General Discussion

General DiscussionShare your teammates quote that is THAT "stupid" that makes you tilt

Share your teammates quote that is THAT "stupid" that makes you tilt in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Jungle Juggernaut : GG offlane no items report > takes bounty rune , jungle camp for offlane

    Last pick tinker vs slark 4th pick : GG report luna , make madness so soft (???)

    not on my team but : Axe with 25 minute dagger (only tranq + dagger) > EZ MID (blaming his mid)

    this game sometimes agrhhhhhhhhh


      tilts are tilts. I rather have tilted team than loser enemies who leaves and gives me 10-0 and 550 gpm and 490 xpm. you can't do anything about it


      Hi, I see your new here but sorry fellow player, but you will never get proper information in this forum. Because its full of people with life problems and can't deal with them and starts to spam the forum to feel good about themselves and also their 1000 mmr and double down users. If I were you I would move to "DOTADEV" that's where admins of the game and high mmr players with out of this world skills answer all your gaming questions in dota 2. You better leave now and close this site or everyone who is active in this forum will start to give you wrong answers and the other random 1000 mmrs playing with bots will go crazy and starts to spam randomely and trust me your gonna like them very much.

      And also if its not helping you then try the Steam Forum {[ ]} about Dota 2. No one dares to spam or flame there if they want to get instant 2 weeks ban and if they do it again 1 month and again 3 months and then again then they have no choice but to perma-ban them. but you need to unlock a privilage to post to prevent spammers like that person named Jack and that person who thinks he/she is an animal Dog. and those people moved here so they can spam here.

      I also recommend the "Dota 2 Animo App" and chat with 3000-8000 mmr players if both of the following forums are not helpful and the community there are nice people.

      Thank you for your time.
      and btw don't pay attention to them, they're crazy and you know for attention.

      if you cannot find your perfect forum then you don't need one because you are smarter than a forum.

      as you can see "" Copyright 2017 Elo Entertainment LLC. "" Dota 2 is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation.

      its not owned by valve its just some random person made dotabuff alive. so there will be a lot of false things here and puts dota 2's reputation into the ground of bad even how good their reputation is rated on the steam app.


        I dont tilt anymore... if somebody says anything good or bad I just mute him(unless its chat wheel).... however... the word "noob" used to trigger the shit out of literally gives zero information...he doesnt tell me what I did wrong he doesnt tell me what I should have done....its just stupid

        Ce commentaire a été édité

          "maelstrom rush on slardar offlane is good because enemies have PL"

          same game

          "you dont level icepath on jakiro" after diyng 3 times in 5 the same lane as slardar

          insta mute all team


            i actually had someone flame me for being 5k on a 2k smurf

            ''omg 5k trash missed a last hit''



              I am bored, sorry


                sasi pisy

                i still don't know what it means.


                  oh my lord too many to remember in low mmr. that's where the gold mine is.


                    "Slark go lane! Stop coming bottom and mid NOOB!!!!
                    I was slark soloing against viper Ursa dual lane with a jungle lc on my team.
                    You can guess what happened


                      "you f-ed up my last hits by pulling, i couldnt LH under tower"
                      AM to support


                        LC dies randomly in a failed gank. fuck you carry no items (it was early game with fairly solid early game item timings).


                          that actually can happen, some idiot supports pull when enemy is already pushing so you basically lose all your regen under tower


                            "wtf noob why b" when I have a hunch feeling that there are more than 2 heroes coming to kick me and my ganker ass and I was right to back first because as soon as that ganker crossed the line, he can't get away with it without literally paying the price for his trouble.


                              I almost never tilt. The only thing which can tilt me is solo offlane sniper.


                                just what i wanted to say, pulling at wrong time can rly ruin your carys lane and even kill him.


                                  yes pulling when the enemy is pushing is really suboptimal. but i usually dont mind if i can farm safely and my support gets xp without leeching. of course that means that the lane should've been somewhat won already if the support is able to pull. so unless they are running some incredibly aggressive lane - in which case the pulling should not even happen - still much better than an afk leeching support.

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    Mid is always pos 2, safe is always pos 1. Sure thing fam. Lane =/= position =/= role

                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                      "Pudge is not support, he is tanker"

                                      -some random tiny below 1k mmr

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        *enemies just buyback

                                        My carry : g


                                        Mask of Maldness

                                          When I play Invoker mid I gank at lvl 2

                                          - my safelane PA


                                            i feel the sarcasm so strong


                                              team asks for gank from mid when there is a perfectly able support/offlaner, then blames for not saving their lane when I'm taking enemy mid tower at 10 min.


                                                team keeps pinging rax cuz enemy is walking toward t2 meanwhile I'm standing in their barracks taking it out
                                                team flames me on nyx cuz I didn't go into a 3v5 fight while theyre stupidly ahead, as if I cud somehow turn that fight.
                                                theyre basically flaming me for not feeding the enemy team randomly.

                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                  when playing with friends , something that I REALLY HAVE TO ENDURE

                                                  me playing carry , other play as support : "i take 1 range creep , i also need gold" URGHHHH NOOOO


                                                    "im gonna pick bloodseeker, because they got riki"


                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      Getting told to quit dota by the enemy team because I barely give a damn about my teammates' mistakes
                                                      I hope he's still in 2k now

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        i dont give a damn about my team playing like a bunch of retards

                                                        u dont care about ur team? might as well quit dota cuz dota is a team game

                                                        On a solo ranked game
                                                        Good shit

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          the classic one :

                                                          Noob mid no gank

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            I'll pick later

                                                            ga usah sok bule

                                                            Guess what
                                                            I lost that game

                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                              @xf i assume u also indonesian , i know ur pain man , SEA pinoy or Indo both of them can be soooo toxic

                                                              tbh i also babyraged at some games(example : some tilting shit like jungle juggernaut) so .... kinda one of them XD


                                                                so i got matched up with the same guy twice in a row and first picked am both times.
                                                                in the second game he says "u make too many defensive items that's why we lost the game last game" guess what my items were? battlefury and manta xD
                                                                then he says "wtf is that bf shouldve had abyssal instead"

                                                                i dare u to look at the first game (lost one 8 6 4) and if u wanna take a look at the 11 0 one too lol

                                                                Story Time

                                                                  "dont worry we have late game" xD always nice to hear when enemy team has specter/am/luna

                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                    @Story Time
                                                                    tbh on AM (Super Late Game) and Luna is kinda make sense to say that

                                                                    about spectre , nahhhhh


                                                                      *picking phase*

                                                                      some dude on my team 1st pick sniper/riki

                                                                      mmmmmmkayyy seems good


                                                                        There are so many it's literally impossible to remember the most annoying one. But the last one was a Lich calling me a 'n00b retard repooort you see your teammates dying next to you and you JUST FARM' 14 MINUTES in the game. No shit Sherlock, I was playing a fucking ALCHEMIST mid, with no vision nor rotations, got ganked 4 times in 10 minutes while that dumbshit was jerking off top leeching exp from our safelane carry and had like 200 hp 'cause I had just finished farming ancients, with ulti on cd and just pms, boots, quelling blade and armlet. Still got my 15 min radiance, finished 7-slotted with the highest damage dealt to heroes and towers, 400+ cs, went from 0-4 to 11-6 and carried that retard's ass.

                                                                        Fuck you Lich, fuck you (and Riki and CK from the same game too).


                                                                          Ah no, in my last game a CM going yolo vs their mid Puck with OBVIOUS gold and exp advantage, feeding and then blaming me 'cause I couldn't do shit as Pugna with half hp and miles away from the fight. The same CM who forced me, a greedy support, to play pos 5 'cause of course he had to get his 20 minutes midas and was 2gud2supp and went HEAVEN'S HALBERD vs THE DANGEROUS RIGHT-CLICKERS Puck, Timbersaw, Chen, Disruptor and manta AM. 'You're so trash, you know nothing about this game you idiot. Stay in 3k'. I ended the game 5-5-24, bought double the support stuff he got and went from 3989 to 4013 mmr.

                                                                          Halberd CM vs that team composition, 'you know nothing about this game', IS THIS EVEN REAL LIFE!11!!!ONE1!!

                                                                          Fun topic btw, laughed my ass off to the other responses :D

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                            daily reminder that manta and battlefury are defensive items and you have to build vangaurd and god knows what into abyssal because offense is the best defense. weow

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              Classical flame for not joining the chain feed train because of "Wow teamfight!!! Everyone come" is the best

                                                                              Player 345068850

                                                                                "Gg useless support feeder" says the am with no battlefury at 25 mins


                                                                                  Was told by this player

                                                                                  To "get out of my lane retard" at the start of the game when I marked mid on the minimap.


                                                                                    "Noob invoker no gang." at 8mins into the game.

                                                                                    On a side note I don't tilt I will just mute.

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                      He did but he only used sunstrike and missed... and kill stealed a bunch.


                                                                                        "Retard pa no bkb" against 5 heroes with literally 0 non-bkb-piercing spells

                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          if someone helpfully identifies temselves as a retard you have a couple options.

                                                                                          mute them

                                                                                          walk down mid if you know you can tank the reports and the games lost

                                                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                                                            To be honest , the point of this thread was meant (at least for me) to UNLEASH THOSE TILTING QUOTES ARGH.

                                                                                            And read others experiences for know u r not alone in this tilting adventure rofl

                                                                                            One more quote : safe lane PA said "i will buy BF for counter AM manta"
                                                                                            Thx god team can covince PA to just rush deso


                                                                                              As a support, the most anoying quotes are the ones blaming me for not having expensive items (yeah, wards/sentries/dust/smoke cost no gold) or worse, when the carry feeds like a retard and says to the other team "noob support, gg wp plz FF".

                                                                                              "gg support, no miss, we lost" when its Tinker/Storm spirit mid...

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                When we killed all enemy heroes and they had no buyback, and we had a chance to go straight to the ancient, and my carry luna said that "we need to destroy the barracks first for gpm and all the buildings", we lost that game by the way since he pushed both top and bot lanes instead of destroying the ancients. And also when i play earth spirit my retard carry would say "go stack and pull and zone the enemy solo offlaner out" when i should be roaming and ganking, and he actually had a pos 5 hero with him,


                                                                                                  ROFL fucking @dioxgaminpro has everyone figured out it seems. Good fucking shit.

                                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                    Carry fast farm -xp sucking support who single pull 24/7 and rushes aghanim, not getting wards/smoke