General Discussion

General DiscussionCheck your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR)

Check your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR) in General Discussion

    @Clow, everything you need is on the page, heck, the information that should give it away covers like half the page of - are you blind or ignorant? I find it funny that instead of scrolling down, you made a comment on here first

    @relentless, similar, but its just one point in a wall of them
    >- DSR will now update daily.

    And lets not pretend there is a topic here anymore, its just people rambling on about things they could find in seconds in the most obvious spots

    @raziel, you are only just inside the high bracket at the moment, do you not think its possible that you have improved recently?

    @outworldzilla, I'm busy for the rest of the day, I'll come back with some quotes tomorrow.


      That could be an attempt to be helpful, Terrible. Odd. Nevertheless, Forza Roma's DSR updated and mine did not. Games were at the same time.

      Ok, so we have... 1411 drops to 1350

      Allied Team - Wins
      1411 (1350?)
      Still in Que

      Enemy Team - Loses
      Still in Que

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        according to dsr, Im PRO and in 0.5% and i fucking suck lol.

        how exactly is this rating calculated?

        Ce commentaire a été édité
        Penis Monkey

          It's kind of like a roulette wheel but with an unfair bias towards Pro, basically there's a 50% chance of being Pro.
          Congrats and may the odds forever be in your favour.


            It may have been just before or after the time taken to process their DSR. I don't think it changes after each game, not yet, but I haven't played today.

            @SLAVIK, based on what? You have made no effort to understand the %, look at the information available


              @terrible if you just read the website, it states dsr is updated once a day

              Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                @terrible, I thought you are busy?


                  Man i'm at 350. I'm pretty confident i'm not thaaaaaaaat bad.


                    Is 350 bad? Also, have you played all your games on the South Africa server? It may be that you do not get an opportunity to play against higher ranked players.


                      @doctor bashir don't you read what is in front of your face?

                      -- If you have extremely low score and you feel you should do better, it's caused by your recent stacking with lower skilled players.

                      Just looking at your profile you stack heavily, and one of those players has 45% winrate....

                      Go play 20 solo queue games and then wait for your dsr to be updated.


                        Player number 86788082 DSR is:

                        Hi there



                          Player number 29557433 DSR is:

                          This player has a Mithril DSR score (top 0.05%).

                          Bitches please, get on my level.


                            you still have no idea how valves algo works dsr-guy. do you honestly think that the jump that happens in your first games if you stomp the shit out of them happens after 100 or 200 games? please tell me ive misunderstood your posts and you actually arent this dumb.


                              some of these players in top list have below 50% winrate and awful kda, i've never seen them on front page or when i queue on us east.

                              it's broken guys.

                              i've also looked up some bad players and their dsr is like 1800 LOL
                              i'm not going to call them out in this thread but some of these peopel whom i looked up usually jungle with cm for 30 minutes to farm midas and so on, this should tell you how bad they are


                                Thats impossible since in the last update the one with more DBR had 1780.

                                I play in EU West and i am normally in between pages 1-5 and got 1728 when the Top 20 in the list (ComeWithMe) has 1738

                                It seems accurate to me.


                                  My DSR is much much lower than my stack's, and I played 4 games with a friend on extremley low mmr and even managed to lose them (teams fault!! qq). But the main thing is, in those games almost noone (0, 0, 5, 1 plus me only..) had stats on, so the system probably punishes it really hard. Just wanted to add, couse most of you only play in VH and dont get these games. And I usually stack with the same ppl so it should be at least close to theirs. It should be lower than theirs, they have mostly 700-1200 so mine should be around 500. Ill check when those low games arent in the last 20.

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    @Relentless, I play on SA server and got 1525. And im pretty sure there are many other players better than me playing here. If doctor bashir said he's not that bad and got only 300 it may be because of stacks with lower lvl friends.

                                    As im seeing, what fucks this system is the stacks

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      Outworldzilla 1719 - terrible Od, 2000 matches nad 2.5 kda and 51% win rate and probably high bracket
                                      Dendi 1483.

                                      Need to fix bugs like this for example.


                                        I think system overall is really good and accurate for solo queue but,seems like some normal and high bracket players with last 20 matches nothing special with solo queue getting too much score 1400+ etc. and they are not even in top 17 pages even for heroes.


                                          Just got my rating done again. I know he's changed how it works recently so I thought I'd give it another go.

                                          Player number 33274412 DSR is:

                                          This player has a Silver DSR score (top 25%).

                                          TOP 25%!?!?!?!?!?!?


                                          Site must be flawed. If I'm better than 75% of Dota 2 players then most of the player base must be literally dead.


                                            8 Days ago - 800+ DSR
                                            5 Days ago - 1600+ DSR
                                            Today - 600+ DSR

                                            The fuck with the massive fluctuations.

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                            King of Low Prio

                                              The biggest problem I have with the webpage creator is that he believes he knows everything. When I told him there seems to be a issue with his system for X Y and Z he turned it personal and tried to keep attacking me instead of my issues I brought up. When peoples DSR changes as much as it did there MUST have been something wrong with it at some point

                                              the system could not have been right the whole time when someone's rating has been

                                              1600 700 and 1200

                                              at one point you have to admit that it was wrong, these are not minor differences they are quite huge differences in number.


                                                its really odd , its impossible that i'm with only 245
                                                and in my smurf which i really dont play well its 800
                                                can someone explain it to me?



                                                  He does not seem horribe to me, why do you guys hate him much?
                                                  Dendi sometimes playing like any other rus noob you know that.
                                                  He farms divine and dies etc. Most of his pub games are for fun if he is solo...

                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                    website is down?

                                                    @ Dяiиfx The current DSR is really against stacks. You played with 32 friends in the last 80 games, that's alot.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      Loverman I don`t believe he is very high. And non very high players not need to be more than 1000 like ever.
                                                      Ye Dendi trolls maybe some games but still plays pubs better than that guy 10x.


                                                        but in my smurf ive played stacked too , almost all games
                                                        it is a very weird this system...

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          Fpz have 1606!
                                                          don't even playing in stacks


                                                            ^ this system has a lot of misconception


                                                              It appears that there is likely some problem with either new accounts or accounts with match history off. They seem to all come out very close to 1000 DSR.

                                                              Here is an example.

                                                              This one is 1-15 win/loss, on a 1400 tMMR team... but is rated 999 DSR top 1%.

                                                              Besides this whatever code is in place to lower the scores of players who stack a lot seems to be dramatically lowering those scores whether it is deserved or not.


                                                                Yes and too much average players at high bracket or even normal if they are solo queuers like 1200+ rating. Also seems like when you easy win game you losing Dsr. I lost 30-40 dsr in 1 game when I was 12-0-9 and best xpm,gpm in game also kda ofc. Also seems like ppl who losing even not close games and paly nothing special getting dsr more than when you win with good scores..

                                                                The Flying Fuckman

                                                                  Plz do it for me


                                                                    @Relentless look at the timestamps of the matches that account has played. He set his stats to private 11 months ago meaning everything is screwed up. The dev also stated that only 6.79 matches count...


                                                                      Yes, exactly. This means that people currently start with 1000 points. This is a nub starting score, yet it is described as "Emerald top 1%"

                                                                      It appears likely that the vast majority of players are currently rated "Emerald top 1%".

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                        I'm still trying to understand how I got only 245...


                                                                          If you really want to understand it, look up the people in your games. Probably they have similar scores.

                                                                          Also if you want to see a different number, check back every day. This score seems to jump up and down wildly from game to game for some people.


                                                                            mine numbers doesnt change , ive played over 3 matches and is still 245...
                                                                            and ive checked some matches ive played solo and their score is far from near of mine

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                              Site is not updating new data for now,we ll must w8 owner..

                                                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                i just dropped by 300 lol
                                                                                previously 14xx now 11xx

                                                                                Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                  BogiDotO, what makes you think my OD is terrible?
                                                                                  My "low KDA"? Or my high winrate compared to other players? If you check more exactly, I have WAY more average kills and WAY more average assists with that hero than you and you have a higher KDA than me (4.5 compared to 2.5).
                                                                                  What does that mean? Simply, I keep dying a lot because I make a very big impact on my games. My OD is fullfilling all three roles: Carry, Ganker and Support (I buy mek + sentries/dust basically every game, often wards as well). Of course I die a lot more often, because I simply help my team whenever possible. This means of course that if we lose I'm going to have a terrible statistic.
                                                                                  I'm working on it and as you can see, within my last 2 games I got 0 deaths with him (first time for me that I don't die in 2 consecutive and relevant games). So yes, I'm still improving on that part.
                                                                                  The difference between our stats is this: I play to lead my team to victory. You play and need your team to babysit you to victory. In your games your team plays 4v5 for quite some time and gets carried by you. In my games my team gets my full help at EVERY stage of the game, my carry can farm better, my supports get bigger items, I rescue people with my Astral and my Mek all over the place and I always def the towers. I gank that Broodmother with Dust, buy 100 sentries for their Nyx, I rape their Pudge/SF/Razor on midlane.
                                                                                  I'm not playing perfect, but I make absolutely sure I have the biggest impact possible in my games.
                                                                                  Because I don't want to blame anyone but myself for my losses.

                                                                                  Calling me bad however is simply stupid, because although you have almost double my KDA, your average impact in a game (average kills as well as average assists) is just very low compared to mine.
                                                                                  And I play in one of the highest skill brackets (used to be very high) for a very long time now, including frequent games against or with verified players.

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                    how can u play one single hero every fucking time? are u addicted or sth? :p

                                                                                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                      If I was, what would that change?

                                                                                      ✪ SG | | D...

                                                                                        I have a question, why some of my last game are not in dotabuff and some other are in? Especially when this is a win. All my lose are counted but my win are not? Wtf o.O??

                                                                                        Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                          If a game isn't counted in dotabuff, chances are that it also didn't count in the client (no stats recorded). When you go to your profile > matches, you can click that filter box that says "Real matches only" and see if it shows up within your other matches.


                                                                                            Still wondering how players not sharing their information with 3rd party sites effects the rating system.

                                                                                            Also, We really need visible MMR in dota...

                                                                                            ✪ SG | | D...

                                                                                              Ok, so how they know it's a REAL and what is NOT? I'm wondering because all my LOSE ARE REAL but not my WIN? The fuck... Seriously?

                                                                                              I swear she was level 18+
                                                                                                Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                                                                                                  I have just 6 games on this acc with Od. How you know I m not making impact in my Od games?Did you even watched me play?I didnt watched you but can say 2+ kda with Od with overal that much matches is kinda bad,same as 51% win rate.
                                                                                                  So lets compare your Od and mine Od with my previous acc where I have alot more matches and lets compare yours.

                                                                                         you 2.47 2571 matches 50.99%
                                                                                         me 2.87 19 matches 57.89%

                                                                                                  If you wanted to prove you are better than explain in which way?You have 2550 games more with Od and I have better kda and better win rate overall,also better win rate overall on both accounts.

                                                                                                  Anyway doesn`t even matter , but main thing I was thinking about is that you don`t deserve 1700 dsr. You have more dsr than 90% pro players,and your Od is kinda bad still overall. I don`t care about your kda but you dude played 2500 matches and got just 51% win rate. Look my best hero,is like 66% win rate and 4.30 + kda.

                                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                                  Woof Woof

                                                                                                    leave Typhox alone

                                                                                                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                                      rofl, it's no wonder why you have better KDA with OD on your 19 matches account.
                                                                                                      FIRST of all, all of your matches are very old, way before several significant nerfs to this hero.
                                                                                                      SECOND, you were playing all impactful games with the hero in NORMAL skill bracket (, and all the other games where you played well with him in the HIGH skillbracket, so you greatly FAKED your statistic.
                                                                                                      In addition to that, my own statistic is HIGHLY INACCURATE for the same reason: It includes all games I ever played, which is like 1000 games being on beginner level (not with OD, but in general with dota) on lower skill bracket. Yes, in contrast to you I didn't start playing OD when I was good, I started playing OD when I was terrible.

                                                                                                      Also, your winrate argument is invalid, because I only play OD matchmaking will automatically adjust the difficulty of my games in order to put me down on winrate. It's nice that you have so high winrate with your best hero, but keep in mind that you also have terrible winrate with another hero instead. Play the same hero over and over again, and you are going to get the exact same winrate with the hero like your overall winrate. It's simple logics.

                                                                                                      Your problem is, you're just too ignorant to accept that someone else can be a good player by doing something completely different from you :)

                                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!