General Discussion

General DiscussionDuel bonus damage

Duel bonus damage in General Discussion

    Hey guys, do any of you know why the bonus damage gained from duel isnt added directly to base damage?
    Because currently is just like normal bonus dmg like from blades of attack or claymore, isnt it supposed to be added directly on the base dmg? like the dmg from the main attribute
    If I'm not wrong I remember that back in old dota bonus dmg was added this way...

    I'm asking because more base dmg is certainly better that raw bonus dmg for the empower and venge aura


      cuz it always was + damage instead of base damage

      it clearly says it gives DAMAGE not BASE ATRIBUTE WHICH IS STR


        The basic damage is from attributes, the +damage is from damage bonuses

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        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          He means something like Tiny ulti but no, it's + damage, not base damage.


            @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah

            dendi owned your ass last game:D

            COYOTE CÓSMICO


              I know it doesn't give bonus str, I meant base dmg like tiny when he lvl up his ult yes
              Back in dota 1 it was like that, and when legion just came out on the test client I played a game with bots and the dmg I gained was directly added to base dmg not like +XXX
              When the game finished I had like 300 base dmg like tiny, idk why they changed it now, its worse


                Probably because +dmg items doesn't work on illusions, whereas base dmg does work.

                So if it's added to base dmg, manta style would be pretty deadly.

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                  no, in d1 it was the same. i.e. bonus dmg.

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