General Discussion

General DiscussionNon-retard Queue

Non-retard Queue in General Discussion

    Forget LPQ and a not-fit-for-purpose reporting system. What pub games need is a separate queue for people who rank highly in post-game surveys.

    There needs to be a carrot for behaving like a normal person rather than just a stick for being a complete knob.

    Fed up of playing with retards? Well start having a positive impact on the people you play with and then you can start playing with reasonable human beings.

    LPQ just doesn't remove enough players from the matchmaking pool to positively impact on the experience in the normal queue.

    I'd happily have a longer queue-time or wider spread of MMR in a game if it meant it was with 9 other people who are pleasant to play with.


      also cure hiv and feed the children


        While I think a lot of people agree in theory I would hate to queue for 10 minutes to get paired with you, simply because you're nice. I do agree that it should reward the players who are better to play with though.


          Yeah, some people who rage are actually a pleasure to play with cos they are just venting and still carry my ass.

          If the post-game question is simply - would you like to play with this person again? - then those who get lots of positive answers will get to play with each other as it were.

          Am fairly sure some people would get heaven for being nice, some for being try-hard, some for being funny. Don't think anyone would get there for crying about losing first blood or feeding cos they don't get mid....


            give nice players more mmr.
            i think then noone would flame.
            i wouldn't :)

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            x marks the...

              ya lets have 4 nice teamates who don't flame me but fight nuetrals til they die and tank tower til they die.

              Where can i sign up?


                @x - read what I wrote- the question i suggested is "would you like to play with this person again?" you'd be welcome to say yes to try-hard ragers if that's who you like to play with (i'd like to play with anyone who helps me win personally - that is what constitutes "pleasant" to me)

                then the general consensus of the dota community of what is a good team mate will all get to play together and those nice but afk farmers or raging feeders can play amongst themselves.

                it doens't matter what the community decides is a "good" team mate - by definition, they will be commended and get to play together.

                i'm not saying i want to decree what makes a good pubber.


                  another idea - give people who get commended more drops and give people who place wards/couriers mythical ward and courier drops etc.

                  basically the point i'm trying to get across is that currently good behaviour (however good is defined) is not currently rewarded - all there is is a punishment pool for really bad behaviour that mainly punishes those with flakey internet connections - and if it was i believe there would be a marked improvement in the quality of the solo games.


                    this thread gave bakardi ebola


                      Why would you reward good behaviour lmao. You're expected to have good behaviour, there's nothing to reward about it.


                        This already exists, 1 star people are already matched together. If you don't believe me, go 2-3 games and flame everyone a TON, and BM pause, then look at your teammate quality in the next 10-20 games.

                        x marks the...

                          Somebody's mad they can't carry :laugh:


                            actually i stopped flaming for some time now, and my team is usually nice or they don't talk that much.
                            i actually like when our mid dies frist blood and noone writes in all chat "gg pls end fast"


                              @Olek - this is from someone who freely admits to feeding till his team mates dc....

                              Live in the real world - I want to have games with people who play like grown-ups. if that means people have to be bribed to do so, who cares? that's got to be better than another wasted queue+game because of that last-pick DP....


                                i think during the searchtime we could have a bunch of tests to single out the retards maybe like the itemgame - build items and stuff and it would give points also how much does wards cost and where do u put them and maybe some boxes that u can put symbols in the right boxes and if u do this successfully u get allowed to play in the normal game but if u dont get enough points u get placed in the lowbrain bracket with the rest.

                                Harry hamburgerryg

                                  The thing in dota is, a fuck loads of people don't actually play to win. They just play to troll or be retarded. You don't evenm have to flame em, it will all come by itself. One mistake made on their own, which will result in them dying is enought to destroy the whole game. They get mad at everyone and wont help the team at ALL, this shit happens like very often. And you know what they don't give a fuck, cus they have 999999999999999999 other smurf accounts to play on.

                                  Also the ranked solo que, isnt rly a solo que. Every game you get matched with stacks, on both teams. This results in someone having 3k mmr will be on your team, and if your unlucky enought that person will either carry or mid, and the chance that the person gets mathced up on lane against someone with 3,8 rating is high. 80% of the time they will feed like hell. How does that make fucking sense. I used to play wow in my old days, ALOT. I was very good at it, and in some of eu best guilds, everything was about teamplay here, beeing able to work together and solve issues. Dota is complete reverse. people in this game is fucking scumbags, they dont give a fuck about winning or helping the team. I made lot of friends in wow. I now played dota for 1year, and have made 0friends so far.

                                  Conclusion is DOTA is FUCKING RETARDED, never experinced any game with so many spastics in one place. But valve could also take their shit together and do something about the game, like you suggested in this thread. First thing would be punishing game ruiners, insted of just doing fucking nothing. Right now people gets punished more for calling someone a "idiot" than ruining a game completely...............

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!