General Discussion

General Discussiondont feel like necro is that good on safelane in pubs

dont feel like necro is that good on safelane in pubs in General Discussion
white boy summer

    or any lane dominating hero that falls off. necro's lane bullying kinda goes to waste since offlane wont show up anyways, and he's not the best to abuse free lane farm. enemy mid or safelane can easily go diffusal and counter ur ass before u get radiance since necro is not a good farmer nor does he want to buy anything that prevents u being purged. hes good on mid tho

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      they are not coming to the lane BECAUSE you are necro


        buy bm


          u can put necro as a ward on a cliff and he'll still win you the game.

          also, god damn do i love that i'm an arc spammer.

          directly counter necro= feels good man

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            They should make heartstopper aura global. It's not strong enough.

            white boy summer

              i mean yea they dont go to lane, but thats not like offlaners in pubs are just a +1 anyways


                Can't wait for necro to get nerfed into the ground.


                  @OP : You dont know the fuck you are talking about actually


                    @OP we played together today

                    Dire Wolf

                      he's good, you just get like 2 items and go push every tower down.

                      Every time I play necro though my team blows, mid feeds like crazy and we lose.


                        global heartstopper would be nice. heros a little weak atm


                          What the fuck


                            > heartstopper is now global and affects buildings


                              I feel like if ur not braindead it's impossible to not go godlike with this hero


                                @FeelsBadMan There are a lot of good counters to necro, people just dont play them that much.


                                  im the worst mid player, played necro 4 times , 100% winrate, 10 KDA ratio.