General Discussion

General Discussionmax value rotations as pos 4

max value rotations as pos 4 in General Discussion

    is it worth it rotating to your offlaner, even if you have kill potential?

    I feel like pressuring mid is more valuable, since eventually the pos 5 will rotate mid and the offlaner gets his space this way.

    safelane rotations are obviously valueable, since you have the highest kill potential there.

    the reason why im asking is that offlaner often cry for help, but i dont think me rotating there will have much impact

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    Riguma Borusu

      the question is way too general to have any meaningful answer since it depends on too many things

      how well is your safelane doing
      how well is your midlane doing
      what is the purpose of your offlaner, does he primarily need experience or gold and does he have any sort of comeback mechanism to farm up if his lane fails
      are there any specific rotations on the map you need to take care of first (warding/dewarding/keeping a TP ready if they dive someone)
      have you picked a hero that can aid the offlaner in question
      can you simply swap lanes to give your offlaner a favorable matchup without your safelane suffering (say, you have a ranged carry so you want to avoid laning your offlane tide vs ursa)
      does the enemy have a weak safealane that your offlaner can farm against, but can't kill, yet if you rotate the enemy carry is in danger?

      TL;DR: the question you asked opened way too many new questions you need to ask yourself before determining the answer

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        No . I hate having a pos 4 leeching my xp as offlaner


          ^im not one lf those 3k tards that starts off in the offlane leeching XP till lvl 2 "need lvl 2 to gank" lol. rotation means : go there, ping enemy supp, stun him, if kill doesnt happen im
          out getting bounties

          win 2 lanes 100%


          effect 3 lanes positively, but not necessarly win them in the process

          usually if i ignore the offlane i can guarantee that my safelane core has free farm and my mid wins decicevly.

          if i squeeze in some offlane rotations i have to make cuts in the other lanes

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          casual gamer

            It depends on your hero and enemy hero

            When tree was op I would always start offlane with my core and we would fuck them up 2v3, but some of that’s because tree sucks at ganking mid. Also this was a different meta (sd luna)

            For a hero like ww—I rarely go offlane but often come mid to apply burn debuff to enemy mid (50% hp burn)

            If u get kill that’s value almost always. Harass mid without kill is also value if u don’t fuck up the wave or suck too much xp, UNLESS ur putting ur carry in a bad position (1v1 sk as wk, etc)

            Also for some supports I tend to sit in my safelane so I can spam pull and get lvl/gold, IO for example I want lvl 7 and urn+mek ASAP and ill sack other lanes if I have to especially in low skill pubs

            Obviously if there’s an am or alch there’s a lot of value in being a 3 man “goon squad” and just following him around the map so he has 0 hope of farming

            casual gamer

              Ur offlane is crying because (no offense) ur in noob bracket.

              He doesn’t understand it’s normal for a carry to get “protected farm” for the first 5-8 minutes and that the best way to get supports out of the safelane is to camp mid


                I think that Merick told that if your hard carry suffer everybody will go to help him but only offlainer stay at lain and give enemy hard carry hard time. Hard carry can be mid or safe lain but not hard lain.
                ppl cry for help cause thy all want to be hard core who will get commended for win, but thy can`y get solo play for that. it`s offten in low mmr


                  they always expect safelane amounts of freefarm as solo offlane:thinking:

                  "hero xyz free farm, come gank or will rape us" is probably the sentence i read most in my games

                  i will just keep ignoring the offlane for the most part, if the dude tilt i can calm him down and tell him how well he does. prioritise the 1+2 lanes

                  especially since i play heros like sk/clock/sb i dont rely on shitty initiation from my offlaner, i can do it myself


                    kind of ironic that i'm scratching "High Skill" bracket now, but people dont even comprehend basics of dota like 1-5 positions and general laning or what their role is supposed to do/achieve


                    casual gamer

                      there’s ppl who hit very high mmrs just mindlessly hitting buttons on some op shit


                        If you have kill potential its worth to rotate to all lanes


                          mindlessly slamming buttons on OP heros? you mean tinker?

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Yea can confirm jdf is a 4k tard without tinker

                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                              Edit: TLDR it's usually a good idea to gank the safe lane.

                              As long as you are accomplishing either of 2 outcomes:

                              1. Kill the enemy carry

                              2. Burn through his regen items or force him back to base

                              Of course, before doing so you would have to assess how your other lanes are holding up. In my opinion, it's usually more valuable to protect your mid or safe lane carry's farm, than to gank the offlane and leave your team's carry(s) to fall behind.

                              It's an interesting question. As an offlaner main, i execute my role in the early game as such:

                              1. Contest the farm of enemy's safe laner to the point where he will need at least one support to babysit during the laning phase.

                              This takes away some of the pressure from mid lane, which has become more crucial in this meta where mid heroes are now mostly farm-oriented position 1s.

                              2. Manage creep equilibrium such that the wave will be just outside my tower aggro range, so that enemy carry will not feel unsafe hitting creeps, but at the same time, close enough that a support can rotate in for a possible kill when the situation is favourable.

                              I have been facing a lot more enemy tri-lanes over the last 2 patches, and im not even 4k yet. In those games, my laning fundamentals are decent enough to draw even with the enemy's safe laner, or at least not feed.

                              That's usually good for my team's safe lane because then it usually becomes a free lane.

                              For some reason many high 3k supports who cry for tri-lane during pre-game tunnel-vision a lot. They single-mindedly pursue one objective, protect their safe lane, and overlook other factors which are equally important, like rotating, creep equilibrium, making smoke ganks etc.

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                              casual gamer

                                Yea can confirm jdf is a 4k tard without tinker

                                Slander! I can play arc warden too



                                  As 4th position supp you need to find the lane that vulnerable to ganking sometimes all supports even need to leave safeland and let him solo when you assess that imposible to do anything.

                                  some people think they are center of the world and don't know how to be patient. one game I have PL and i'm earth spirit I told him i can't do anything against sniper + omniknight so I rotated to mid to gank SF and Slark at bot where there are Viper and BB. After we rekt mid and bot and forced Omni to rotate away from sniper and he can solo kill sniper.... still that PL flamed us for leaving him alone all game in all-chat. at the end of the game we win by 4-5 w/o PL who wenr afk farming and at last he got 9 man report from both side.


                                    i only rotate to the offlane if either he asks for it or if i know i can get a kill in less than 15 sec and take 1-2 bounties on my way back


                                      I would say as a very general rule of thumb for Low mmr scrubs, that u prioritise your safelane and midlane more. I say this without knowing anything about draft.

                                      Reason being risk and reward. No point prioritising offlane (sure u buff your offlaner and fuck their safelane) but u may be leaving your mid and your carry vulnerable.

                                      Ganking the offlane is usually riskier as well and I've seen many such 2 man ganks end up getting counter ganked hard. Let's say it works out. wow what's a farmed 3 position gonna do?

                                      Hence it's riskier. Ganking mid or safelane is a safer option with more reward. I will say u could always keep a tp and make a defensive rotation if necessary.

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