General Discussion

General DiscussionProof that Bristleback is now OP?

Proof that Bristleback is now OP? in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    ^And Wisp's WR is below %40, is he a shit hero now?


      Earth Spirit's winrate is a product of new players sucking at him big time and ending up in the enemy T2 when they roll, in the highest mmr levels he probably gives the team a 90% chance to make his team win.

      Luckily, in my 3900 rating world, people are too shy to try him or still suck at him and is therefore, picked very seldomly. The 5k world is plagued by maximum OPness of the Rigged Spirit and I'll glady stay away from that until he's I need to improve my mid heroes.

      Dire Wolf

        We have absolutely no way of knowing ES' win rates at certain MMR ratings so what you're saying is all conjecture. Also I don't get a shit about 5k mmr, that's a very tiny percentage of players and valve has shown over and over they do not balance to highest brackets, they try to balance overall. It's like saying mirana is op just most players miss arrows and jump into T2 towers.


          Earth Spirit is currently like Wisp was a year ago... extremely high skill cap, but in the hands of a pro player who had plenty of practice Earth Spirit is the strongest hero in the game. If he is not nerfed before going into captains, he will be first ban in every pro game until he is nerfed.

          Just as Wisp won all 5 games of TI3 Grand Finals... Earth Spirit will dominate the very top of pro dota if not nerfed this coming year. He just has the power to wins fights and lanes that no other hero could win in ways no other hero could win them.

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          jess the goat

            I kinda agree on him being 'op', but him being the strongest hero in the game is not true, its called picking his counter and he cant do anything.


              I'm sure people who play against Jerax would love to know what hero to pick that just makes him weak and helpless on Earth Spirit.

              Please tell us what that hero is.

              Also watch this video to see what 5k MMR games are like now.

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                The main thing is his third spell. The dmg reduction percentage is just too much for a third spell. I know you can get around him and try to kill him but good luck doing that when he can dive you as early as level 2 and 300 dmg quils. Quill spray is also a bit op and should get a slight nerf either in mana cost or stack/dmg but his Balancedback should deffinetely be reduced below 40%

                Bone Chilling

                  About ES, I've never tried playing him (1 button heroes are my <3) but this guy, after meeting him in 10 games, doesn't seem so OP to me anymore. I probably have a good winrate against ES
         And this is actually the only game I went aginst ES (his 1st and only ES game?oO) in the last 25 games. People do not pick him so often any more, since most guys learned his skill paterns and capabilities to a certain extend.


                    I know this thread is old now, but ES is not op. Every hero, including BB, Dazzle, and Slark are not op. Some heroes are just easier to play than others. That being said, BB is powerful (Not overpowered) and then again, any fed hero is powerful. I dont see ES as OP because he takes lots of actual skill to make up for his power. It's like any other sport. Practice makes perfect.


                      bloodseeker is op atm though.

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                        ^slark picker amirite