General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    I wonder how much damage you have done by your blademail hehe. Good stuff, well played, I would probably prefer a force stuff and a glimmer, instead of an aghs but it all worked out great for you in the end :).


      Hate seeing a lot of deaths on Dusa , pains my heart as a fellow dusa player . But you still got your farm and your items , and managed to do great Tower and Hero damage . Bottom line is it came down to the draft , and you delivered . Good Job !
      Plus I love that you're a Brew AND a Meepo player . I tingle in joy everytime i see those heroes in a game .


        Nice farm, solid dusa game all around


          holy shit your team was terrible, usually i'm against blaming games on teammates but holy shit no one on your team has a positive kda


            nice game..was hard but,u won it..nice lashits 30 min 800 lashits WTFF?PRO???

            doc joferlyn simp

              Good game, match was a stalemate during the first 30 mins, everyone was doing well. Seems like your team won a crucial teamfight because of the idiocy of one of your enemies who was probably farming at the time of the clash. Idiotic enough to make the Spirit Breaker, who was doing decently, tilt and just go apeshit with a 5-slot Enchanted Mango build lmao. Well played on recognizing that advantage and taking the game into your own hands, keep it up!


                haha ty was ez game...why you post here when you wreck a game SON?U R SOME PRO HERE?WHY BUY CRISTALIS AT THE END WHY THAT ITEM CAUSE U HAVE ALOT GOLD AND ITS GG ? U THINK U PRO???

                General Asim Muneer

                  Nc luna.. Ez lineup ez game.. Sch gankers mch wow!


                    Looks like the other team threw tbh. You did well farm and kill wise while your lycan and slark were really bad. Good good juggernaut :)

                    General Asim Muneer

                      @platypus..comeback was real.. One teamfight was all it took us to end mid


                        Carried your team hard. Your lycan ain't doing his job.

                        plin plin plon

                          Nc can get shit done for 32 mins and all of ur team is good cz i tought tht if i see the draft, the enemy could counter ur team, but luckily the enemy suck lol

                          casual gamer

                            they were super overloaded on lategame heroes and survived to 40 minutes. you needed to close the game out earlier


                              The jug vasn't very good and they snowballed. Also the build of the mirana was pretty bad.


                                The enemy lacks reliable CC (in particular, they lack a true offlaner) and your morphling just snowballed out of control. Good job.

                                Donald Trump 2016

                                  The wombo combo team fight for your team was unreal.


                                    It seems you're not doing too good in that match. Considering there's Slardar on the enemy team, you should have gone with other heroes there ... although your deep passion for Riki makes me think they're counter-picking you because you pick him instantly. Needless to say, looks like you managed to disrupt their teamfight heavily which lead your team ending the game before 30 minutes mark.

                                    2 steps behind

                                      i think overall you had the better clash potential... a bit one-sided, without a replay i cant say who had the most contribution in your team. good job i guess?

                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                        Imo, you were unable to snowball off early kills, lost the advantage since min 19, never got it back, you got outfarmed to the point that their push couldn't be stopped. I don't even know how how that could happen, considering you have so much CC, but I guess shit happens


                                          A easy win with that Meepo in your team. You did your part well. Dire had no support what so ever and no aoe dmg. WP anyway!

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            Huge BH game. Career high on assist? good job on staying in the pocket. Standard item pickups. Overall good job.


                                              Congrats, you managed to become a walking time bomb there, becoming the highest heroes damage along the way.
                                              Death count could be better but you're playing as a Venomancer so that's quite alright i think.
                                              Also did you plan on building Orchid there ? I think it would be better to finish it first rather than rushing aghs.

                                              Btw, i wonder what happen to Nyx. Did he disconnected ? Might be the reason why dire lose since they can't burn your WK mana pool.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                              Bad Intentions

                                                @minerva lol nyx was there but just gave up on life :)) decides to plant a sentry ward field at the end :)) skip me!

                                                casual gamer

                                                  it appears u were never going to buy the items u needed to stop dying (ghost force). u did a shitton of damage I guess so gj.

                                                  gg nyx


                                                    You dumpstered kids with faceless void

                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      Trashed some peruvians and allowed your team to throw a bit just to let you pick it up again and win

                                                      What if?

                                                        sniper hohohaha nice kda hohohaha greaves hohohaha aether hohohaha


                                                          Kinda odd build for KOTL. I would rather go max Chakra Magic first there to offset the mana burn from Nyx.
                                                          On another note, skipping Spirit Form at lvl 10 and 11 is kinda strange. At this point you should have enough mana to afford it.
                                                          This skill would also improve your survivabilty because you don't have to stop to channel the full duration of Illuminate, making you push easier. I think this is also the reason why your LH is kinda low even though you have max Illuminate at lvl 10.

                                                          BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                                            2k Tower Damge on Jakiro :/

                                                            Nice amount of assists tho! :D

                                                            Donald Trump 2016

                                                              Support. Kept team alive and actually did his job properly without feeding.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                your team was compelte SHIT, especially morphling and the meepo xp vacuum who did nothing

                                                                maybe rush bkb instead of yasha after diffu? you were fucked 100% though


                                                                  Enemy team drafted so bad lul, slark sucked

                                                                  idk man they sucked


                                                                    that riki pick was bold, underwhelming build, even with their lucky lion not much they could do against that steamroller slark+medusa combo


                                                                      easy stomp, you carried. but I think the enemies just played bad in that case


                                                                        Stomp from start to finish due to heavy outdraft: the enemy has minimal control against Void / Huskar and Timber was too noob to contest. I'm guessing at least 2 lanes were won and the enemy fed every time they were seen on the map by Io + Hero + Zeus ult. Their morphling would have been better off as a support to feed invoker sunstrike kills.

                                                                        Overall, you did your job setting up for Zeus and Huskar.

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                          Ur 12.0 KDA in this match hides the fact that the match was actually a close comeback, rather than a stomp. Kudos for the great KDA and possibly being the reason for ur team's comeback. Enemy sand king seems to have fed a lot too and has the least hero dmg. Ur own hero dmg is not at par with the other 3 cores on ur team, but hey, u were probably farming for late game. My advice for safe lane farming void playstyle however, would be to not make vlads. That shud have been Night stalker's job. But hey, 5 core team and normal skill, so these things dont matter too much

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                            ur team was so squishy and total trash ...i wouldnt go sange y dominator .. . would go blink monkey and abysal ...lashits bad like everyone in that game ;d git gud by item pick up


                                                                              would rather get a shiva than octarine for sandking


                                                                                Ah, Winter Wyvern ... haven't seen her in a while. Anyway, any reason you're not going for glimmer there ? SF raze and ult can definitely tear someone you just Cold Embraced. And also your LH is quite low considering you max out splinter blast first which should have boost your pushing potential.

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                                                                                    Hey you won your last game as a pos 5 rubick so I would just say Well Played ! :)


                                                                                      you needed a glimmer and a dagger, props for supporting tho


                                                                                        Your team was able to destroy all enemy T3/racks, enemy team wasn't. Your team gave you a lot of space and you were able to capitalize, wp.


                                                                                          at first glance, i thought you went naga support for gags. happy farming, i guess?


                                                                                            Raped with Arc Warden. Good job.


                                                                                              Tried out the new hero. The enemy was totally unprepared for the root / damage combo or the mass team TP. I hope you didn't run into any teammates saying "if you lose, we report you."

                                                                                              @Santana, you are mostly right. We lost all three lanes but I had no intentions of being a carry. My job was the "offlane" initaitor but fighting sniper + lich in the offlane was way too hard, so I swapped with clinkz and killed SK with NS a few times. The reason for the low hero damage is that in many of the mid-game teamfights, my job was bait (to draw SK, Lich, and Storm away) so sniper could be killed with impunity. Only until later was I truly able to solo-kill the enemy. Honestly, I felt we won because Storm built bloodstone first over orchid. If he built orchid first, my chronos that won the mid-game would have never happened.

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                hm easy game ..u could do more farm ...and u dont need vanguard and vladimir instead u should finish abysal !!!!!!!


                                                                                                  Not much i can comment, Nightstalker on your enemies just give up early by selling all their item, probably because he sees Warlock feeding hard. Maybe gank Alch sooner because if not for his teammates, he can snowball really hard with that 1k GPM.


                                                                                                    Long and close game but ultimately unable to beat out the enemies slightly superior late game.

                                                                                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                                      EZ zeus game