General Discussion



    Donald Trump has more detractors than fans, and while half of the country seems to share some kernel of Trump's beliefs toward Mexican immigrants, the other half does not. Anecdotally, I can say that from the liberal bubble of San Francisco, Trump is widely mocked, believed to be a pompous fool, and not considered to be a serious candidate in the slightest. However, your results may vary depending on whom you ask, and where in the country. America remains a very large and populous nation, and its citizens' opinions, like the citizens themselves, are varied.
    If Trump really wants to be President, he has to build a broader coalition. He needs to persuade doubters not by lashing out but by sounding like a potential President. He needs to find a running mate people will respect and advisers willing to serve in his Administration. And he needs to give thoughtful speeches with specific ideas for reviving economic growth and keeping the country safe.

    Time is more fleeting than he seems to think. If he doesn’t act more like a genuine leader soon, he may find that his candidacy has imploded before he is even nominated.

    -Trump, The Make America Great Again guy. 4head

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    Dire Wolf

      Well fuck for a chance at fifty I guess I'll give my opinion.

      Trump has given little to no detail on his policies or plans. The few things he has said make no sense.

      Probably the biggest concern to me is he wants to eliminate free trade in order to bring jobs back to the US. He wants to add huge tariffs onto Ford cars made in mexico and AC units carrier is going to outsource. The problem with this is companies will simply pass those costs onto consumers, and if the tariff becomes so huge no one will buy the product, they'll bail. The companies have already decided it's too expensive to produce in the US and nothing's going to change that. The product lines Ford is exporting are the cheap economy cars like Fiesta and Focus. Those cars are not big money makers like their higher end stuff. The cost a lot in labor to produce and sell for low teens. They basically exist because of EPA mandates for fleet mileage ratings. The profit margins on them are razor thin. Ford builds a ton of cars in the US just fine, but they can't afford to make the cheap ones here anymore.

      Even if they were to return, how many people does this actually help vs hurt? So now maybe 10,000 people have jobs but the cars that cost ~14,000 now cost ~18,000 or more? Every raves about made in the US until they realize the products cost double. It devalues the wage of everyone else for a few more lower middle class jobs. Doesn't seem that worth it.

      Trump has also said he wants to raise taxes on the rich without giving any definition of who the rich are. Typically when politicians say that they mean raise taxes on the middle class. I'm sorry but making barely 6 figures, despite how washington wants to spin it, that's not rich, that's upper middle class. Just cus you're doing better than everyone else, it's not rich. Middle class shares too large a tax burden as is.

      He also wants to ban muslims an build a wall. These just seem impractical.

      Other than that I have no idea what he stands for. I can only go off what he says. But his speech is not presidential. I don't care who you are or your stances, you can't call people morons and belittle and berate them as he does to all his opponents. Do you think he is really going to get into a room with Putin and call him little Putin or wave his hands and say you're being an idiot? I think he's full of hot air and has all the voters fooled, or he really believes this stuff and is delosional.

      I also question whether he is conservative at all. He supported the democrats and clintons financially in the 90s and 2000s. He only switched sides cus it was an opportune moment.

      I think Hillary Clinton is probably the better choice because at least she is status quo. Hillary isn't going to change shit, she'll keep the failed health care system and sell out to lobbyists and keep our interventionist foreign policies going that mostly benefit big business, but at least she won't make things worse. For me personally, other than my outrageous health care premiums, things are pretty good so that has a sort of appeal.


        Hey come on, clue, i am interesting with TRUMP statement about terrorist.

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          Holy shit this thread is amazing.
          I need more of this and more ganja.

          Pardon my post, I like to butt in since I want attention. I will now be a ghost, carry on.


            Trump is Alchemist incarnated man. Dude went greevil's greed max and is a true capitalist! Trump always has consistent acid spray on; the enemy of Trump get dumber by just being close to him and listening to what he has to say. As far as Chemical Rage goes, the boy is always enraged and is ready to blast Mexicans/terrorists. Lastly, unstable concoction is his true ultimate because it can either hit the enemy and get the kill or it can completely backfire and butt fuck his team. There is no middle ground with Trump!

            He said something about being open to nuking terrorists which is just plain hilarious.

            Sorry I don't know much about politics because it is so boring but Trump is definitely doing something right considering all the press he is getting.

            [SPARTANS] KEIJI

              Okay, i red some interesting opion already at my post at dotabuff and reddit. Come on, its 50usd swc for 2 peps!


                Trump is a godsend to our country. Even if he doesn't win just the fact that he showed how far a normal person (not a trained liar) can go is beautiful. Him and Sanders shunning the support of large corporations for their campaigns is a healthy step for politics in the USA. I don't believe Trump will win since most of the media seems to have hated him from the start, but I would have no qualm with him winning instead of Hilary.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  What happened to Jack though?


                    hey I won



                      lm ao

                        dude election is still on november


                          It was about a year ago that Donald Trump stormed onto the political scene. Many were taken aback by the confident, unapologetic and far from politically correct New York businessman -- including me.
                          I admit that, for the first month of his candidacy, I had my concerns about Trump. I questioned, for example, whether someone with such cutting yet candid honesty, a candidate who veered so sharply from so many of the usual political expectations, could ever become president. The more I watched Trump on the campaign trail, though, the more some of these supposed weaknesses turned out to be strengths. I kept an open mind.
                          Sadly, some seem unable to accept that maybe what America needs is someone who will level with voters, and who isn't shy about presenting things as they are, not like we would necessarily like them to be. That is no truer than on U.S. college campuses.
                          Bastions of free-flowing discussion with civil exchange are the academic ideal. But during my time in academia, it became increasingly clear that prisons of political correctness with peer-engendered public shaming are now the academic reality. Indeed, the reality is that there is a contingency of liberal college students that seek not just to diminish alternate viewpoints, but to stifle them altogether.
                          In many cases, students who profess conservatism become the subject of anonymous ad hominem attacks -- not by professors seeking to facilitate conversation, but by students seeking to stop it. At one institution, an entire student-run website was devoted in part to just this endeavor. But the bullying was not just confined to the Internet.
                          The squelching of speech was showcased last year when Yale students were filmed screaming down a professor who suggested that banning offensive Halloween costumes infringes on free speech. At the University of Michigan, students called police over pro-Trump messages written in chalk and suggested that there ought to be an emergency number to erase future "chalkings."
                          It was this kind of mindset -- the hostile advocacy of platitudes over polite dissent, dictatorial silencing over thoughtful engagement and censorship over free interchange -- that took me from reticent acceptance of Trump's approach to passionate advocacy.
                          It is of course not just his approach that has appealed, but his recognition that the enemy we face is not faceless but comes in the form of radical Islamic extremism, that the middle class has been left behind by both the left and the right and that unbridled immigration has victimized many Americans.
                          Yet it is his honest advocacy for his deeply held beliefs that has emboldened me to speak out confidently for my positions, and to ignore the anonymous attacks and scoffing jeers of the naysayers. Trump has set the politically correct prison walls aflame.
                          Despite the unfortunate state of freedom of ideas on U.S. campuses today, it was still the scholastic principle of openness to alternatives that encouraged me to give Trump's views a second look, and what I found was far more nuance than the media and his critics give him credit for.
                          Take Trump's supposed "ban on all Muslims." What he actually proposed was a temporary ban on non-U.S. citizen Muslims until we discover how to isolate ISIS sympathizers. And Trump never dubbed all Mexicans rapists and criminals. Rather, he suggested that Mexican government had sent some people who fit this profile, much like Cuba did during the Mariel boatlift of the 1980s. None of this was motivated by bigotry, racism, Islamophobia or whatever other "ism" or "ia" the pundits concocted.
                          "The punditry snicker, the politicians sneer, and the editorialists scoff, but the American people speak and Donald J. Trump rises --commandingly so -- confounding the powerful institutions of Washington D.C. and New York and earning him the ire of both." That's what I wrote when I endorsed him.
                          Yes, I knew the road would be hard, beset with opposition from the left and the right. But the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia and his infinite wisdom continue to be a guiding light. Though written in a religious context, his words are ever encouraging to those fighting an uphill battle of any sort: "Have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity. Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world."


                            OP. who won??

                            Giff me Wingman

                              i should win because he has to like me Kappaface


                                Sparta shit. Failed "attention" thread.