General Discussion

General DiscussionRussiandotostronk

Russiandotostronk in General Discussion

    1-16 Russian trash mid. Can't speak english. 1-16 in 23 minutes. Another russian trash goes Batrider jungle and let me sit alone against ds.

    0-16 ES and 2-11 Invoker. Stronkrussian doto. Dendi good invoker, so every russiangood invoker.

    Stronk 1-9 Junglejugger. Lastpick, bottlecrowing all game. Feeding, blaming the rest of the team.

    And this is what runs arround in 4k-3.8k Matchmaking?

    Srsly i read several times 2250 is the average dotoscrub. But sometimes it feels like this is the bottom of what is possible. Horrible picks, 0 skills on heros. I had to buy wards in most of these games...

    This game needs a Seversplitt! Or at least an option: "Don't want to play with EU West/Russia etc. This guys just can't play dota. Its impossible to play a hardcarry without stacking, since the refusal of nearly every fucking russian scrub to support.

    Ce sujet a été édité
    one and half gun

      5k~ is average, who ever told you its 2k, 3k or 4k is lying to make himself feel more comfortable with his low rating


        I'm pretty sure there are people out there selling their 5k rating accounts for real money when they decide they don't want to continue playing.

        The Struck

          As i read somewhere, there are less then 9000 accounts with more then 5k rating

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            Maybe 3k on russia server is like 1k on euro west. And thats the problem.

            Ce commentaire a été édité
            King of Low Prio

              I think it has to do with your attitude, I do not have people actively feeding like that in my matches at 4k MM. Majority of the time it occurs when people are flaming their teammates constantly


                Îm muted for 196 hours. So nop, its not the flaming. Just incredibly bad luck 3 times in a row. But man, i wish i could at least flame. An ember that dies 16 times in 23 min. Thats just a new world record.

                Ce commentaire a été édité
                King of Low Prio

                  spam pinging
                  abusing the chat wheel
                  changing your name midgame to things like 'orange is a fucking retard'

                  are all flaming and I am 100% sure that you are the type of person to do at least 1 of those every game


                    dude, ur name is 9v1 lol


                      doesnt sound as a teamplayer


                        I spam well played sometimes. And you think this was what decided the game?


                        Or this game? 4 retarded feedermates. Sometimes it just happens bro. And today it happend 4 times in spectacular fashion. The SK was just imba low. I got him the next game, too. And he just ran arround with 1800 hp, and instead of a butterfly he went for a deso. Thx god Venge/Razor/Me played it well:


                        There are simply players out there, that are only able to make decisions in their fucking screen. They dont care about picks, they dont care about lanes, they dont care about teamplay. Their decisionmaking is horrible. They only judge a game or a player by the amounts of kills and the slots in his inventory. Thats why the average russian never supports. Support means an empty inventory and negative stats in many games.

                        Its just interesting that most of the times someone lacks every basic knowledge about teamplay and descion making, its a russian/belarus/ukraine dude.

                        That Batrider in the game top:

                        Why the fuck would you go batrider junge, against heavy ganklineup, while you have a spectre on the safelane, that is forced to 1v1 against ds?

                        Thats just russian doto.


                        Pick any supportgame i played. Watch it, and tell me im not a teamplayer. 9v1 is just a fact in many games. I thought it would be better arround 4k, but its clearly random. Nearly no difference. Abuse more earthspirit. The moment he gets nerfed you will start a horrible losing streak, cause you "cheat" your way up the MMR.


                        2 games were just bad picks/laning. Jugger in the jungle? Hello? Thats just retarded. Same goes for batrider jungle or earthshaker as a supportpick for a spectre, against timbersaw. The only fucking thing es contributed was fb after 1:30 Min and imba feed. I was the squishy carry with no stun, and did not feed on lane. This guy has just a major brain injury.

                        Are you russian, or why so butthurt? There is a reason so many russians play on euro west:

                        They want to dodge the other non human monkeys in their country.

                        Ps. Funfact: The average russian male dies at the age of 62, due to heavy drinking. The average European (i mean real Europeans), dies at age of 73.

                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          i want to see you start picking ES right now and go on a winning streak, k?

                          Quick maffs

                            ^Yo russia won the world war 2 ( if any american tries to say otherwise fuck him ) so pls a little of respect.

                            Now seriously dont be a dick dude, even if your team is trash is just a game.

                            Plus if you know that this kind of shit happens when you play hard carry why are you still playing hard carries ?

                            Anything except offlane or mid is a suicide and you keep doing, you are killing yourself.


                              Sry, I don't abuse shitheros that are newly introduced. Thats just lowshit. There is a reason this hero is not allowed in CM. I did not do it with Cent in Dota 2 or Drow with her Aura, or Lancer with the CB bug. I did not pick ember in dota 1 or phoenix, unless they got major nerfs. Picking unbalanced heros just ruins the game. This hero will recieve a nerf.

                              Quick maffs

                                "Picking unbalanced heros just ruins the game."

                                No. Making unbalanced heros ruins the game, if you want to win and you have more probabilities of winning playing a broken hero you should pick that hero.


                                  as long as i have fun i pick the hero i want blame icefrog for balance issues

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    spamming 'well played' is flaming. Abusing your teammates will often lead to loses and throws


                                      If i want to pick a "broken" hero, I go Ursa/Weaver/Slark.

                                      Playing ES ist just like cheating. He has basically a venge ultimate every 15 sek + stun + silence + heavy aoe nuke + incredible initationabilty. Thats just a fucking joke. Like the old cent with his stun ultimate.


                                        yep. i often threw games because my teammates were flaming me (dont do that anymore i just mute everyone now).

                                        Quick maffs

                                          Flaming leads to more flaming, i am nice to everyone in my games and everyone is nice with me so you guys are the problem.

                                          one and half gun

                                            did you call weaver and ursa broken

                                            well that settles it your iq is 5


                                              If you noticed, I put the word broken in quotationmarks. They are not broken, but require a little teamplay to get stopped effictivly. Wards in jungle, dust, sentries. And this has to happen early or those heros ball out of control. Some games i get stopped from roshing. In 45% of all games i pick ursa thats not the case. Same goes for my weavergames. Everybody has heros that he is stronger or weaker with.

                                              Thats why Mirana rapes ass in so many games: Her Ultimate is a free 5 man initation, since supports often do not buy sentries.

                                              The only 2 heros that are broken actually are brood and es. While Brood can be countered by timber/batrider/furion there is simply no counter to es. The best thing i found was Silencer. He jumps in, Silencer Ult, and he dies.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                slark is also broken


                                                    Almost every Russian I come across feeds and sucks.

                                                    IF YOU CAN'T SPEAK ENGLISH DON'T PUT ENGLISH IN YOUR PREFERENCES! Seriously...

                                                    Had 2 Russians go 4-22 range with ganking heroes yesterday.
                                                    I spent about 3k gold on wards and they just went right in and fed every time.

                                                    Primordial Soup

                                                      Da Cyka Idinahui


                                                        Russian trashcan found 1 game where i (the poor support) fed, cause everyone in my team fed. Ofc you get high death if the russians madfeed in your team. But nice that you mention this game. Since its a perfect example for russiandoto, going troll, mort and sf. All need farmspace, all are squshy. All are glascanons. Russiandotostronk.


                                                        Another example for stronk russian doto. Stronk russian 2 stack goes mort gyro for great synergy. CM goes Jungle for midas, 15 min afk farm for midas and meka (0 ganks). Bounty and me ask for ganks, but nop, she doesnt move. Mort goes hod basher, so she can die faster with her 986 hp. I tell them that we will get steamrolled. We get steamrolled. Stronk russians.

                                                        Go play on your own fucking server. If you just ask the eurowest players 99% don't want you on the server.

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          pro tip ur opinion matters when its 5k+



                                                            Thats what I did last game.


                                                            Ember/Lycan are the stronkrussianstack. 40% winratio as a stack. The other fucking russian trashcans go invoker (not the best ganker) and SK. And they beg me to go "Zapport pls". "OMG SNIPERPICK", Report him pls.

                                                            I just picked sniper to give them a slight idea of their stuipidity. And again what its typical russiandoto:

                                                            Pick carry! A 2 stack going 2 carryheros. Thats russia.



                                                            Spotting russians is easy.

                                                            @ Wave

                                                            Are you russian or whats your problem? Why you play euro west? Cause you want to avoid trashcans like the guys i mentioned above. Or wait, you only play as a 5 stack tryhard doto, with Comboabuse. Well thats fine, too. I did that, too some times ago. Abusing weaver/Tree, CK/Wisp, Kotl/lancer, Wisp/Ursa.

                                                            Winning with 5 in AP is nothing special. Just go pushlineup and go for 5 necorbooks. Ez win.

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                            one and half gun

                                                              i think ive done weaver/tree 4 times or something, never done ck/wisp, never done kotl/lancer, done wisp/ursa 30 times or so

                                                              i play in us east nowadays because i think its easier to win there compared to eu/russia



                                                                Aaand again russiandotostronk. Antimage 41 min farm, still useless. Goes BKB, not heart, even though bs always ruptures him. Gets picked off 4 times solo, while we told him NOT to go solo. He started roshing alone, gave the enemy a kill at roshpit and free rosh. its just russian doto man. Too stronk.


                                                                  Too much solo All Pick.

                                                                  Do you self a favor and play solo captains mode. Chance of Russians on team decrease and you get a balanced set of heroes. I only play all pick with IRL friends now. Solo All Pick is a nightmare

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Well he needed bkb that game, no other way he could fight.


                                                                      1. First of all he did not need to am after we had allready a morph.

                                                                      2. he could have carried tps, wich apperantly was too hard for him.

                                                                      3. He could have listend when we said back.


                                                                        MMR is basically skindeap.


                                                                          This can go for ever man. Russian doto:


                                                                          I should have dodged this bullet after seeing 3 kyrllic fuckers. Going morph mid. Hard feeding, not deffing base. Same goes for bear. Sitting in his jungle and madfeeding.

                                                                          It has nothing to do with "bad luck" or some shit. if someone fails extra hard in terms of picking, not supporting or going rambo all game:

                                                                          Always a Russian or Ukraine. All the same shit. Dunno why the dota god puts so much hate and shit on me today. Only russians in team, and they suck dick. Every single game that i lost today, was lost by russians.

                                                                          Good news is:

                                                                          I discovered how volvo matchmaking works: You go up in MMR, and you get many many russians on your team, to get you down again. You are down: You play against russians. They are the factor that decides the MMR.

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            Заткнись, иди на хуй



                                                                              Aand I deliver you the next dicksucking russian trashcan. Invoker 1-10 Midlane. Feeding 3 solokills to mirana who snowballs out of control. interesting. Every fucking game I lost today was a russians fault, or multiple russians. Dropped from 4k to 3.7k now. Love russia.

                                                                              If you let the European Server Guys vote: They will vote for a serversplitt.

                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                              one and half gun

                                                                                wow elo hell sounds so terrible !! i will pray you guys win sometime soon

                                                                                Vanity  ツ

                                                                                  Yeah, funny how your teammates always suck, but your enemies are somehow always much better


                                                                                    480 hero damage, 400 tower damage LMAO


                                                                                      Noone of them is russian. Checked.
                                                                                      But I'am russian and I think I play better than you. So...


                                                                                        @ Mr. Tryhrad

                                                                                        You might be right, some of them were Belarus or Ukraine players. All the same shit. There is no real difference between Ukr or Russian. You speak the same language, share the same culture. I won't doubt that there are better russ players than me out there. But the majority of trashcanplayers on EU West are Russians.

                                                                                        I do not think that your MMR is way above 4000. So basically we play on the same lvl. I won't even question that the players I played with are nearly in the same MMR. I guess that i do not even recognize the most russian players, cause they can speak english and do not perform major bullshit. BUT if someone performs major bullshit in terms of picking, laning and going super rambo, its in 99% of all cases a russian/belarus/ukr player.


                                                                                        I play not perfect. But i do not perform major feed in the laning phase. That is something i learned in playing over 4 years.

                                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité



                                                                                          Next game:

                                                                                          3 russian stack. We have strong push lineup, but rhasta and me could not tell them to push, since they didnt speak english. So they decided to feed instead.


                                                                                          You can spam your primitive monkey language as often as you want. btw proves it just what i say: Russians dont belong on euro west, cause they cant speak english. Like you litte cunt. The games i posted were lost by russians/ukrains/belarus trashcans. Mostly by retarded picks, cause going support is uncommon for russians.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            sosi ebanataya suka


                                                                                              Works also on the other side (thx god easy wins):


                                                                                              Stronk invoker russian lastpick. Goes jungle, realises that invoker can't jungle. Goes lane. Gives Fb, leaves. No wonder your country is so fucked up, if so many retards live there.


                                                                                              Stronk Ukraine Tiny (aka russian) fucks up everything. Morph, Pugna and Od were russians, too i guess. Even though morph comes from israel, we all know that many russians live in israel.

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                YблюдокЗаткнись, иди на хуй охуеть



                                                                                                  Stronk russian antimage lastpick after we got lancer. The other russian (pardon ukraine aka same shit) goes for lc mid. Russian doto is the best doto.


                                                                                                  Todays last one. This time on enemy team. Stronkrussian sf and cm doing their russian job. Only qop was not russian/ukr/belarustrash in this game.

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