General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you win against bane 1v1 mid only?

How do you win against bane 1v1 mid only? in General Discussion


    Sei la

      - pick any other 1v1 power house... Shadow Demon, Broodmother, viper, etc... Usually it's not hard to get massive advantage...
      - And if things get to lvl 6, have some hp items stacked in order not to die to its combo and fight back...
      - I guess you can also just pick sniper and keep a fuckton of distance and go for an extremely long game, as bane's pushing and attack range aren't that good
      - Pick meepo, lone druid or whatever the hell has a second unit to harass it out, or snipe the courier...

      sumail fan

        pick lina, game is over the moment you hit 6. that is assuming of course, that you keep the harass up and not go anywhere near him to brain sap.


          brood mother

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