General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to core Veno?

How to core Veno? in General Discussion
Schrödinger no Kaeru

    Ok, after that topic:

    I chose to try Venomancer as my flexible pick.
    I really enjoy to play him, but have hard time in offlane, and still can't understand how to carry safelane with him properly.

    Any advice on when and how to carry with him?
    same for jungle and offlane !


    Fuka suginai o nīchan

      Play 5000 games with him and you will be able to get 3k mmr.


        1st just dont go jungling at all with veno, please.

        when you pick veno early in the draft and he doesn't counter the enemy heroes very well (like a ta or an ursa) opt for support role.

        you can make him work as a safelaner by getting cheap and early items, then go for early fights and objectives (also have another, real carry mid).

        as offlaner idk, maybe ask the roamer to help you with the first one or two waves (tusk can ice shard your creepwave twice so the lane is at your tower in the offlane, get more lvls than enemy carry and kill him).
        i'd say veno is not the best flex-pick, but an okay one...


          Good choice, I am starting to spam him too, viable in all the lanes! :)

          Schrödinger no Kaeru

            If pos 5 and 3 are already taken, and veno is not a good roamer, what should I do then if not jungling? (but not as a core, more like a supp/utilitary)

            @EmotionalDrigt then any tips on how to play him? For safelane and offlane, and any builds?


              Max gale and passive and trow all stuff at them all the time, then proceed to feed every time while doing it xD Also Veil is bery good!

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                Nice advices. xddd


                  Step 1: stop picking veno
                  Step 2: pick omni instead
                  Step 3: spam heal
                  Step 4: ???
                  Step 5: profit


                    Step 1: Instalock veno
                    Step 2: Mark jungle, tell ur team to get good, mute allies
                    Step 3: Finish ur precious midas
                    Step 4: Dive then get feed, dont forget to blame ur teammate
                    Step 5: Get rekt, go play on low priority
                    Step 6: Profit??


                      ^so true it hurts


                        just duo offlane with some sort of disable or farm safe veil force and push push towers

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          he works in all lanes, but is mostly a pos 2-3 (farm priority wise). pick him to win your lane and then pressure the map. you should watch matumba, especially game 1 vs EG. he made insane space for miracle to farm and made it really hard for EG to make moves.


                            You aint getting better with that 2K Camera Speed smiley face

                            Schrödinger no Kaeru

                              Thanks Dr. Dee, can you add me on steam for some advices? And what about Pugna also?

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