General Discussion

General DiscussionSven mana regen issues

Sven mana regen issues in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    what do
    how solve

    I really dont feel like building an echo sabre, so I am using tread switching. I use a lot of mana because I want to get a pickoff every time GS is off cooldown, I have a blink and I have mana for my whole kit, but if there are no shrines available it is kinda sad.

    Would going for an early oblivion staff help things? I know stats are terrible for the price but still...

    If I were able to disassemble echo sabre into parts for orchid and BKB it would be a no brainer, but so far I just dont feel like getting another 2k gold item, when I already go for MoM and Blink, and if I go for SnY, that'd be just way too midgame focused.


      use courier to bring in clarities and/or mangos. have a few clarities in backpack if you know you're gonna need them so that you don't keep stealing the courier for a single clarity.

      Riguma Borusu

        Holy shit, I was the one who advocated for this kinda stuff when I first read the 7.00 changelog, but I completely forgot about it when I stopped playing dota.. I even did it in a few legion games in the past few days, but I didnt think much about it.

        Well, there we go, my thread got answered in 1 minute lol.

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          Tread switch for everything, including MoM and TP and get Clarities as Andro said. Aaaaand... spam "I think someone should purchase > Arcane Boots"

          Dark Hunter

            buy a pocket CM.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              You can choose the talent if you have too much problem with mana.



                < blank >


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                      Convince teammate to play cm

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Ye im buying clarities now, my life is so much easier it isn't even funny.

                        I just didn't play dota for a while and I kinda forgot the whole 7.00 ordeal with clarities being kickass and useful on carries.

                        chicken spook,,,,



                            I know what u mean. I'm always running out of mana new build. I'm constantly ferrying clarities.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Dive towers and die, when you res you'll have full mana.

                              No seriously clarities in backpack. I do this on troll since backpack introduction because I like to spam melee whriling axes to farm. 225 dmg for 50 mana is just ridiculous roi but troll's regen sucks.

                              The talent too is good if you need it. 6 str is not that noticeable.


                                Buy soul ring and spam those stuns to oblivion.


                                  Buy Batllefury for health and mana regen plus YOU GET CLEAVE ON SVEN, honestly i wish sven had cleave imagine how much damage he could do in a team fight if he ulted an cleaved whole team. He could probably stop being a support and finally carry... btw im 12

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    Bounty hunter is a safelaner that buys a quick refresher

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Bounty hunter is a safelaner that buys a quick refresher

                                      Bad slahser, bad slahser!


                                        Bounty should just always go eblade Dagon

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          You're not 2 digit kda BH god so shut your stupid mouth
                                          My hidden mmr (2.3k) is higher than average (2.2k) and my insights are accurate due to my sheer knowledge and experience to the game
                                          You, a 1.3k scrub, have nothing to prove here




                                              I find bottle's just fine on Sven. just make sure that your team's item timing can afford you being 700 gold late.

                                              also jdf8

                                                bottles bad bad bad clarities good good good

                                                also jdf8

                                                  hint clarities currently imba as fuck