve in pubs, then once I feel confident I can gain a solid 300-400 MMR with 2-3 losses max, I go in and currently have jumped from 1.7k to 2.2k while losing only 4 games (90% being support, one offlane faceless void, safelane carry tiny, one DP mid, and one puck mid. Rest were omniknight, rubick, disruptor, or another support I felt confident with).


                                            i got cancer

                                            there, easy 4k.


                                              stopped giving many fucks about shitty teammates


                                                Shit advice everywhere. Best advice for getting out of 2k. Learn to last hit. Start by practicing in a lobby with free farm. Then practice last hitting with a contested lane. Then learn lane mechanics to know how to use lane in ur favour to get more last hits. That will get u to 3k. How to go to 4k? I have no idea


                                                  I got my kidney remove because my kidney couldn't take the salt that everyone gives me


                                                    I started at 1.8 k back there i did like 30 lh in 10 min. Now im 4 k and I have 60+ lh After 10 min. Thats the biggest thing i changed.

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!