General Discussion

General DiscussionYour experience with Tunnel Vision?

Your experience with Tunnel Vision? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Why does this phenomenon happen? based on your personal adventures in dotes, what are certain situations that you can or cant prevent it. Thoughts pls

    meteor hammer

      doesnt happen to me nearly as much as it used to


        I dont udnerstand can u pls to retards like me explain easier


          being focuesd on a tiny area on your screen so you're completely oblivious to what's happening outside


            LC going in with only the thought of duel damage. Carries continuing to farm without paying attention to their team getting wiped and getting deathballed. Supports walking to ward enemy's jungle solo. Basically, selfish, self-centered when playing the game... is that what you meant about tunnel vision? That's how I interpreted it

            зачем я начал поиск

              No, I watch the map a lot.


                Hm yea i am when i dont care about game or when we winning hard i just dont look anything and die buyback


                  i don't have any, i lost that years ago.

                  once you realize that dota is a slow game, so there's no reason to tunnel vision, chill and use your brain.

                  if you fuck up then keep chill and don't think about your mistake

                  fix what you did wrong after game.

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                    happens sometimes when im tilted/sleepy/triggered.


                      I'm too focused on getting my euls requiem on one of their heroes that I don't realize there's and ogre with stun next to the target I'm trying to kill, can be game losing but isn't punished too hard, bcs in 2k they usually start farming after pickoffs


                        You can make plays to exploit the fact that you can predict where your opponents screen is. This is why flanking is often so effective. On Slark for example a lot of the time if you come from behind enemy supports won't have their camera on themselves so you can often just run in under sentries if you come from the right angle.


                          It happens almost always when I'm tired and for stupid shit, for example sometimes when I play Rubick and I see Voker use sunstrike I just start going at him to steal it 'cause "uuh I'm gonna sunstrike-kill you later and show you who's boss omg how c00l", so I lose vision on his allies while only thinking GIMME THAT SPELL. And Rubick is not a hero you can afford to be out of position with. Sometimes it happens when we're behind, the enemy team goes for our tower and I get initiated on, it happens very rarely but when it does it's because there's always someone to blame and instead of reacting physically the endless rage monologue starts in my brain: andofcoursenofuckingvisionthey'resofatnofuckingforcestaffnoglimmerthatdumbshitwasliterallynexttomeanddidn'tfuckingstunfuckthisteamfuckthisgamegonnasellmyitemsandgetdagonassoonasIspawnfuckthisshit. Zero map awareness when it occurs, zero chill, zero everything actually.


                            from simply not having enough experience with the game (the worse you are at the game), you WILL tend to tunnel a lot. it is just a function of your brain requiring more processing power on one piece of information and it forgets about everything else. you can look up 'attention blindness'.

                            understandably better players wont have this issue as much because their brain is used to processing the information. they can focus on more things at once

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              oh shit happens to me all the time in fights

                              It's like my vision just shrinks to a non-existent and my brain's blanked out

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                                Learning & playing multitasking heroes helps with it.


                                  Boy im either fucking blind to everything except my hero
                                  Or I see everything on the fucking map but forget where my hero is

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    Most noticeable time I tunnel vision is the laning stage, where last hitting and trying to make favorable trades takes my attention away from watching the map

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      isnt tunnel vision actually a metaphor in dota context and not literally "tunnel vision"? i believe it means something like being so focused on a certain task that you dont realize/care about anything else going on at the same time.

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        ^Haven't seen the literal definition of "tunnel vision" being used anywhere except the health magazines I read while I'm waiting in line for my dentist appointment, so I guess yeah?


                                          when I'm tilted/triggered such us
                                          failing a roam because creeps are much more valuable than a kill
                                          baby sitted a carry but he can't even last hit or he rarely die and map is so free with wards but still can't find a farm
                                          this are the moments that makes me say "fck it I'm done supporting no more wards no supporting item im gonna sell my items and buy my core items if they can't carry me then i carry them"
                                          after that I'm like in a rage mode getting all the farm i can get and my skills just suddenly goes up like I can dodge most skills using dagger which is not usually me


                                            I have permanent tunnelvision. a few years of semi professional bike racing, about 20-30 hours of riding per week in average, top speeds up to 340 km/h (about 220 mph)

                                            Theres pros and cons about it imo.