General Discussion

General DiscussionCheck your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR)

Check your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR) in General Discussion

    I've been trying to be rated all day. I'm always #220 or so in the queue - it even goes up sometimes.


      @BadKernel, looking through your matches, its not wrong...

      this account hasn't gone through yet, but I expect it to be around 600 on the new DSR (1399 in the old one)


        I fixed the queue bugs. The number shown is now accurate. ( Your current position is #110 )


          > Currently, your position in the queue is 3965.
          Can you tell my my dsr please? I can't wait too long =(


            gieff me mine too just for fun


              1600 is more like. The last iteration I was a "bronze" player.


                Yes, I fixed a major bug that was causing highly skilled players to receive deflated scores.


                  so how about my score ? pls!!


                    i hope you realize that rating only last 20 games is equal to throwing up a random number out of your ass

                    hell the top10 proves this. i mean the last iteration was awful but this current one is about as useful as used up toilet paper

                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                      can i know my shitty dsr


                        PS: Some people say this still trolls because I entered the previous requests on the beginning of the queue. If you try to get a result for a previously entered ID, it will be at the beginning of the queue ( because it still wasn't calculated ) so while you may think you've just added this ID to the queue - it was there earlier.

                        Hope this clears why the queue appears to still troll sometimes.



                          Read daggius responses here to understand how to interpret the top results:


                          + This fresh DSR score can be highly variable ( as Valve internal rating is ) so if you got thrown vs weaker opponents in the last games because you queued at strange time or got unlucky, your score will be lower.

                          At this level, in 5 games, your score can change up to 200 points ( in extreme cases ). So don't treat those scores as set in stone.

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            weaker opponents is highly subjective statement

                            but i mean if you don't understand how rating only last 20 games or having a rating that fluctuates by huge amounts is bad then i don't think there's anything to discuss


                              On the contrary, I think it's highly objective. Go run some simulations and check for yourself.

                              Point number 2: Congrats, you've just described Valve Elo rating.


                                fu this im stuck in queue since 8h


                                  thats not how valve elo works though or do you have some empirical evidence? it actually suggests the complete opposite. after the first 'placement' matches the rating starts to plateau. i mean i can guarantee you i can go on a losing streak and still queue to first page. you also dont take into account players who have hidden their profiles. there are plenty pros and high end players that hide them







                                        Ming [Doge. Wow.]:


                                        just Melody

                                          can u let me know mine thx


                                            Your "rating system" is a lot more volatile than Valve's. I am not sure why you would even bring it up since it is clear that their system is superior in every respect (and rightfully so since they have access to each invidual player's rating).

                                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                              superior my ass


                                                Too many complainers,if you don`t like it don`t check it. Even if someone make 10000% perfect system you ll again complain cos you complain for everything in your sad lifes. It`s still beta version and guy did great job,ofc system need more changes but give time to him. As you can see system is working smth like mmr for team matchmaking,average mm of games.Better rating for ppl who play solo queue also as I can see,but also can work well if you stack with decent ppl like you or better.Dendi last 20 games solo queue,or 1-2 games with funik/ that`s good example.Site is up just 3 days ago calm down. If you think you can make better algoritm go ahead make your system,but if you can`t than shut your mouth.

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                  i think my iq just dropped by 10 just from reading that post

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    I am not the one putting up garbage "ranking systems". He is basically pulling numbers out of his ass to fill in the unknown data and trying to show it off as actual data. In my last games there was about 40%-50% of the data missing. I give him credit for trying BUT I do not accept his blatant lies about the fact that he is using opponents skill level when that is not possible.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      ^^ only 10? did you just skim it? I actually read it thinking he was trolling


                                                        There are some heuristics that you can use to approximate the unavailable data. But you need to think outside the box :)


                                                          sampson is just mad because he got what he thinks is a low rating

                                                          i have no idea why ^_^'s rating is so low. did well in most matches, and mostly against other high level stacks.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                          rabies dog

                                                            I checked my dsr yesterday, now i'm in queque again, what? Do you go always to new queque if you want to check it again

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              @ #650 DSR

                                                              it is called guessing(there are way to many variables going on in a match to accurately gauge a players skill level based off ONE game). People are so desperate for a ranking system that they will take anything that anyone can pull out of their asses


                                                                i think my iq just dropped by 10 just from reading that post
                                                                /DDD nice one, now u got only 2left.
                                                                nothing personal, its just for the sake of the joke

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                  hey can you pls tell me the rating of those 4 also ? pls :)


                                                                    tamara 1779
                                                                    kr7845 1043
                                                                    Nongrata 1820
                                                                    Studio_o 1179


                                                                      weird gaps of support players ;/ +studio and grata always duo q in pubs, so if its about the 20past game they shoud have same stats sort of ? //


                                                                        They will get nearer their real rating if they play some solo games. They should see first score increase after the first 2-3 games ( each by about 20-50 points ). If I were to refresh they ratings after they played solo, their DSR would increase.

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                          yeah nvm studio didnt play pub since 6days my bad



                                                                            man u skipped me on the second page ;(


                                                                              Can you tell me my dsr please? My que went backwards overnight lol.


                                                                                can you check mine , plz?


                                                                                  How does the queue works exactly? I was around the 2900ish position in the queue yesterday and I'm 6982 now :(

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    It doesnt


                                                                                      Sampson: 1137 - Are you disappointed by your skill level?

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        no I am disappointed that the creator is misleading people to believe that you can pull unknown data from thin air


                                                                                          MyDotaSkill, you still doing peoples ratings? A lot of people piling up it seems, I would like to know mine too.

                                                                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                            Can you do mine? Also does this MATH take in consideration of de-warding & warding? Or pinging enemy locations? Calling miss etc? Cuz EVERYBODY and their grandma plays carry. And if they do fall out of position 1-3. Most player just flat out refuse to ward, such as radiance necrolyte or blink dagger CM.

                                                                                            Also could u do the Jay Wilson effect of "double it". Instead of 20 last matches do 40? I feel it would give a more accurate number?

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                                                     #650 DSR:
                                                                                              Would you tell us your algorithm? Maybe we can help you improve it. Its still flawed.


                                                                                                can you also do mine?

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  The worst part about it is that people are so desperate for a rating system that they will jump at the first thing that can pull a list out of its ass......