General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Nightstalker ulti time - buffed or nerfed?

New Nightstalker ulti time - buffed or nerfed? in General Discussion
Lorenzo VI

    So with this patch we have ended the endless nights that used to dominate 6-7 mins of a game. Instead there is no reason for NS to hold back on his ulti in the day because night will come as fast anyway.

    For those who didnt know, nightstalker ulti now doesn't affect the night time and day time timer.

    Now I believe nightstalker is one of those heroes who really needs to use the early game to dominate if he is to win a game. Late game he just isnt that great a hero (and thats why I love him). With this new timer system you are unable to create crazy long uninterupted night during the laning phase, and thats why I could consider this a nerf.

    At the same time its a potential buff because around 3/4 of the game will be night time from here on in. However the con is when your ulti runs out in the day you hit like a wet flannel and have to walk away. This new changes offers more time for you to kill but ruins the psychological affect of the hero.

    These are my opinions and as of today I don't know what to think of the change. So I post the question to you.

    P.S what's everyones view on NS aga atm?

    Polkadot Piranha

      The 675 max vision range during his ult is absolutely bonkers. Definite buff, especially since sooner or later you would have massive patches of daytime anyway, making him crud during those periods.


        Its a buff to me since now you dont feel bad for using your ult during the day because a team fight started and the cd is lower now. So its pretty much always night anyway.

        Ming (Zufälliger König)

          pick heroes that has 1800 night vision to fight with ns.
          ie: slark/luna

          imho slark does well against ns provided u time dark pact correctly to get rid of the silence
          luna can just manta away the silence

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          [RR53] RR

            Darkness vision reduction is sooooo strong. Especially if NS has aghs, so his team has unobstructed vision. Still kinda gimmicky hero.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              ^^Maybe you should try to read the patchnotes.
              Darkness now sets all enemy vision to a maximum of 675, instead of reducing it by 25%


                i like this hero, but he is really weak later if you don't farm up some real impressive items.
                first 15 minutes he can dominate hard, but after that any carry will take him head on.