General Discussion

General Discussionstrict solo matchmaking or no?

strict solo matchmaking or no? in General Discussion
My Name Khan

    in 2k SEA. What's better? strict solo on or off? Some people have this habit of partying with some lower mmr player etc. While solo on, people are less cooperative.


      Safer if solo on, IMO. When there are parties, there tends to be that one guy who has high party MMR(example, 2.4K average game, but there is one guy who is 3.1K showing), and uses that as reason to go mid (look I am highest MMR give mid), but in reality is dogshit, has low solo MMR but high party MMR leading to what is being shown, which is the average of the 2. You then lose the game after he goes 0-5 as mid Invo, and it's not his fault.


        According to my experience, if there are parties, there's a huge gap between this guy and another guy (i.e if avg is 3.5, there's one guy with 4,2 and the other guy is 2,8) the 4,2 guy always let the 2,8 guy pick cores which mostly fails to carry our ass on that bracket, so yea solo strict is better imo