General Discussion

General DiscussionNecrophos position?

Necrophos position? in General Discussion

    I feel like he don't have a stable position.

    Potato Marshal

      Pos 3. Gotta get enough farm to at least survive in team fights to spam death pulse.


        2 or 3

        Bosnian Blade

          dual offlane

          Fee Too Pee

            in mid , he feel underwhelming , better pos 3

            btw : pls do not play him as support. so many "support" necro just sapping exp and cannot even zone

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              hes a decent sup

              Riguma Borusu

                hes a decent sup

                Is that a joke or something, because everyone past 5k says he's a terrible support.


                  hes not
                  no utility
                  there was a meta where u could go for ultra greedy junglers as pos 4 and not have any imopact cz u were getting into lategame anyways, and back then reaper with aghs also blocked bb, so it was okish, but it was years ago


                    i know a 5.9k necrophos support spammer

                    and i mean safelane sup, not offlane or dual offlane


                      ye i cam across a 6.1k guy who only plays lycan jungle with 2k games on it or smthng but it doesnt mean its any good


                        i got camncer by jsut opening this guys profile

                        Dire Wolf

                          It seems fine to me, people really underestimate his push and ability to heal up whole team. You don't need disables to zone out offlaners. In fact necro should be really strong at zoning cus his ability heals him and damages enemy so he can trade hits. Mana will be main issue.

                          Necro can play pretty much any position, so yeah he has no preset position.

                          Erase Humanity

                            1(in early/mid game oriented meta), 2 and 3. But 2 fits him the most.


                              2 is probably the worst position for him atm


                                Necro is just a useless hero without farm and midlane is a good place to get said farm

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  he just feel to reliant to his ult for kill. and he lack of damage to do that. but he really does well with farm + exp but not that much.

                                  Pos 3 feels better in scrubs mmr like me


                                    Necro is support!

                                    Erase Humanity

                                      He can not be 4 or 5 because of two reasons: 1) All of his regen is dependent on last hits. 2) He provides very little utility.
                                      He is squishy and low mobility at level 1 which makes him a weak solo offlaner and I don't think dual offlane is a good strategy either in the current meta. But I remember wings playing him mid and liquid and ad finem playing him as a position 1(patch 7.xx).

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                                        lol ok


                                          -1/10 for obvious reason

                                          Erase Humanity

                                            You have not provided any reasoning behind your point. Just referencing some random guy.

                                            Yung Beethoven

                                              Dual Offlane is his best lane. Mid is kind of a waste and as a solo offlane he is way to easy to kill. He isnt good as a support, since his mana regen comes from last hits which normally he doesnt get. His Heartstopper Aura is decent though


                                                in pros he is almost always run as a pos 2 safelaner, kind of the idea of having a greedy mid like dusa or sf or jugg being the true carry while the safelane necro makes space


                                                  Pos 3 most definitely fits him the most now.

                                                  He CAN play pos 2 but its not the most efficient strategy as other real mid laners like sf, ta, zip zap, etc will scale better at later stages of the game and can be as effective early.

                                                  Same as for pos 2, necro can support but his utility is of no match to real supports' like lion, cm, etc


                                                    dual offlane/trilane safe paired with a disabler/mid




                                                        i remember that time when i play necro mid and get mek spam q and mek win game xd


                                                          Like most heroes he can be anywhere on the farm range as long as you adapt your playstyle.

                                                          So long as he can get a scythe off he has contributed enough in a team fight if he is a pos 4/5


                                                            go ward and build radiance. easy pos 6 support core


                                                              money is required for radiance ya think those grow on trees?

                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                eventually after brown boots u can get radiance. Kappa


                                                                  Any instead of supporting


                                                                    Last person who told me to go supp as necro, I told him to f*ck off and explain him about 185 Mana per each Q and he insist that I had to play supp then lash out at me for not healing him when I have made it clear already that Q is not as good as it was in the past in term of healing an allies.

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                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      You should've told him "I have 1337 games on necro, what do you have?"


                                                                        》I immediately regret my decision.