General Discussion

General DiscussionHero to player stereotypes;

Hero to player stereotypes; in General Discussion
Kamado Kun

    axe players: im feel like flexing and murdering people like a sir today

    True Survivor

      Jungle Axe players=Brain afk idiots who are JUST good enough to understand that winning involves destroying the enemy base, but too fucking stupid to realize that his team is at a disadvantage 4v5 while his dumb ass is AFK jungling on a hero that scales like shit. He then proceeds to blame team when his shitty blink dagger+call combo 20 minutes in to the game doesn't make fuck all of a difference when the enemy has been able to win their offlane, and the enemy mid was able to easily gank the poor soul in the other lane that was not intending to solo in the first place because he wasn't expecting Axe to jungle.

      First blood given up? Get ready for constant "lol" "zzz" "gg" "noob" echoing from the depths of the jungle as your "team mate" Axe spins away in the jungle farming 250 GPM because he isn't even smart enough to drop his Tranquil boots before he takes a creep camp.

      4 minutes in and your safe lane is on their back foot from aggressive enemies? It could be easily turned around by Axe coming in and using Battle Hunger and calling one of them? Fuck you, Axe doesn't need Battle Hunger to jungle.

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      Dire Wolf

        "@Timberwolf: What? Blink is core 90% of the times on shadow shaman. Also pugna is a much better core than support, aghs and (to a lesser extent) dagon are legit on him."

        I don't mean don't get blink or aghs but they do not use it in a support role. They use them to kill steal and "carry." Like pugna's decrypifying everything right before it dies and then spamming lifesteal. Or shadow shaman's not using blink to initiate well but using it to finish off targets that we're going to die anyway. Yes pugna is not a good 5 spot. But you shouldn't pick pugna and call "carry mid" if we already have picked a mid. Then you mess up the game.

        You sometimes get carry crystal maidens and carry omni knights too.

        dragoljub iz despotovca

          i hate mirana players, stupid idiots that fail arrows then talk how they only need starfall. what the fuck is that shit

          Quick maffs

            ^True man, i fucking hate every mirana player, even MORE the ones that camp mid

            seriously FUCK YOU


              Pudges think that couriers, wards and mid will be their anyway, they don't know another mid-heroes
              BH tryes to contr-pick riki, but never uses track


                axe players : i feel like some dunkin' today.

                kanye went to uni

                  i play anti mage sometimes in 3k ... sorry guys....


                    So do I :(

                    Miku Plays

                      My sometimes AM on 3k pub ..


                        Phoenix players are ballsy and will try to fight everything at once.

                        I know, I am one of them.

                        Hex Sigma

                          @ hatsune you havent farmed enough. In order to vanquish all magic and take the fun out of the game you need more cs.


                            As roles

                            Mid: Autistic retard
                            Carry: Pretty cool if you give space
                            Offlane: The real mvp
                            Support: Generally bad, hate them nearly as much as mid

                            As hero:
                            Void picker: if carry = retard if offlane = noob
                            Tinker: Autistic and have an anime picture
                            Earth spirit: Cool guys
                            Lich: Somebody who used to be beat up irl so he takes revenge in the game agaisnt the carry
                            Templar: Dragonfist Jr ( Thank god he isnt daddy dragonfist)


                              @Earth spirit: Cool guys
                              I wonder what your most played hero would be.
                              EDIT: What a surprise.

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                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!