General Discussion

General DiscussionSEA 4k tiers are too toxic from 4.5kmmr 15 lose streak to 4k and now ...

SEA 4k tiers are too toxic from 4.5kmmr 15 lose streak to 4k and now 3.9k tf in General Discussion

    too sick of 4k pubs so much carry wannabe and don't know how to play carry and i can do carry much better than them as i watch the difference between them and me i can withstand laning pressure even vs strong heroes with useless support and cant get any last hits i can just farm after laning phase and not dying in laning phase but they can die 3 to 4 times really make me painful and "gg end thx" after few die on laning tf and no knowledge to when to farm and join fight and keep join fight with team and die :( tf when i play support 90% of carries are suck and when i carry even winning early game my team keep throwing tf keep fight no map awareness and duno farm tf i push 1 lane and free them nc no 1 go farm wth really sick i farm opponent nc my teammate js cant farm effevtively on other places ... tf i admit my kappa techies and invos are sucks but when i play carry most of the time my team throws wtf any suggestion how to up mmr? even when i am playing on 4.5k i feeling 90% players at there are js like 3k players with good last hit skills and laning skills but after laning phase they are js the same :( i met some good players on 4k tiers but few compared to those throwers :( plz how could i climb back my mmr


      1: SEA equilevant to NA in terms of play skill/^mmr^/

      2: SEA most cancerous server

      3. Get good lo lxd


        and when i buy vanguard on am my teammates are so noisy. shits. tat time i am really poor and cant direct bfury and vs wr offlane and since he keep stay on lane even when fighting i cant really farm so i go vg and successfully solo zone out him and free farm top and carry the game till nearly 1 hour and my teammates ww few throws oh shit his positionong and lose


          Korea > SEA = NA = EU = China


            i admit i am not good at some current meta op heroes like lesh bs cores and i prefer farming cores


              when i am on 3.8k i climb to 4.2 with nearly 100% winrate with js average teammates but ncie attitude and got 1 people tell us whet to do at what timeand after few weeks 4.2 to 4.5 nearly 100% then drop 500 in js 2 days make me really mad those 2 days i keep meet some bad attitude teammtes and techies pickers shits


                and during my losing days they js wont hear my hero suggestion js pick some am techies bh


                  is mid role better in upping solommr?


                    u dont need vanguard to stay in lane vs Windrunner lol, WR cant stand in lane when uve got pms and treads u high as fuck


                      i used to climb from 3k to 4k by spamming ember mid but when nearly 4k theres too much lesh lina and i cant really win laning phase against those heroes and my lesh lina sucks i am only good at ember mid and when theres ss my mid laning winrate nearly 100% should i learn to play lesh lina or keep playing carry role?


                        ok thx for vg advice i will try it out next time


                          really mad so i want to write something so i will feel better


                            so i should continue play as carry or learn lesh/lina mid or ways to deal with them on laning stage?


                              or i must as good as those pros players stomping pubs to up to 5ks?


                                Why you stopped spam ember if you are so good?
                                Mid is the best for boosting mmr. But!
                                If you played like 4k hours with other roles, there is no reason to switch.
                                I would say it's even possible to up MMR with support. Which is hardest and the most complex role in the game after mid IMO.

                                TLDR; Pick you best heroes, play 1-2 roles perfectly and carry your team to victory.

                                inst:  MissMissclick

                                  can you teach me how to play ember?

                                  Tampan dan Berani

                                    Sea is cancer because of pinoy, shit people and country, they only want to be a carry and mid, but they always fail and start blaming others, we are( indonesia, malaysia, and other) have a good attitude, except pinoy

                                    casual gamer

                                      3.9k is so much easier than 4.5k though, im sure when you stop tilting you will recover

                                      lm ao

                                        LOL i think you laned against my friend in that AM Vanguard match, was his name 'Ofelia Lyn Tiu' and offlaned Windranger? BTW I'm sayiing this because 4K SEA matches are like way, waaaaaaaaaaaay sparse

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