General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe exposed for roid abuse

Axe exposed for roid abuse in General Discussion

    Turned red because of high blood pressure?

    Unnatural muscle mass?

    Violent outbursts of roid-rage?

    Can't form a single sentence without mindlessly screaming?

    Literally steals every kill to show his masculinity (ofc because hes insecure of his small balls)

    testo enentat abuser confirmed pls ban gaben

    Ce sujet a été édité
    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      And pudge is under the influence of Flakka.

      casual gamer

        Undying = krokodil

        < blank >

          earth spirit = c. ronaldo


            Juggernaut= Samuraii Jack

            Pale Mannie

              Puck is addicted to LSD conformed

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Morphling's model design is actually a bent dick.


                  Ogre magi = aimstrongs mum+dad

                  주 롄양

                    riki removed from game

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Pudge is a feminist transgender woman.


                        Death Prophet had a facial botox gone wrong.


                          is it known by this name even in english speaking countries? or did you just half-assedly copy a slavic translation

                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                          casual gamer

                            is it known by this name even in english speaking countries? or did you just half-assedly copy a slavic translation

                            english news sites call it krokodil when they cover it

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              I hate america and china