General Discussion

General DiscussionSpace creation in dota.

Space creation in dota. in General Discussion
69 god

    Okay so I've heard casters many times saying "xxxx created a lot of space in the game". Usually offlaners are found to do so. What exactly do we mean by creating space. What tasks count for creating space.


      Taunt the attention of the ennemy team to allow your carry to farm and push


        enemy team chases 1 of your allies for 30 seconds and spends 1 dust and 2 ultimates

        enemy team didnt farm, spent money, and used ultimates which they cant use for the next 50 seconds

        meanwhile you have ults up and you did farm


          When u die solo as Am farming their small camp jungle and not pushing and get caught and die for 90 sec in minute 60 with bf manta, its called space creation .just say ,, space created,, for commends and party invitations

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            And win games ofc

            Story Time

              nothing comes from nothing, space creation is a gods job


                You can't farm when you have enemy supports and roamers trying to kill you, harass you, deny your creeps, etc.

                When your offlaner occupies 3 enemy heroes on him (usually a timber, underlord, bb, etc), it opens the map for your mid and hc to farm and push towers. This is the space they're talking about.

                Here are some tasks that create space:

                1. Pushing a lane (while being hard to gank/kill). Underlord is good at doing this because he can TP away with his ult while 2-3 enemy heroes spend time and mana trying to gank him (exception is Kunka's X).

                2. Keeping pressure on the enemy hc, that requires enemy supports to stay near you. Timber does this very well (specially against melee hcs like spectre).

                3. Some heroes are inherently hard to kill and may require several heroes to focus and kill (e.g. Puck). While enemies are busy killing, it creates space for the rest of the team push towers, farm, or counter-gank.

                зачем я начал поиск

                  Feeding 0-10 as Rubick.
                  Everytime you die ping "Space created".

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