General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there any chance of my mmr or medal didnt match each other?

Is there any chance of my mmr or medal didnt match each other? in General Discussion
He He He

    My medal say legend 4 but after 10 games on solo rank i got around 2800.
    Are my medal broken or something else?
    And also my party mmr say 26xx

    Ce sujet a été édité

      Yep. My MMR is just 4930 from calibration and should be Ancient 5 but I got divine. Also my smurf calibrated 3.5 but has legend 4.

      He He He

        So i should be archon at next calibration right?


          If you're below 3000... chances are you'll end up there.

          Lruce Bee

            How's this possible? Unless u lost a bunch of mmr?

            He He He

              Hmm i dont know either
              But i play party rank 8 times annd solo 2 times then my medal show up legemd 3.
              After that i play solo rank once and it say legend 4
              After i finish solo and party 10/10 games it show solo 28xx and party 26xx.

     ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                Only Play 10 Solo Matchmaking If You Want To See Your Real Medal, Only Play Party After 10 Solo Matchmaking.