General Discussion

General DiscussionMID lane

MID lane in General Discussion

    better stay lane and dominate mid and destroy tower or sometimes leave mid getting my tower destroyed but helped carry or offlaner kill hero?

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      if u arent ganking sidelanes as sf after u get lv5 thats a report for sure


        Destroying his mid tower is way better than ganking, the mid T1 is so important, losing it will make you play ( in the danger ). also the enemy will win a huge portion of the map to farm ( your jungle) and gank you with ease. So go for option 1.

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          it depends if the lanes are gankable and if you have supports rotating with you


            what if i cant farm mid cause getting ganked should i leave or stay? i hate silencer mid and tinker that thinks they are good because they spam annoying spell


              If you don't have good gank potential, but can farm, go to jungle and try to get farm, then go back to lane when it is pushed under your tower. Repeat until you reach one of your powerspikes(level 6/7 or an item) then try to gank lanes. Or you can just ask for a rotation when enemy mid is out of position

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                If mid is lost the game is lost


                  None of these replys are relevant, it depends on hero, timing with runes and a lot of different factors.

                  are you dominating mid? if so push the T1 beore ganking, most middle lanes will refarm quicker if you go gank and leave the T1.
                  Dota is an objective game, did you kill mid laner but not push? thats a mistake. you want to play very aggressive.

                  I play lina middle and I stomp when I get middle due to the fact I push the wave under the other team T1 mid, this means tower is hitting his creeps and I am result is harder LH. you also want to double stack wave if possible. just to make mid feel his is under so much pressure.

                  depending on the lineup depends when you gank? aggressive offlaner? go gank and kill but if you dont kill you have failed. you will be behind exp and probably lose your own T1 so that can swing the game massively.

                  ganking with runes is key. get rune control, see and invis? gank. see DD? two options push mid HARD or gank. also supports can gank or your offlaner can gank isnt just your role. you need to win middle and carry early game.

                  Conclusion: Id say stay mid get items and get the tower. of course if your carry is being battered then yes gank but time it right. This meta is about middle more than anything now a days. people at lower brackets dont punish enough for mistakes. I could die twice mid but still win mid as they didnt push.


                    Occupy mid when you're winning. Enemy mid will gank other lanes to compensate when he's losing mid lane. Carry tp to shit on his gank. After winning gank go back to mid lane until tower falls.



                      only morons waste time roaming kills, that's the supports job.

                      win your lane, get your farm, get that tower ONLY THEN snowball that onto others

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                        The only time I'd consider ganking is if the wave is pushed, u find a haste or invis rune, can guarantee a kill without u dying, and can then tp back immediately
                        Otherwise u waste too much time and don't get much out of it.

                        Story Time

                          That is

                          if u arent ganking sidelanes as sf after u get lv5 thats a report for sure

                          trash advice from trash 4k bracket :D
                          And this is
                          only morons waste time roaming kills, that's the supports job.
                          win your lane, get your farm, get that tower ONLY THEN snowball that onto others

                          the TRUTH been spoken


                            @story time
                            I believe alenari is employing the verbal tactic of sarcasm

                            Story Time

                              ^why no kappa then? I though dota community was more direct these days. But honestly, there are plenty of people who think that mid should gank in 2017


                                You probably mean the same people who actually think that Pudge is a good midlaner. Plenty of these

                                Story Time

                                  ^not necessarily, my statement does not allude to any of this


                                    Gg mid no gank . Please report those mid player who afk farm

                                    Fox McCloud

                                      How about zeus then? You cant get t1.


                                        Reported no gank. Noob


                                          Gg nub alchemist no gank mid report noob nobrain.
                                          Alchemist gpm:1.000

                                          basement :)

                                            Middle leaving to gank is very outdated. Other lanes come to gank middle now.

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              Don't gank as mid unless you get something like a haste or invisibility rune.


                                                leave mid and give the t1 to enemy mid, relives much of the pressure