General Discussion

General Discussionwhat should I have built on weaver

what should I have built on weaver in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Axe and blood both got banned and not even by me so I figured let's roll with weaver, they'll never kill me. Which was mostly true. Problem was the game drug on forever so in the end tinker would just rearm sheep me over and over and I died every fight. I didn't die once until the last 15 minutes of the game.

    Now our PA was a fucking moron and threw this game basically by always going off alone chasing kills on like lich and dying 1v5, but I still think I should've been able to finish this game off.

    I started with treads, aquila, lance, perserverance and then diffusal cus vs medusa. Everything was fine, she was like 1-6, but then she built a fucking blade mail and so did pudge and centaur. Normally I'd just scoot to the backlines and light up lich and tinker but weaver can't really run through march, he doesn't have enough hp. So I built a bkb to deal with tinker bs and then a satanic so I could fight through blade mail. But it really didn't work. I didn't build deso cus PA had one, but in retrospect I think I should've just gone normal deso -> daedulus/bloodthorne build, and beelined tinker every single fight. The way fights would go down is we'd jump medusa, she would ult, everyone backs off, go back in and now tinker has double marches, if I sit and satanic up everyone jumps me and I die. So I think I really misplayed it cus satanic requires you to sit and dps. I should've gotten deso and crit sooner so 2 shot tinker and lich.

    I also don't love diffusal on tinker but vs medusa it seems like the right call idk. It delays deso a lot, deso makes you hit way harder but obviously doesn't burn mana.

    I'm also not sure if linken's is even worth this game cus all it really blocked we like tinker laser sometimes, pudge ult (which is big though) and medusa snakes. But weaver really, really needs mana regen and some hp regen.


      rapier instead of treads

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        Riguma Borusu

          Get lotus instead of linkens. It will not block some single target stuff, but pudge ult is cancelled, and tinker would hex himself if you initiate on him with lotus on. Lotus is really bad against centaur though, because he'd double edge you, and you'd return double edge, dealing more damage to yourself. Lotus also gives you a lot of armor, so it makes blademail worse against you, and you get some mana and hp regen from it.

          Also, why you even have boots that far into the game is beyond me.

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            replace satanic with butterfly.

            replace diffusal with manta.

            replace linkens with either mkb or hex. You don't need linkens here (pop manta if you're near pudge so can't dismember easily). Necro is retarded to get ortarine over hex.


              also your team's draft sucks. I can imagine that rubick dying first every time and making it 4v5, all the while your team deciding whether to go b or fight 4v5. there's no real tank to absorb any damage (necro kinda sorta is, but I can see him melting to tinker/lich while casting ghost shroud).

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                manta is horrible. linkens is better than manta for weaver by a long mile. weaver is not a lifesteal hero. you needed more damage it seems. you only have 1 hardcore dps item (daedalus), mjollnir would have been good here instead of satanic. just kite their blademails. you are fucking weaver.

                Dire Wolf

                  Yes I think the lifesteal was a big mistake, one more dps item and I could've taken out the back lines.

                  Maybe I should've dropped the treads late but treads early on weaver is amazing, you shouldn't skip them. First shukuci is 6 sec cd so say you use it offensively to get into position to hit someone and break invis early like 2 seconds in. Now you have 4 seconds where you're exposed, low move speed, no escape except ult. If you have boots you get into position once and probably don't have to use it again, can save for escape or best use. Without boots people can just walk away so you have to burn shukuci and get right on top of them so it's off cd before they're out of range again.

                  Second reason is you don't have the mana pool pre linkens to spam it. So I don't want to walk around super slow waiting for mana to come back.

                  Why not just brown boots? Treads are 35 attack speed and 10 dmg. That's a lot for 1350g, or only 950 more than brown boots. Aquila is 985 but only 9 attack speed, 19 dmg. Dragon lance is less dmg, more gold, though of course both those have utility so the comparison isn't direct. But weaver needs to get some attack speed from somewhere even with maxed germinate. If you go like linkens, deso, daedulus he hits hard but too slow. Treads fixes that cheaply.


                    u should buy boots of course. but in the end game -> ur game was more than 60 min -> sell boots and get a good item, like rapier. its one of weavers advantages that he can carry 6 big items and is still very mobile due to sukuchi and talent.


                      gonna be honest I never get boots on weaver and I've only had a couple of times where I was like, with boots i might have lived. And the only time i really start to worry about my mana is in a hard lane. Instead i just go dl for the stats and the ranged boost because weaversrange is so shit then i generally make a decision, if I'm running into serious mana problems then i grab a perseverance if Im not I get my first damage item, usually deso but against some heroes such as dusa or wk i go diffusal. Then finish linkens and after that I'm into whatever I need to win the game, whether that be more damage more survivability or both. Im thinking you maybe could have gotten away without bkb but thats mostly just on how you play weaver. Satanic while not horrible on weaver isn't amazing and really not very good against a tinker when you have no truestrike probably could have gone skadi instead. Can't tell you much more because a lot of it depends on how you were feeling during the game what you were trying to accomplish and what your enemies were doing that was preventing that.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Raw hp > lifesteal on weaver


                          Don't be a retard always buy treads on weaver, dlance is shitty, weaver base ms and earlygame got nerfed and treads are stronger. Just sell them when 6 slotted it's 750 gold. I think satanic was a mistake this game, you have bkb+linkens so you need to just go apeshit and kill people while you are bkbed, blademail is annoying but you can kite it out as you are a weaver. Also deso weaver is really not that good anymore imo, better to go diffu blade almost always especially vs lich.


                            well yea cnp pretty much said it. Treads on weaver is back now. Diffusal on weaver is very good. I much prefer the diffusal maelstrom build on weaver to deso. In this game bloodthorne is really nice against tinker. If u need to tank I would just get heart instead of satanic. Don't think Satanic fits weaver play style. Especially not if u needed to get both linkens and bkb.

                            With heart You can tank bm kite around and regen.

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                              i think treads aquila diffusal mkb would have been very strong as you dont die to the axe call


                                not sure why the fuck u went satanic.
                                Remember this simple tip, every time you play against a tinker get diffusal and mkb.
                                Always go to items on weaver:
                                Hurricane Pike

                                Situational Items:
                                Satanic (only when most of the players you are playing against have blade mail or huge burst damage)

                                Daedalus isnt that great in weaver, Bloodthrone is much better.

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                                  I don't understand why ppl build radiance on weaver loll


                                    you haven`t done much damage for 1h game. And to don`t repeat others, DL was bad start, you don` t need that, deffusal will be better to start. bloodhoorn is there nice. IF you want satanic than that should be only one tanky item, cause you don` t have damage with linkin bkb, satanic, deadalus is good with more attack speed or high damage, you haven`t any. But satanic isn` t good here. with high damage bkb will just finish, if you need more hp you can go for eye but still not so good nether here.
                                    my build will be something like aquila, treads, 10min 15-deffusal than linkin, after crystalis, bkb and bloodhorn, 35-40min i think is ok time, and possible. when you get 25lvl sell treads, you don` t need that, if game wont be over soon. deso you don`t need.


                                      After a quick reading I'd say first of all satanic was really bad, like you said. If I were you I would have gone for treads or probably even brown boots into BoT after linken (just to have more map control, chance to split since PA was paradoxically creating space by acting like a retard, and to pick people off, according to what you said it seems you were outfarming everyone in the first part of the game so you could have afforded it), diffusal for Dusa, linken for Pudge and Tinker mostly, bloodthorn and then AC and skadi/HoT to deal with those 3 blademails and solve that HP problem. But anyway, when you face a Dusa or any really hard carry you should always push and end the game as fast as possible instead of constantly ganking or farming 'cause no matter how good the early-mid game can go, they will always eventually come back in the late-ultra late game. So don't be surprised if you end up losing this kind of long games vs such heroes, at some point it's not even about items anymore and becomes all about Dota mechanics.

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                                          hurricane pike is actually a sick item coz bugs give vision